Thank you Paaul12
I am happy to find more resolve than I first imagined.!!!!!!!:)
Oracle wrote:zan wrote:Oracle wrote:zan wrote:Thank you gentlemen!!!!
I am disappointed with Oracle abandoning her scientific background of research though. She seams unable to ask the right questions when it comes to Cyprob. My heroes seem to be disappearing one by one.
Something must have rubbed you up the wrong way to bring you out of retirement, Zan
Did I ask the right question?
Looks to me, so far, that we have hit the nail squarely on the head.
Cyprus it was, it is and it will forever be .....
Turkey can create any number of labels for Turks it disseminates abroad ... but Cyprus it cannot touch as anything other than a sovereign territory to which it has NO legitimate claim!
No retirement dear heart, but more like a sick leave........I have given you the answer to your poorly thought out question....There is no more need to speculate....
Nothing personal Zan, but all Turks should take 'sick leave'
I wish that I could arrange that for you dear Oracle because I know it would send you into a fit of depression and blind panic....