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Re: Dissenting Iranian youths raped

Postby Exorcist-seeker » Sun Aug 23, 2009 1:11 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Talisker wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Talisker wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Talisker wrote:Shocking article in The Times today. ... 805885.ece

It is important that these stories get out, but I fear for Reza's safety now.

I think that the revolutionary dissidents need to assist him to get out of Iran, because the authorities have threatened to execute if he made his ordeal public. The 15 year old is now suicidal, and needs some urgent help and counseling. Perhaps the US, UK, Canada or Australia could offer the boy and his family asylum. :(

Doubt he'll be allowed to leave that easily unfortunately even if asylum was offered.

What is they just take the boy to a foreign embassy?

Perhaps there are ways to smuggle him out.

I just noticed that the real identities of all persons mentioned in the article have been withheld, for obvious reasons...

The real tragedy is that Iran could be the regional powerhouse, having a fantastic cultural legacy, an abundance of natural resources and a vital strategic location. My Dad worked there for a few years, loved it, but unfortunately had to leave during the revolution. I think it is a fascinating country, and the recent history itself is very interesting. I really hope it becomes possible to believe they can have a democratically-elected government, albeit within the background of a theocracy.

Hi Talisker,

I have never been to Iran myself, but have been to a couple of other countries in the region.

As far as I'm concerned, the Iranian people are lovely, and their Government is just not representative of their true nature. We have a small Iranian Community in Australia, and you just can't fault their work ethic or sincerity. They, like Cypriots, have endured a lot and are such a gentle people.

It is a real shame that their Government does not have the best interests of the Iranian people at heart. The nation itself should be one of the wealthiest in the world, and instead it is one of the poorest. The country could have chosen to follow in the footsteps of the UAE, but instead has adopted a destructive theocracy, where its leaders have and are continuously violating the human rights of their own citizens.

On a brighter note, I personally take comfort in knowing that the Iranian people are increasingly fed up, as we witnessed just after their last "elections". Slowly but surely, the Iranian people will take control of their country and then proceed to build a nation which will realise its full potential and become a regional powerhouse, and more democratic.

The resilience of the Iranian people is quite remarkable.

Couldn’t of said it better myself. Iran’s current position comes down to there supreme leader Ali Khamenei, who does not have the best interest of the Iranian people at heart. His objective is to become a regional powerhouse & unfortunately he is willing to use force to maintain his current position of authority. If he is willing to use force against his own people then what kind of force would he use against foreign countries. The Iranian people are sick of there current government & want them out (hence so many protests recently).
Read this post i am going to put up now: ... 538613.ece

The only reason Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has the support of Ali Khamenei is because of his hate for the west. He is a terrorist himself.
Last edited by Exorcist-seeker on Sun Aug 23, 2009 1:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Exorcist-seeker » Sun Aug 23, 2009 1:12 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Exorcist-seeker wrote:Firstly Hitler killed over 6 million jews over a 6 year period.. do you seriously think Ahmadinejad could exceed that amount in 1 go? No he couldnt exactly, maybe tens of thousands & even hundreds of thousands with the right nuclear war head... but not over 6 million people, as soon as they launched a warhead Israel, America, UK, France would completly rip them apart (if they launched 1st with no provocation with pure intent just to kill jews). Secondly i supply facts with internet links as support & my case is he is like Hitler, i see no objection or clear debate from you. All i see is personal insults on your own opinion and my user name.

Will you ever stop contradicting yourself? One minute he’s like Hitler and the next he hasn’t got a chance to be like Hitler! :roll: I’m bored of your unstable mind girl… :? :lol:

So your basically sittin here saying that the Iran goverment would be in the right position to declare Jihad on Israel? a Holy war for what? so muslims can rule the entire middle east & slowly creep into europe.

I said all that? Amazing! :lol:

Get-Real im starting to think your an illegal Cypriot Turk (ie a muslim).

And how would that be relevant to you inciting a strike on Iran? :?

