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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)


Poll ended at Wed Aug 26, 2009 9:25 pm

Total votes : 31

Postby Paphitis » Tue Aug 25, 2009 3:32 am

miltiades wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Miltiades’ sheer hatred of Islam alone is enough to make coexistence with Turkish Cypriots IMPOSSIBLE! :lol:

Unless of course he was planning to baptize them Christian first! :wink:

Islam is a faith with well over a billion followers, the majority of whom are peaceful and moderate people. One has to distinguish between Islam in general and currents such as radical, political Islam or groups who commit extreme acts and attribute these to Islam. To condemn the latter does not imply condemnation of the former.

Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights reads:

Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

This to me is a uiversal human value. If, in parts of the world, people are executed for apsotasy, this infringes on this basic human right and such a practice deserves to be condemned. Miltiades has rightly done this, and has criticised other excesses committed in the name of Islam.

Freedom of conscience is not threatened in the north of Cyprus. The idea that somebody could be executed there for apostasy is absurd. In my opinion, Islam as it is practised by Turkish Cypriots is wonderful. On the other hand, Islam as practised in Saudi Arabia is abhorrent. I am sure that Miltiades would agree with me.

All well and good apart from the fact that he calls Palestinians "savages" for trying to defend their rights and free themselves from the tyranny, genocide and human rights abuses for over half a century.

With such intelligentsia, how on earth can he hold is head up high and condemn the occupation of Cyprus. If it is OK for Israel to ethnically cleanse Palestinians into tiny enclaves, then by default it is OK for Turkey to ethnically cleanse Cypriots from Cyprus.

Such a shame you can't detect the hypocrisy.

Other than that, your post is a good one.

May I correct you here . The savages are those that blow themselves up in public places oblivious and disinterested as to who their victims might be.
Don't lie , show me one post in which I called the Palestinians as savages.
So that the record is straight I consider ALL suicide indiscriminate bombers as a disgrace to humanity and I call them SAVAGES.
Their obscene murderous acts take place in city markets , in Mosques , on buses and in funeral processions for fs. What do you call them mate ?

The fact of the matter is Miltiades, the Palestinians need to be admired, because they are engaged in battle for their very survival on their own traditional lands.

I for one can't help thinking, that if Cypriots remained within their villages in the face of the Turkish onslaught in 74, and engaged them using Guerrilla Tactics, then there would not be a Cyprus Problem today. Sure, many would have died, some blood would be shed, but look where we are now. Half of Cyprus has been Turkified, and Hellenic and Cypriot culture has been erased. Our island is gripped with cancer, and no amount of political maneuvering will reverse the damage completely.

So I take my hat off to the Palestinians, and Cypriots need to look at their valor and their determination to keep their dignity in tact. I would like to think that if any country invaded Australia and occupied a part of it, then every Australian man will head for the hills with what ever they can get hold off, and just pick the bastards off one by one.
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Postby miltiades » Tue Aug 25, 2009 8:16 am

Firstly let me again correct you. The Palestinians are divided amongst themselves with the PLO on one side and Hamas on the other , which in itself is also at odds with the more extremist Islamic elements .
Hamas has the destruction of Israel at the top of its agenda , Hamas has NEVER showed its willingness to negotiate prefering instead the use of violence as its weapon in what they believe its a holy war against the "hated" Jews. Its not long ago that Hamas was engaged in a war against the PLO .
I do not have much respect for any struggle that "enlists" extremists and demands the destruction of a nation .
I have always supported the right of the Palestinians to their own state and that Israel move back to their pre 1967 borders. Before this is achieved recognition by the Palestinians of Israels right to exist is fundamental , without this gesture Israel is very highly unlikely to reced occupied land whih it claims is for its protection.

