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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)


Poll ended at Wed Aug 26, 2009 9:25 pm

Total votes : 31

Postby Tim Drayton » Mon Aug 24, 2009 6:17 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Miltiades’ sheer hatred of Islam alone is enough to make coexistence with Turkish Cypriots IMPOSSIBLE! :lol:

Unless of course he was planning to baptize them Christian first! :wink:

Islam is a faith with well over a billion followers, the majority of whom are peaceful and moderate people. One has to distinguish between Islam in general and currents such as radical, political Islam or groups who commit extreme acts and attribute these to Islam. To condemn the latter does not imply condemnation of the former.

Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights reads:

Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

This to me is a uiversal human value. If, in parts of the world, people are executed for apsotasy, this infringes on this basic human right and such a practice deserves to be condemned. Miltiades has rightly done this, and has criticised other excesses committed in the name of Islam.

Freedom of conscience is not threatened in the north of Cyprus. The idea that somebody could be executed there for apostasy is absurd. In my opinion, Islam as it is practised by Turkish Cypriots is wonderful. On the other hand, Islam as practised in Saudi Arabia is abhorrent. I am sure that Miltiades would agree with me.

All well and good apart from the fact that he calls Palestinians "savages" for trying to defend their rights and free themselves from the tyranny, genocide and human rights abuses for over half a century.

With such intelligentsia, how on earth can he hold is head up high and condemn the occupation of Cyprus. If it is OK for Israel to ethnically cleanse Palestinians into tiny enclaves, then by default it is OK for Turkey to ethnically cleanse Cypriots from Cyprus.

Such a shame you can't detect the hypocrisy.

Other than that, your post is a good one.

Certainly, although I respect his views, I disagree with Miltiades' stance on a great many global issues. Perhaps because I am an atheist I analyse these things in political rather than religious terms, and so perhaps do not perceive the hypocrisy that you seem to detect. Certain Western powers seem to want to return to the classic era of imperialism and are trampling on the rights of self determination of various peoples. These peoples are, quite rightly, resisting. The fact that most of these peoples are Muslims is to me co-incidental. Possibly I am missing something in so believing. Even so, I do not think that Miltiades is hostile to the majority of decent, peaceful people who consider themselves to be followers of Islam and also respect universal human rights. It is certainly absurd to brand him as anti-TC simply because he vocally opposes the excesses of militant Islam.
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Postby Oracle » Mon Aug 24, 2009 6:27 pm

I think Paphitis' and GR!'s votes should be combined as fundamentally their views on the CyProb are very similar ... with only the Choirokitian/Greek dichotomy identifying the two.

That agreed: Paph-GR! have 14 votes to Miltiades' 9 votes!

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Postby miltiades » Mon Aug 24, 2009 6:32 pm

EPSILON wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:miltiades your views are only those of a very small minority and getting Tcs to believe it is the majority is very dangerous as you leave them exposed to the likes of the GRs and Paphitis.

That is where you are wrong VP . My views are those of the overwhelming majority .

If your views were accepted by G/cs majority then we would be already a Turkey's territory- For the simple reason that Turks like people of no id and make them Turks in few mnts. Calculate the population of Turkey today and read Turkish history. You are almost ready

Why ? Can you back your stupid assertion with one word in any of my posts ?
Put up or skase !!
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Postby miltiades » Mon Aug 24, 2009 6:38 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Miltiades’ sheer hatred of Islam alone is enough to make coexistence with Turkish Cypriots IMPOSSIBLE! :lol:

Unless of course he was planning to baptize them Christian first! :wink:

Islam is a faith with well over a billion followers, the majority of whom are peaceful and moderate people. One has to distinguish between Islam in general and currents such as radical, political Islam or groups who commit extreme acts and attribute these to Islam. To condemn the latter does not imply condemnation of the former.

Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights reads:

Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

This to me is a uiversal human value. If, in parts of the world, people are executed for apsotasy, this infringes on this basic human right and such a practice deserves to be condemned. Miltiades has rightly done this, and has criticised other excesses committed in the name of Islam.

Freedom of conscience is not threatened in the north of Cyprus. The idea that somebody could be executed there for apostasy is absurd. In my opinion, Islam as it is practised by Turkish Cypriots is wonderful. On the other hand, Islam as practised in Saudi Arabia is abhorrent. I am sure that Miltiades would agree with me.