If Iran were in the same position as Israel (60/80 nuclear warheads) then 2 things would happen, 1: Israel would be nuked and a nuclear war would happen which would destroy the world. 2: before that war Turkey who are Irans closest allies would get Irans support to occupy the whole of cyprus & trust me they would. Then again as i think your a muslim i guess you like that idea!

If the world will be destroyed I hardly think we should worry about what Turkey might do two seconds before! :roll: :lol:

You’re just not convincing enough dude… you need to add more spices to your story! :D

Get real you talk complete bollocks. Come back with a sensible debate and we will talk.
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Re: Dissenting Iranian youths raped

Postby Talisker » Sun Aug 23, 2009 1:50 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Talisker wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Talisker wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Talisker wrote:Shocking article in The Times today. ... 805885.ece

It is important that these stories get out, but I fear for Reza's safety now.

I think that the revolutionary dissidents need to assist him to get out of Iran, because the authorities have threatened to execute if he made his ordeal public. The 15 year old is now suicidal, and needs some urgent help and counseling. Perhaps the US, UK, Canada or Australia could offer the boy and his family asylum. :(

Doubt he'll be allowed to leave that easily unfortunately even if asylum was offered.

What is they just take the boy to a foreign embassy?

Perhaps there are ways to smuggle him out.

I just noticed that the real identities of all persons mentioned in the article have been withheld, for obvious reasons...

The real tragedy is that Iran could be the regional powerhouse, having a fantastic cultural legacy, an abundance of natural resources and a vital strategic location. My Dad worked there for a few years, loved it, but unfortunately had to leave during the revolution. I think it is a fascinating country, and the recent history itself is very interesting. I really hope it becomes possible to believe they can have a democratically-elected government, albeit within the background of a theocracy.

Hi Talisker,

I have never been to Iran myself, but have been to a couple of other countries in the region.

As far as I'm concerned, the Iranian people are lovely, and their Government is just not representative of their true nature. We have a small Iranian Community in Australia, and you just can't fault their work ethic or sincerity. They, like Cypriots, have endured a lot and are such a gentle people.

It is a real shame that their Government does not have the best interests of the Iranian people at heart. The nation itself should be one of the wealthiest in the world, and instead it is one of the poorest. The country could have chosen to follow in the footsteps of the UAE, but instead has adopted a destructive theocracy, where its leaders have and are continuously violating the human rights of their own citizens.

On a brighter note, I personally take comfort in knowing that the Iranian people are increasingly fed up, as we witnessed just after their last "elections". Slowly but surely, the Iranian people will take control of their country and then proceed to build a nation which will realise its full potential and become a regional powerhouse, and more democratic.

The resilience of the Iranian people is quite remarkable.

Hey, Paphitis, we gotta stop agreeing all the time! :lol:

I'm no fan of Ahmadinejad, but could accept him as President prior to the recent election as it seemed he had been democratically elected at that time. Don't think that's the case now. I predict a bleak future ahead if he remains in power without a popular mandate.
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Postby Get Real! » Sun Aug 23, 2009 2:42 pm

Exorcist-seeker wrote:Get real you talk complete bollocks. Come back with a sensible debate and we will talk.

So comparing Ahmadinejad to Hitler is considered a sensible discussion eh? :lol:

Dude, forget this forum… go to a Jewish coffee shop where I’m sure you’ll find a more receptive audience for your drivel. :lol:
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Postby Exorcist-seeker » Sun Aug 23, 2009 3:21 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Exorcist-seeker wrote:Get real you talk complete bollocks. Come back with a sensible debate and we will talk.

So comparing Ahmadinejad to Hitler is considered a sensible discussion eh? :lol:

Dude, forget this forum… go to a Jewish coffee shop where I’m sure you’ll find a more receptive audience for your drivel. :lol:

Why is comparing Ahmadinejad to Hitler such a terrible discussion? Hitler killed Jews & Ahmadinejad wants to kill Jews. Hitler wanted & strived for a Nuclear Warhead, Ahmadinejad seeks & strives to have a Nuclear weapon. The German people in 1932 appointed Hindenburg as the countries president to stop Hitler getting into power.
In 2009 the elections in Iran clearly show (after many protests & other examples) the Iranian people voted for Mir-Hossein Mousavi to be there next president, but the rigged elections prevented this.