The Cypriot people have no problem with their dignity . The last 35 years have shown that we are a resilient people , progressive and survivors . We have an economy that was rescued from the ashes , we have the most valuable of all our membership to the EU .Our integrity is solid .
Your comments regarding what the Australians would do if invaded have absolutely no relevance to the Cypriot situation. A political war - Palestinians ought to try it and not listen to those whose views are similar to yours -
is producing results without a single drop of bood being shed. A political war can be won , a polemic one can bring about the destruction of the whole island followed by a Palestinian type of a struggle that will last to the next and the next century.
Be militarily strong is correct and proper under the curent circumstances , invite war and violence is not only catastrophic is bloody stupid.
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Postby miltiades » Tue Aug 25, 2009 8:25 am

Floda wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Floda wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Floda wrote:Miltiades has proven himself incapable of discussing any matter which is contrary to his own opinions without resorting to insult and foul language on almost EVERY occasion.

He invariably attempts to stultify those in opposition to his views by introducing either the well documented views of professionals, (subsequently hoping that they will be received as his own) OR, by hurling insult and abusive language at those who oppose him, fully aware that the respectability of the opposition forbids them to react in like fashion.

The man is to be pitied rather than laughed at since his long relationship with the country of his choice (England) has honed him into a replication of a typical English peasant, both in his demeanour AND his vocabulary.

One wonders just what his objectives are NOW, since he has spent the last fifty years emulating the inhabitants of his 'preferred' domain, does he really expect to become an acceptable spokesperson for those 'Patriotic Cypriots' who remained steadfast when times were hard.

Is it possible that by deluding himself, he hopes to erase the memories of those who now proudly recall how they surmounted the awful oppression of the past, whilst HE ensconced his miserable self in the bosom of the nation that plotted and participated in the destruction of our homeland.

NOW, witness to what lengths (or depths) he will travel (or descend) in order to extricate a vote for some form of recognition of his worth as a spokesperson, I personally consider him a complete waste of space, I am sure I am not alone. IMHO. :roll: :wink:

Floda , fuck of !

My word miltiades, now that IS constructive (and quite typical unfortunately). :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: :wink:

Yes mate , I wish people like me back in the 60s and in particular in 1974 stood up and told wankers such as you to get lost , murderous thugs with Greece up their arses who gifted a part of our island to Turkey.
I wish that Miltiades's were around in 74 to tell the Greek wankers of the Junta to go fuck them selves , I wish we stood up to the likes of you back then . We did not and today we have Turkey on our shores and the only power that will sent the Tts home are the T/Cs , stupid plonkers can not see it.

Well miltiades, I must confess that your response above threw me off guard momentarily, quite a cunning attempt to camouflage your cowardice I suggest but ultimately a poor excuse for such.

However, since you have mentioned the 60's and selected 1974 for special mention, I wonder if you have ever considered the fact that 'People like you' (as you mention somewhat) would be of little use in ANY conflict since 'Turncoats' and 'Treasonous Cowards' are more of a danger to their comrades than the actual enemy.

You speak bold words NOW miltiades, but your courage failed you as a young man, it will not sustain you in your old age.

Stay at 'Home' in England miltiades, leave the affairs of Cyprus to 'The Young Lions' who were bred from the stock of 'True Patriotic Cypriots'. :wink:

Stupid , I will tell you for the last time and I do hope your brain is where it should be so that it can absorb these facts.
As a young man from 1958 , age 12 , to the end of the struggle I did what many of my contemporaries did and joined ANE . The struggle ended in 1959 . Cyprus became an independed nation in August of 1960 . I , along with thousands of young Cypriots emigrated to the UK , Australia, South Africa and some to the USA in search of education and a better standard of living. In 1961 Mr Plonker there was no conflict .More than two hundred thousand Cypriots emigrated , why is it that a moron like you sees this as treasonous. Now shut up and concentrate on less demanding subjects , you are too stupid to get involved in politics.
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Postby EPSILON » Tue Aug 25, 2009 8:50 am

miltiades wrote:
Floda wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Floda wrote:Miltiades has proven himself incapable of discussing any matter which is contrary to his own opinions without resorting to insult and foul language on almost EVERY occasion.

