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The Psychology of the Suicide Bomber

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Postby Oracle » Mon Aug 31, 2009 8:47 am

I was intrigued by GR!'s assertion that EOKA resorted to fighter jets, but could not find any mention of this. However, I found this interesting breakdown of their methods (from the Europe and Cold War Database) which is some evidence that EOKA did seek to minimise human casualties ...

... the military wing of the movement. This became known as EOKA, or National Organisation of Cypriot Fighters. The new organisation was supplied with light weapons and explosives smuggled by sea from Greece.

Trouble began to develop in late 1954, with the arrival of British forces – including the HQ Middle East Command – evacuated from Egypt (thereby turning a “colonial backwater” into a major military strategic base for a foreign power), a British ministerial statement that Cyprus would never be granted independence, and the refusal of the United Nations to consider the Cyprus question. Fierce anti-British riots erupted in March 1955, during the court hearings into a ship caught smuggling arms from Greece to Cyprus. On 1 April 1955 a bombing campaign started with attacks on government buildings at Larnaca, Limassol and Nicosia. After further attacks in the autumn, in which policemen and servicemen were killed, Field Marshal Sir John Harding arrived as Governor, declaring a state of emergency, on 27 November 1955. At that time EOKA sought to gain control over the Greek Cyprus community, harness world opinion and wear down the British until they tired of the struggle. The methods which EOKA used to achieve these aims were a skilful blend of propaganda and military action. On the civil front there were riots, disturbances, boycotts, civil disobedience and strikes. On the military side EOKA fought both an urban and a rural campaign, starting with no more than 100 fighters.

The overall strategy employed by the EOKA insurgents was less strictly military than political: they aimed to mobilise domestic opinion and organise it in a manner that would make government impossible. At the same time they applied gradually increasing pressure through selective paramilitary action. The main weapon of EOKA insurgents became bombs: the Governor, Lord Harding, survived an attempt on his life when his servant, an EOKA agent, placed a bomb in his bed: it was one of 2.976 bombs placed by Cypriot Greeks that either failed to explode or were discovered and rendered ineffective by the security forces. Further 1.782 bombs did explode and accounted for damage to the value of GBP 10 million.

EOKA never expected to achieve a military victory over the British: it sought to neutralise the administration and police and eliminate the Special Branch, thereby depriving the British of vitally needed intelligence. But, the main EOKA method had to be by gun and bomb, the chief targets being British servicemen and installations. Aside from the British, the insurgents were also aiming to eliminate political opponents and manipulate the local population for economic and physical confrontations with the authorities. Violence – mainly in form of sniping and street murder, arson, sabotage and bombings, as well as hit-and-run attacks on isolated police stations and patrols – was the critical element in presenting the insurgent case to the outside world.

By contrast, the Brits gave us all they could! :roll:

Still, after the declaration of state of emergency, the number of British troops was again considerably increased during 1955, and several new units formed. Reinforcements were airlifted by Shackletons from No.42 Squadron RAF, while No.208 Squadron’s Meteor FR.9s flew patrols from Akrotiri and photo-reconnaissance over the Troodos Mountains. The British Army operated Auster AOP.6s of 1910 Flight from Nicosia, Lakatamia and Kermia at the time, while in May 1954, the Search and Rescue (SAR) Flight equipped with Sycamore HC.14 helicopters was formed by RAF in Nicosia. An additional unit, a Flight of the Internal Security force (ISF) was formed in July 1955, and also equipped with Sycamore HR.14s. Helicopters were used to limited extension in autumn 1955, when the British launched operations “Foxhunter”, “Pepperpot”, and “Lucky Alphonse”, with aim of locating Grivas and his supporters. While many of Colonel’s most trusted associates were captured, together with several arms dumps, all these proved vain attempts. Worst yet: the British suffered their worst losses of the whole conflict in a series of “friendly fire” accidents and in a forest fire that swept through the Paphost Forest at a high speed during the later operation.
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Postby miltiades » Mon Aug 31, 2009 9:05 am

There two main purposes it says , what absolute nonsense , there is one only purpose to kill innocent bystanders , they don't give a shit if there are children or pregnant women . It goes on to say such rubbish that these savages are quite "normal people "
Rubbish written by plonkers of the highest level .
Just read this crap :

"""""There are two main purposes of the suicide bomber; to spread terror and to disrupt peace. But then an onlooker would wonder, aren’t there other ways of doing this besides the extreme act of killing yourself? In this respect the social psychologist Albert Bandura (Tangled Roots: Social and Psychological Factors in the Genesis of Terrorism by Jeffrey Ivan Victoroff) presents the very interesting and most relevant notion of moral disengagement. He states that terrorists such as suicide bombers are not abnormal individuals or psychopaths who lack morality not are they hungry to spill the blood of innocent people indiscriminately. Rather on the contrary they are very normal people who under certain circumstances and inducements are capable of selectively extricating their moral code to engage in extreme inhumane conduct. In the case of the Pakistani suicide bomber this inducement would be that the only way to stop the democratic process would be to rip the country apart with anarchism and a ‘revolution’. The carrot to the rabbit in the case of the Pakistani bomber is also the notion that democracy is synonymous with subservience to the United States.""""
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Postby fig head » Mon Aug 31, 2009 9:19 am

i think Suicide Bombers are indeviduals that had been through a brain wash, no one with healthy way of thinking will kill him self! weak minded ppl who cant trust them self so let others control there minds fulling it with load of garbage!.. religion doent make a human being, muslim christian or what ever thats a part of who you are and not what you are.. dont blame indevidual, blam the mind that control those poor ppl that believs on them, and it all comes to money and power in the end, dont tell me that religion wars doesnt profit someone! its sick to kill others and i think its more sick to kill your self..!
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Postby Get Real! » Mon Aug 31, 2009 9:20 am

Oracle wrote:I was intrigued by GR!'s assertion that EOKA resorted to fighter jets, but could not find any mention of this.

