MR-from-NG wrote:DT. wrote:MR-from-NG wrote:
One more thing, as long as you shout at the top of your voice that us TCs "ARE NOT CYPRIOTS" you will keep inviting trouble for the island of Cyprus. Once you accept this fact then we can all live in peace.
I know Kikapu and Deniz would not be bothered with you shouting we are not Cypriots and still suck up to you but those 2 are an exception to the rule.
Mr-from-NG I'd be bringing this up with talat and his regime. As far as I know it was the high command that ordered the re-branding of Turkish Cypriots into Turks of Cyprus recently.
Halil has more details.
Hi DT, nice to hear from you. IF I wanted to be amongst Turks I would live in Turkey. The high command can ask what they like it cant change facts, how can they or I call myself anything other than Cypriot. I don't even use the stupid surname they imposed on me abbot 10 years ago.
My passport and utility bills are all under my real name, not some made up fucking name imposed on me by the fucking morons in Ankara.
But you (plural) are happy to take the money from the Ankara morons to prop up your false economy and live on what from your point of view is Fantasy Island.