He invariably attempts to stultify those in opposition to his views by introducing either the well documented views of professionals, (subsequently hoping that they will be received as his own) OR, by hurling insult and abusive language at those who oppose him, fully aware that the respectability of the opposition forbids them to react in like fashion.

The man is to be pitied rather than laughed at since his long relationship with the country of his choice (England) has honed him into a replication of a typical English peasant, both in his demeanour AND his vocabulary.

One wonders just what his objectives are NOW, since he has spent the last fifty years emulating the inhabitants of his 'preferred' domain, does he really expect to become an acceptable spokesperson for those 'Patriotic Cypriots' who remained steadfast when times were hard.

Is it possible that by deluding himself, he hopes to erase the memories of those who now proudly recall how they surmounted the awful oppression of the past, whilst HE ensconced his miserable self in the bosom of the nation that plotted and participated in the destruction of our homeland.

NOW, witness to what lengths (or depths) he will travel (or descend) in order to extricate a vote for some form of recognition of his worth as a spokesperson, I personally consider him a complete waste of space, I am sure I am not alone. IMHO. :roll: :wink:

Floda , fuck of !

My word miltiades, now that IS constructive (and quite typical unfortunately). :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: :wink:

Yes mate , I wish people like me back in the 60s and in particular in 1974 stood up and told wankers such as you to get lost , murderous thugs with Greece up their arses who gifted a part of our island to Turkey.
I wish that Miltiades's were around in 74 to tell the Greek wankers of the Junta to go fuck them selves , I wish we stood up to the likes of you back then . We did not and today we have Turkey on our shores and the only power that will sent the Tts home are the T/Cs , stupid plonkers can not see it.

T/cs to sent Turks home?!!!!Where you was Milti when your friend T/cs were digging the tunels in Sakharia (1963-1974) and preparing the fields in NE Cyprus in order they welcome the angels coming from Turkey? T/cs my friend (exempt of course very few) are these who were and still supporting your land enslave for the simple reason that this make them to feel clever and powerful. I remind you that all these leading in North as Turkish army representatives in negotiations are T/cs and not Turks.
They are just using ideas such as yours to improve their status as a separate state , selling to morons like you love and flowers.
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Postby Floda » Tue Aug 25, 2009 9:05 am

miltiades wrote:
Floda wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Floda wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Floda wrote:Miltiades has proven himself incapable of discussing any matter which is contrary to his own opinions without resorting to insult and foul language on almost EVERY occasion.

He invariably attempts to stultify those in opposition to his views by introducing either the well documented views of professionals, (subsequently hoping that they will be received as his own) OR, by hurling insult and abusive language at those who oppose him, fully aware that the respectability of the opposition forbids them to react in like fashion.

The man is to be pitied rather than laughed at since his long relationship with the country of his choice (England) has honed him into a replication of a typical English peasant, both in his demeanour AND his vocabulary.

One wonders just what his objectives are NOW, since he has spent the last fifty years emulating the inhabitants of his 'preferred' domain, does he really expect to become an acceptable spokesperson for those 'Patriotic Cypriots' who remained steadfast when times were hard.

Is it possible that by deluding himself, he hopes to erase the memories of those who now proudly recall how they surmounted the awful oppression of the past, whilst HE ensconced his miserable self in the bosom of the nation that plotted and participated in the destruction of our homeland.

NOW, witness to what lengths (or depths) he will travel (or descend) in order to extricate a vote for some form of recognition of his worth as a spokesperson, I personally consider him a complete waste of space, I am sure I am not alone. IMHO. :roll: :wink:

Floda , fuck of !

My word miltiades, now that IS constructive (and quite typical unfortunately). :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: :wink:

Yes mate , I wish people like me back in the 60s and in particular in 1974 stood up and told wankers such as you to get lost , murderous thugs with Greece up their arses who gifted a part of our island to Turkey.
I wish that Miltiades's were around in 74 to tell the Greek wankers of the Junta to go fuck them selves , I wish we stood up to the likes of you back then . We did not and today we have Turkey on our shores and the only power that will sent the Tts home are the T/Cs , stupid plonkers can not see it.