:? Those who accuse suicide bombers of being “indiscriminate killers” but American or British fighter jets being “heroic surgical avengers” are nothing but a joke.

PS: It’s very taxing having to spell things out to some people on here.
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Postby fig head » Mon Aug 31, 2009 9:22 am

Get Real! wrote:
Oracle wrote:I was intrigued by GR!'s assertion that EOKA resorted to fighter jets, but could not find any mention of this.

:? Those who accuse suicide bombers of being “indiscriminate killers” but American or British fighter jets being “heroic surgical avengers” are nothing but a joke.

who have the money and control the media get to call who ever they like a hero
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Postby Oracle » Mon Aug 31, 2009 9:30 am

Get Real! wrote:
Oracle wrote:I was intrigued by GR!'s assertion that EOKA resorted to fighter jets, but could not find any mention of this.

:? Those who accuse suicide bombers of being “indiscriminate killers” but American or British fighter jets being “heroic surgical avengers” are nothing but a joke.

PS: It’s very taxing having to spell things out to some people on here.

GR! you have a propensity to tar all with the same brush.

Whereas I would condemn the lack of thought behind suicide attacks enacted in city centres, I would be less critical if they chose their targets with a little more thought ... such as attack the enemy in their military camps, for example!

And where did I ever condone the actions of British or American fighter jets?

In fact, I was shocked when you suggested that EOKA fought in such an indiscriminate manner; hence my post showing they did not!

Can you be a little less careless with your one track mind! :roll:
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Postby miltiades » Mon Aug 31, 2009 9:30 am

Get Real! wrote:
Oracle wrote:I was intrigued by GR!'s assertion that EOKA resorted to fighter jets, but could not find any mention of this.

:? Those who accuse suicide bombers of being “indiscriminate killers” but American or British fighter jets being “heroic surgical avengers” are nothing but a joke.

PS: It’s very taxing having to spell things out to some people on here.

And you are the biggest joke of all. How do you explain these sick bastards blowing them selves up in a mosque for crying out loud , how can you compare this to anything else. You are sick in the mind mate as well as the forums Chief Plonker !
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Postby Get Real! » Mon Aug 31, 2009 9:35 am

miltiades wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Oracle wrote:I was intrigued by GR!'s assertion that EOKA resorted to fighter jets, but could not find any mention of this.

:? Those who accuse suicide bombers of being “indiscriminate killers” but American or British fighter jets being “heroic surgical avengers” are nothing but a joke.

PS: It’s very taxing having to spell things out to some people on here.

And you are the biggest joke of all. How do you explain these sick bastards blowing them selves up in a mosque for crying out loud , how can you compare this to anything else. You are sick in the mind mate as well as the forums Chief Plonker !

Image God, you bore me so much…
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Postby Get Real! » Mon Aug 31, 2009 9:46 am

Oracle wrote:Whereas I would condemn the lack of thought behind suicide attacks enacted in city centres, I would be less critical if they chose their targets with a little more thought ... such as attack the enemy in their military camps, for example!

You ASSUME their targets are always "bad" because that's what the American propaganda machine tells you, but what the Americans don't tell you is that THEY are the ones who instigate the death & destruction at markets etc. Why does a Cypriot forget the “DIVIDE & RULE” tactics of the west so easily?

In fact, I was shocked when you suggested that EOKA fought in such an indiscriminate manner; hence my post showing they did not!

If you're going to comment on "indiscriminate killers" be sure to mention the world's greatest.
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Postby Oracle » Mon Aug 31, 2009 10:03 am

Get Real! wrote:
Oracle wrote:Whereas I would condemn the lack of thought behind suicide attacks enacted in city centres, I would be less critical if they chose their targets with a little more thought ... such as attack the enemy in their military camps, for example!

You ASSUME their targets are always "bad" because that's what the American propaganda machine tells you, but what the Americans don't tell you is that THEY are the ones who instigate the death & destruction at markets etc. Why does a Cypriot forget the “DIVIDE & RULE” tactics of the west so easily?

I do not ASSUME anything ... I saw the aftermath in London, and there wasn't a military post for miles!

As for the rest of your post, save it for Miltiades. You are preaching to the 'converted'.

In fact, I was shocked when you suggested that EOKA fought in such an indiscriminate manner; hence my post showing they did not!

If you're going to comment on "indiscriminate killers" be sure to mention the world's greatest.

I'm not interested in stating the obvious as to who the world's greatest killers have been ... it had nothing to do with the context of the psychology of suicide bombers!

Anyway, I did not describe anyone as "indiscriminate killers". You are getting sloppy!
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