As you so rightly say to condemn absurdities and vicious cruelty does not make one anti Islam .
I asked a perfectly civil question to our Muslim friend asking if he condones the killing of some one that leaves Islam. He confirmed that he is in full agreement.
What is one suppose to counter this nonsense with !

Let me also add that right now in Pakistan the army , Muslims , is engaged in a war to defeat Islamic extremists , surely the army is not anti Islam anymore than I'm .
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Postby EPSILON » Mon Aug 24, 2009 6:42 pm

miltiades wrote:
EPSILON wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:miltiades your views are only those of a very small minority and getting Tcs to believe it is the majority is very dangerous as you leave them exposed to the likes of the GRs and Paphitis.

That is where you are wrong VP . My views are those of the overwhelming majority .

If your views were accepted by G/cs majority then we would be already a Turkey's territory- For the simple reason that Turks like people of no id and make them Turks in few mnts. Calculate the population of Turkey today and read Turkish history. You are almost ready

Why ? Can you back your stupid assertion with one word in any of my posts ?
Put up or skase !!

Miltiades, den prokeite na skaso!! I will not allow you to die unless you became a fanatic Greek!!!
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Postby miltiades » Mon Aug 24, 2009 6:43 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Miltiades’ sheer hatred of Islam alone is enough to make coexistence with Turkish Cypriots IMPOSSIBLE! :lol:

Unless of course he was planning to baptize them Christian first! :wink:

Islam is a faith with well over a billion followers, the majority of whom are peaceful and moderate people. One has to distinguish between Islam in general and currents such as radical, political Islam or groups who commit extreme acts and attribute these to Islam. To condemn the latter does not imply condemnation of the former.

Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights reads:

Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

This to me is a uiversal human value. If, in parts of the world, people are executed for apsotasy, this infringes on this basic human right and such a practice deserves to be condemned. Miltiades has rightly done this, and has criticised other excesses committed in the name of Islam.

Freedom of conscience is not threatened in the north of Cyprus. The idea that somebody could be executed there for apostasy is absurd. In my opinion, Islam as it is practised by Turkish Cypriots is wonderful. On the other hand, Islam as practised in Saudi Arabia is abhorrent. I am sure that Miltiades would agree with me.

All well and good apart from the fact that he calls Palestinians "savages" for trying to defend their rights and free themselves from the tyranny, genocide and human rights abuses for over half a century.

With such intelligentsia, how on earth can he hold is head up high and condemn the occupation of Cyprus. If it is OK for Israel to ethnically cleanse Palestinians into tiny enclaves, then by default it is OK for Turkey to ethnically cleanse Cypriots from Cyprus.

Such a shame you can't detect the hypocrisy.

Other than that, your post is a good one.

May I correct you here . The savages are those that blow themselves up in public places oblivious and disinterested as to who their victims might be.
Don't lie , show me one post in which I called the Palestinians as savages.
So that the record is straight I consider ALL suicide indiscriminate bombers as a disgrace to humanity and I call them SAVAGES.
Their obscene murderous acts take place in city markets , in Mosques , on buses and in funeral processions for fs. What do you call them mate ?
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Postby Byron » Mon Aug 24, 2009 7:00 pm

Could someone please kindly explain - In which way are the three members constructive to the Cyprus Problem without having to read all their posts ?

No presentation has been presented for each candidate !!!
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Postby EPSILON » Mon Aug 24, 2009 7:06 pm

Byron wrote:Could someone please kindly explain - In which way are the three members constructive to the Cyprus Problem without having to read all their posts ?

No presentation has been presented for each candidate !!!

Psyfise kai mhn psachneis. Pisteve kai mh erevna!!
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Postby Byron » Mon Aug 24, 2009 7:10 pm

EPSILON wrote:
Byron wrote:Could someone please kindly explain - In which way are the three members constructive to the Cyprus Problem without having to read all their posts ?

No presentation has been presented for each candidate !!!

Psyfise kai mhn psachneis. Pisteve kai mh erevna!!

Nobody votes blind my friend. :?
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Postby EPSILON » Mon Aug 24, 2009 7:13 pm

Byron wrote:
EPSILON wrote:
Byron wrote:Could someone please kindly explain - In which way are the three members constructive to the Cyprus Problem without having to read all their posts ?

No presentation has been presented for each candidate !!!

Psyfise kai mhn psachneis. Pisteve kai mh erevna!!

Nobody votes blind my friend. :?

Are you sure? why then all idiots became PM and presidents?
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