Well miltiades, I must confess that your response above threw me off guard momentarily, quite a cunning attempt to camouflage your cowardice I suggest but ultimately a poor excuse for such.

However, since you have mentioned the 60's and selected 1974 for special mention, I wonder if you have ever considered the fact that 'People like you' (as you mention somewhat) would be of little use in ANY conflict since 'Turncoats' and 'Treasonous Cowards' are more of a danger to their comrades than the actual enemy.

You speak bold words NOW miltiades, but your courage failed you as a young man, it will not sustain you in your old age.

Stay at 'Home' in England miltiades, leave the affairs of Cyprus to 'The Young Lions' who were bred from the stock of 'True Patriotic Cypriots'. :wink:

Stupid , I will tell you for the last time and I do hope your brain is where it should be so that it can absorb these facts.
As a young man from 1958 , age 12 , to the end of the struggle I did what many of my contemporaries did and joined ANE . The struggle ended in 1959 . Cyprus became an independed nation in August of 1960 . I , along with thousands of young Cypriots emigrated to the UK , Australia, South Africa and some to the USA in search of education and a better standard of living. In 1961 Mr Plonker there was no conflict .More than two hundred thousand Cypriots emigrated , why is it that a moron like you sees this as treasonous. Now shut up and concentrate on less demanding subjects , you are too stupid to get involved in politics.

Not quite true miltiades, a more accurate description of your past history would surely read a little differently albeit that the actual dates might tally.

I would imagine that a fairer reconstruction of the events which surrounded your departure from OUR country would be as follows:-

Like every other person of young age, you were obliged to 'Join Up' since failure to do so would expose your timorous nature and leave you subject to ridicule by your peers.

Upon reaching the age when you SHOULD have (in keeping with most youths of 15 or so years) felt the first bursts of manliness throbbing in your veins and coursing through your being, you decided to make a bolt for the door (just as a dog with a red hot poker up it's backside would do) and fled to the comparitive safety of the UK.

Thus, you embraced the protection of the nation which was instrumental in the destruction of mine (Cyprus).

You have since become so Anglicised that you now stand firmly in the ranks of the oppressive forces (metaphorically of course) and are prepared to underwrite ANY atrocity committed by either they or their allies.

NOW, after the heat has died down a little and you perceive that as Cyprus is an EU member (thus entitled to some extra protection) you feel that you should be reinstated as a Cypriot :roll: , your feeble attempts to convince others of your 'Patriotism' are quite laughable miltiades, you are back where you started as a twelve year old, ridiculed by your peers and as timorous as ever (despite your filthy language and bold posturing) such a pity that a man of your age should have to resort to such measures in order to qualify his own being.

Stay where you are miltiades, Cyprus does not need your input, leave us to our own devices, there are many 'Young Lions' in our midst, the brave Sons and Grandsons of those who stood their ground and suffered whilst others fled in terror. :wink:
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Postby miltiades » Tue Aug 25, 2009 9:10 am

Shut up stupid !
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Postby denizaksulu » Tue Aug 25, 2009 9:27 am

Floda wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Floda wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Floda wrote:Miltiades has proven himself incapable of discussing any matter which is contrary to his own opinions without resorting to insult and foul language on almost EVERY occasion.

He invariably attempts to stultify those in opposition to his views by introducing either the well documented views of professionals, (subsequently hoping that they will be received as his own) OR, by hurling insult and abusive language at those who oppose him, fully aware that the respectability of the opposition forbids them to react in like fashion.

The man is to be pitied rather than laughed at since his long relationship with the country of his choice (England) has honed him into a replication of a typical English peasant, both in his demeanour AND his vocabulary.

One wonders just what his objectives are NOW, since he has spent the last fifty years emulating the inhabitants of his 'preferred' domain, does he really expect to become an acceptable spokesperson for those 'Patriotic Cypriots' who remained steadfast when times were hard.