The Iranian people do not want Ahmadinejad as there president, the supreme leader Ali Khamenei wants him as President.

(and don’t try & come back with the fact Hindenburg appointed Hitler as Chancellor of Germany whilst he was president, I’m aware of this... the point I’m making is that the people did not want Hitler in power originally as the Iranian people do not want Ahmadinejad in power).
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Postby Get Real! » Sun Aug 23, 2009 3:35 pm

Exorcist-seeker wrote:Hitler killed Jews & Ahmadinejad wants to kill Jews.

Why use an assumption when you can use a fact…

“Hitler killed Jews and Israel has since killed countless Lebanese and Palestinians.”

Exorcist-seeker wrote:Hitler wanted & strived for a Nuclear Warhead, Ahmadinejad seeks & strives to have a Nuclear weapon.

Again, replace the assumption with fact and you get…

“Hitler wanted & strived for a Nuclear Warhead, Israel ALREADY HAS PLENTY of nuclear warheads and it’s a matter of time before they use them.”

You need to replace all the assumptions in your head with FACTS. Do you now see why nobody takes you seriously? :lol:
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Postby Exorcist-seeker » Sun Aug 23, 2009 3:57 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Exorcist-seeker wrote:Hitler killed Jews & Ahmadinejad wants to kill Jews.

Why use an assumption when you can use a fact…

“Hitler killed Jews and Israel has since killed countless Lebanese and Palestinians.”

Exorcist-seeker wrote:Hitler wanted & strived for a Nuclear Warhead, Ahmadinejad seeks & strives to have a Nuclear weapon.

Again, replace the assumption with fact and you get…

“Hitler wanted & strived for a Nuclear Warhead, Israel ALREADY HAS PLENTY of nuclear warheads and it’s a matter of time before they use them.”

You need to replace all the assumptions in your head with FACTS. Do you now see why nobody takes you seriously? :lol:

People do take my opinion seriously, but when you’re trying to disregard what i say as nonsense it makes it more clear that I actually have a clear point. You can’t exactly say they are assumptions can you when things like this are said...

'Iran's new president created a sense of outrage in the west yesterday by describing Israel as a "disgraceful blot" that should be "wiped off the face of the earth".' (the full article)

He clearly states Jews should be killed so how can I be making an assumption when that’s his intent.

Israel has had Nuclear weapons since the 1960/70's.. they have not used them yet so I doubt they will.
I don’t think anywhere in the middle east should have nuclear weapons including Israel, in fact I would go as far as saying nuclear production should be stopped worldwide & no country should have a nuclear arsenal.. It gets pointless when two countries like Russia & the USA have so many thousands of nuclear warheads, which would inevitably destroy the world in a 3rd world war... but that brings me onto the fact Russia & the USA have a agreement to reduce their nuclear amount gradually. ... clear-deal
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Postby Get Real! » Sun Aug 23, 2009 4:12 pm

Exorcist-seeker wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Exorcist-seeker wrote:Hitler killed Jews & Ahmadinejad wants to kill Jews.

Why use an assumption when you can use a fact…

“Hitler killed Jews and Israel has since killed countless Lebanese and Palestinians.”

Exorcist-seeker wrote:Hitler wanted & strived for a Nuclear Warhead, Ahmadinejad seeks & strives to have a Nuclear weapon.

Again, replace the assumption with fact and you get…

“Hitler wanted & strived for a Nuclear Warhead, Israel ALREADY HAS PLENTY of nuclear warheads and it’s a matter of time before they use them.”

You need to replace all the assumptions in your head with FACTS. Do you now see why nobody takes you seriously? :lol:

People do take my opinion seriously, but when you’re trying to disregard what i say as nonsense it makes it more clear that I actually have a clear point. You can’t exactly say they are assumptions can you when things like this are said...

