Oracle wrote:insan wrote:Oracle wrote:Expatkiwi wrote:Why then does the government in Skope continue to use the name Macedonia despite Greek objections, or why does Mexico retain it's official title of "The United States?". Names are shared and used a lot around the world, and Cyprus is no execption, Oracle.
I don't know about Mexico, but the people of FYROM wish to be identified with the historical Macedonia and its cultural heritage.
Why would Turkey continue to use a name in existence long before they came to Asia Minor (they renamed that area) and with whose original history they do NOT identify.
They had no qualms renaming the villages. Why stop there?
The Turks are not respectors of the traditions of other people. So, why do they do us the "honour" of keeping our traditional, historical name?
There must be an underlying reason they hang on to the name Cyprus .... of some benefit to Turkey!
U complain abt why do Turks hang on the name Cyprus... well.. now u must propose some names to Turks maybe they accept one of ur proposed new names and begin using it insted of Cyprus.![]()
Never say never... maybe one of ur dreams regarding Turks becomes true.
I am not complaining that Turks are hanging on to the name Cyprus ... I question their motives for so doing!
1. Is it that they see the famous, trusted, loved name of Cyprus as just a corporate logo?
2. Do they gain prestige by holding on to the "brand-name" Cyprus?
Or ....
3. Is it simply that dropping the name Cyprus from any of their "constructs" will be one step too many, which will bring the EU ripping into Turkey once and for all time!
Is Turkey too chicken to drop the only recognised name?
Oracle, believe it or not, Turks didn't Turkeyfy the names with the motives based on their nationalistic feelings and thoughts.
Since the Ottoman times, we have pronounced and written some names slightly different and some other names significantly different than how GCs pronounced and written.
Even, almost every village in Cyprus had/has one Greek name(or original name) and one Turkish name.