Is it possible that by deluding himself, he hopes to erase the memories of those who now proudly recall how they surmounted the awful oppression of the past, whilst HE ensconced his miserable self in the bosom of the nation that plotted and participated in the destruction of our homeland.

NOW, witness to what lengths (or depths) he will travel (or descend) in order to extricate a vote for some form of recognition of his worth as a spokesperson, I personally consider him a complete waste of space, I am sure I am not alone. IMHO. :roll: :wink:

Floda , fuck of !

My word miltiades, now that IS constructive (and quite typical unfortunately). :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: :wink:

Yes mate , I wish people like me back in the 60s and in particular in 1974 stood up and told wankers such as you to get lost , murderous thugs with Greece up their arses who gifted a part of our island to Turkey.
I wish that Miltiades's were around in 74 to tell the Greek wankers of the Junta to go fuck them selves , I wish we stood up to the likes of you back then . We did not and today we have Turkey on our shores and the only power that will sent the Tts home are the T/Cs , stupid plonkers can not see it.

Well miltiades, I must confess that your response above threw me off guard momentarily, quite a cunning attempt to camouflage your cowardice I suggest but ultimately a poor excuse for such.

However, since you have mentioned the 60's and selected 1974 for special mention, I wonder if you have ever considered the fact that 'People like you' (as you mention somewhat) would be of little use in ANY conflict since 'Turncoats' and 'Treasonous Cowards' are more of a danger to their comrades than the actual enemy.

You speak bold words NOW miltiades, but your courage failed you as a young man, it will not sustain you in your old age.

Stay at 'Home' in England miltiades, leave the affairs of Cyprus to 'The Young Lions' who were bred from the stock of 'True Patriotic Cypriots'. :wink:


I find your constant harrassment of Miltiades annoying. Since the 1940's onwards, tens of thousands of Cypriots have had to leave Cyprus seeking their fortune or for a better life than that had existed in Cyprus at the time. Your constant attacks on a young lad arriving in the UK at such tender age is also an attack on these other unfortunate Cypriots - Greek and TurkishCypriots.
My father , aunt and uncle left Cyprus in 1939 with a group of their Greek Cypriot neighbours and joined an already existing Cypriot community in London. Do you also condemn these people? These Cypriots were, with their hard work, able to support their families in the villages. Their families left behind in Cyprus were very dependant on these monies sent over.
Debate Milti's policies by all means. I also disagree with his ideas re the USA and the middle east, but you are getting more personal with your attacks. In my eyes (not that you care) you are a 'wind-up-merchant' and you know what buttons to push to get Milti 'going'. I suspect Milti's language turns you on and cannot get enough.

Regards.........................change your tune ffs. :roll:
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Postby Floda » Tue Aug 25, 2009 9:56 am

denizaksulu wrote:
Floda wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Floda wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Floda wrote:Miltiades has proven himself incapable of discussing any matter which is contrary to his own opinions without resorting to insult and foul language on almost EVERY occasion.

He invariably attempts to stultify those in opposition to his views by introducing either the well documented views of professionals, (subsequently hoping that they will be received as his own) OR, by hurling insult and abusive language at those who oppose him, fully aware that the respectability of the opposition forbids them to react in like fashion.

The man is to be pitied rather than laughed at since his long relationship with the country of his choice (England) has honed him into a replication of a typical English peasant, both in his demeanour AND his vocabulary.

One wonders just what his objectives are NOW, since he has spent the last fifty years emulating the inhabitants of his 'preferred' domain, does he really expect to become an acceptable spokesperson for those 'Patriotic Cypriots' who remained steadfast when times were hard.

Is it possible that by deluding himself, he hopes to erase the memories of those who now proudly recall how they surmounted the awful oppression of the past, whilst HE ensconced his miserable self in the bosom of the nation that plotted and participated in the destruction of our homeland.

NOW, witness to what lengths (or depths) he will travel (or descend) in order to extricate a vote for some form of recognition of his worth as a spokesperson, I personally consider him a complete waste of space, I am sure I am not alone. IMHO. :roll: :wink:

Floda , fuck of !