'Iran's new president created a sense of outrage in the west yesterday by describing Israel as a "disgraceful blot" that should be "wiped off the face of the earth".' (the full article)

He clearly states Jews should be killed so how can I be making an assumption when that’s his intent.

Israel has had Nuclear weapons since the 1960/70's.. they have not used them yet so I doubt they will.
I don’t think anywhere in the middle east should have nuclear weapons including Israel, in fact I would go as far as saying nuclear production should be stopped worldwide & no country should have a nuclear arsenal.. It gets pointless when two countries like Russia & the USA have so many thousands of nuclear warheads, which would inevitably destroy the world in a 3rd world war... but that brings me onto the fact Russia & the USA have a agreement to reduce their nuclear amount gradually. ... clear-deal

Like I said, your theories would be GOLD in a Jewish coffee shop but not here!

I’m only interested in FACTS and what nations DO, but I haven’t the slightest bit of interest in what nations SAY or what some say they MIGHT DO!

Now, to make our time more worthwhile why don’t you immerse yourself in this thread with some FACTS…

…and I’ll see you there.
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Postby Exorcist-seeker » Sun Aug 23, 2009 4:32 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Exorcist-seeker wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Exorcist-seeker wrote:Hitler killed Jews & Ahmadinejad wants to kill Jews.

Why use an assumption when you can use a fact…

“Hitler killed Jews and Israel has since killed countless Lebanese and Palestinians.”

Exorcist-seeker wrote:Hitler wanted & strived for a Nuclear Warhead, Ahmadinejad seeks & strives to have a Nuclear weapon.

Again, replace the assumption with fact and you get…

“Hitler wanted & strived for a Nuclear Warhead, Israel ALREADY HAS PLENTY of nuclear warheads and it’s a matter of time before they use them.”

You need to replace all the assumptions in your head with FACTS. Do you now see why nobody takes you seriously? :lol:

People do take my opinion seriously, but when you’re trying to disregard what i say as nonsense it makes it more clear that I actually have a clear point. You can’t exactly say they are assumptions can you when things like this are said...

'Iran's new president created a sense of outrage in the west yesterday by describing Israel as a "disgraceful blot" that should be "wiped off the face of the earth".' (the full article)

He clearly states Jews should be killed so how can I be making an assumption when that’s his intent.

Israel has had Nuclear weapons since the 1960/70's.. they have not used them yet so I doubt they will.
I don’t think anywhere in the middle east should have nuclear weapons including Israel, in fact I would go as far as saying nuclear production should be stopped worldwide & no country should have a nuclear arsenal.. It gets pointless when two countries like Russia & the USA have so many thousands of nuclear warheads, which would inevitably destroy the world in a 3rd world war... but that brings me onto the fact Russia & the USA have a agreement to reduce their nuclear amount gradually. ... clear-deal

Like I said, your theories would be GOLD in a Jewish coffee shop but not here!

I’m only interested in FACTS and what nations DO, but I haven’t the slightest bit of interest in what nations SAY or what some say they MIGHT DO!

Now, to make our time more worthwhile why don’t you immerse yourself in this thread with some FACTS…

…and I’ll see you there.

Haha i wont defend Israel and I don’t agree 100% with their policies, but then again I don’t agree with Palestine’s policies also, they both provoke each other & I’ve accepted that maybe there will never be any peace in that region of the world. But what we don’t need is 2 countries in that region with a Nuclear arsenal, Israel should be disarmed but more nuclear weapons in the middle east will be a disaster for the rest of the world. My stance is againts Iran having a nuclear weapon, as i think they are the most superior country in the region with the potential to act on there ambitions.
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Postby Get Real! » Sun Aug 23, 2009 4:46 pm

Exorcist-seeker wrote:My stance is againts Iran having a nuclear weapon, as i think they are the most superior country in the region with the potential to act on there ambitions.

If the history of military aggression is anything to go by… then if you can trust the US and Israel with nuclear weapons you can trust anyone! :lol:
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