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Postby EPSILON » Mon Aug 31, 2009 5:02 pm

The staff in Greek foreign ministry is capable to cover the governments micropolitical party's necessities but not the Nation's requirements and defense.
They exersise a very cheap and rediculus foreign policy.
The respective staff of the opposide party (PASOK) are of same level or worst.
As far as technocrats in Athens,dealing with foreign policies analycies are look to copy the masters studies of their universities or to transmit the information they are receiving from embassies of "allies"

Despite all above there are still thinktables in Greek society which can guide the foreign policy to an up/down status.

On 1926, after the populations changed Turkey had 13 million people and Greece 6.5 million.Today Turkey has 75 million and Greece 10.

By 2020 Turkey estimated to have 100 million and Greece 2.5 million by 2080.!!!

The ration 7/10 on military investements has been forgotten long time now.
Greece continue to minimize the military obligation period (just for the politcal parties to obtain votes).
All purchases of military equitments in Greece are subject of pribes and political not military targets.
The Greek state became an anorganized company of people spending money without prodactivity and serious govern.
The Turkish state is continue to educate its young people with Nation's patriotism and National pride. In Greece all political parties are supporting the anti-hellenic retoric , considering still that a junta regime can threat the political system.

Under above situation the Greeks have to negotiate with the dreams of Davoutoglu (Turkish foreign minister) from a thesis near to zero.

There is nothing which can be negotiated exempt the existance of the small Greek state.

Davoutoglu seems to prefer the ottoman status in the ragion than a Turkish ragion power. (He prefers the Otomans status on their relations with other countries and not the Kemalist policy of ocupation of other countries).

Davitoglou seems to not like the role of a ragion power with masters in USA.He wants Turkey as the leader of the Islamic civilization with leadership in countries under Turkey's (Ottomans) control.(not occpation-control).

Greeks can work on Davidoglu's policy and conclude new strageties for their own foreign policy.
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