My word miltiades, now that IS constructive (and quite typical unfortunately). :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: :wink:

Yes mate , I wish people like me back in the 60s and in particular in 1974 stood up and told wankers such as you to get lost , murderous thugs with Greece up their arses who gifted a part of our island to Turkey.
I wish that Miltiades's were around in 74 to tell the Greek wankers of the Junta to go fuck them selves , I wish we stood up to the likes of you back then . We did not and today we have Turkey on our shores and the only power that will sent the Tts home are the T/Cs , stupid plonkers can not see it.

Well miltiades, I must confess that your response above threw me off guard momentarily, quite a cunning attempt to camouflage your cowardice I suggest but ultimately a poor excuse for such.

However, since you have mentioned the 60's and selected 1974 for special mention, I wonder if you have ever considered the fact that 'People like you' (as you mention somewhat) would be of little use in ANY conflict since 'Turncoats' and 'Treasonous Cowards' are more of a danger to their comrades than the actual enemy.

You speak bold words NOW miltiades, but your courage failed you as a young man, it will not sustain you in your old age.

Stay at 'Home' in England miltiades, leave the affairs of Cyprus to 'The Young Lions' who were bred from the stock of 'True Patriotic Cypriots'. :wink:


I find your constant harrassment of Miltiades annoying. Since the 1940's onwards, tens of thousands of Cypriots have had to leave Cyprus seeking their fortune or for a better life than that had existed in Cyprus at the time. Your constant attacks on a young lad arriving in the UK at such tender age is also an attack on these other unfortunate Cypriots - Greek and TurkishCypriots.
My father , aunt and uncle left Cyprus in 1939 with a group of their Greek Cypriot neighbours and joined an already existing Cypriot community in London. Do you also condemn these people? These Cypriots were, with their hard work, able to support their families in the villages. Their families left behind in Cyprus were very dependant on these monies sent over.
Debate Milti's policies by all means. I also disagree with his ideas re the USA and the middle east, but you are getting more personal with your attacks. In my eyes (not that you care) you are a 'wind-up-merchant' and you know what buttons to push to get Milti 'going'. I suspect Milti's language turns you on and cannot get enough.

Regards.........................change your tune ffs. :roll:

The tens of thousands of Cypriots you have made mention of may well have departed in search of a better life and Good Luck to them.

Any that I have met (and I have met many) still retain some of the respect for others that was inbred in them in their youth and Good Luck to them also.

None that I have met have become so enamoured with the culture of their new country as miltiades seems to have become, quite frankly, I find his devotion absolutely disgusting.

As to debating with the man, what you suggest is a virtual impossibility since he is incapable of debate (IMHO) he is THE most foul mouthed and insulting member of the forum (again IMHO) whose very attitude is the reason for why I oppose him so strongly.

The proposals put forward by him are almost always the well documented opinions of those who are responsible for the destruction of Cyprus (politicians) and any 'FOOL' can present such opinions, embellished of course by a little filthy language for any person with the temerity to disagree.

I consider miltiades to be a cancerous influence and I will contest him whenever he spouts his nonsense, particularly so when he resorts to insult and abuse.

Perhaps "I" may even be the one who cures him of his disgusting habit, greater miracles have occurred in the past I'm sure. 8) :lol:
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Postby miltiades » Tue Aug 25, 2009 10:04 am

Floda , do me a favour , fuck off !!!
What a Plonker you are young lady !!
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Postby Floda » Tue Aug 25, 2009 10:15 am

miltiades wrote:Floda , do me a favour , fuck off !!!
What a Plonker you are young lady !!

Wrong again miltiades BUT, if I were, do you consider your outbursts a suitable manner in which to address one ?.

Yet another example of how well Anglicised you have become, a 'Credit' to your new status and a particular insult to the nation which you claim to have spawned you (Cyprus) originally. (IMHO) :roll:
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