wyoming cowboy wrote:The could call it "New Mongolia", when the english moved to the usa they renamed their new place after the english towns they were from such New England, New York, New Haven....etc, the Turks could call the occuppied areas of Cyprus New Mongolia...just a thought
Hello wyoming cowboy
They could rename it New Mongolia, I can see how that would be deemed appropriate ... but the crux of the matter is that they
They have to stick with using the name
Cyprus because they are afraid of the enormous backlash should they touch that most revered, respected name .... one of the oldest in Europe/World!
It is the 'Achilles Heal' of the
Turkish Expansionism .... they have to rename any newly acquired territory something appropriate (as you say, New Mongolia) but they are IMPOTENT ... they cannot
drop the name Cyprus as they are
afraid of the backlash ... So, "Turks of Cyprus" it is because it can never be Turks of Turkey or Turks of New Mongolia ... Cyprus is a sovereign territory and the Turks
realise that even though they do not admit it ....