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Invade Iran & stop there illegal nuclear project!!

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Re: Dissenting Iranian youths raped

Postby Talisker » Sat Aug 22, 2009 6:18 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Talisker wrote:Shocking article in The Times today. ... 805885.ece

It is important that these stories get out, but I fear for Reza's safety now.

I think that the revolutionary dissidents need to assist him to get out of Iran, because the authorities have threatened to execute if he made his ordeal public. The 15 year old is now suicidal, and needs some urgent help and counseling. Perhaps the US, UK, Canada or Australia could offer the boy and his family asylum. :(

Doubt he'll be allowed to leave that easily unfortunately even if asylum was offered.
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Re: Dissenting Iranian youths raped

Postby Paphitis » Sat Aug 22, 2009 6:43 pm

Talisker wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Talisker wrote:Shocking article in The Times today. ... 805885.ece

It is important that these stories get out, but I fear for Reza's safety now.

I think that the revolutionary dissidents need to assist him to get out of Iran, because the authorities have threatened to execute if he made his ordeal public. The 15 year old is now suicidal, and needs some urgent help and counseling. Perhaps the US, UK, Canada or Australia could offer the boy and his family asylum. :(

Doubt he'll be allowed to leave that easily unfortunately even if asylum was offered.

What is they just take the boy to a foreign embassy?

Perhaps there are ways to smuggle him out.

I just noticed that the real identities of all persons mentioned in the article have been withheld, for obvious reasons...
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Postby yialousa1971 » Sat Aug 22, 2009 6:47 pm

Svetlana wrote:I think, Duncan, that if you were part of a race which had been persecuted for the last 2000 years and that if you now lived in a country surrounded by antagonistic nations - and not far from a nucleur nation, Iran, which has vowed to destroy you, then perhaps you would wish to arm yourself as well as you could.

As for the US being run 'by the Jews', the last time I looked, neither the President nor the Vice President were of the Jewish persuasion, nor are the majority of the two Houses. There are 32 Jewish people in the House of Representatives (out of 435) and 13 in the Senate (out of 100).

Still, don't let me get in the way of your racial prejudicies......


Do you wear blinkers? Obama is Jewish (his mother is Jewish so according to Jewish law that makes him a Jew). Should we not state the obvious?
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Postby yialousa1971 » Sat Aug 22, 2009 6:50 pm

Free Spirit wrote:As an add on to the above post Japan was offered, by a third party, the opportunity to surrender, they were informed/warned of the capabilities that would be brought against them but the manic generals reused the offer.
Japan did extremely well by the US after their surrender; they owe it to their own generals for the nuclear carnage they suffered.

Are you a veteran of the Yom Kipperwar? :lol:
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Re: Invade Iran & stop there illegal nuclear project!!

Postby yialousa1971 » Sat Aug 22, 2009 6:52 pm

Exorcist-seeker wrote:This is a hot debate & i anticipate many different views, but it all comes down to 1 thing. Iran wants to have Nuclear war heads, with 1 purpose & thats to use them on there neighbouring countries, or as far as they can launch them. This is an unstable country with an Illegal goverment in power as the rigged elections show.. This is not a president the people wanted & their human rights have been breached, they clearly have no freedom of speech & vote. The days of evil tyrants are over & Mahmoud Ahmadinejad needs to stand down & let his people have the right to choose there own leader. There Nuclear project needs to be stopped as soon as possible, im fully aware the USA helped them start there nuclear program in the 1950's but that was before the Iran Revolution. There talks they want 19 Nuclear power plants for peaceful reasons, this is a clear front as they seek a Weapon of Mass Destrection for un-peaceful reasons, we all know they want to bomb Israel. We need to act now (the UN) and disarm Iran with force.

Are you another veteran of the Yom Kipper war? :lol:
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Postby yialousa1971 » Sat Aug 22, 2009 7:04 pm

DUNCAN wrote:There is only one criminal regime in that area and that is Israel who have possessed Nuclear Weapons against UN resolutions for years. Their continued agressive theft and invasion of more and more Arabic land is a disgrace and, if it were not for the US (which is run by the jews anyway) supporting every criminal act they make the world would be a safer place. Let Iran have their nuclear bombs if they want them and I hope they bomb the hell out of Israel. The Arabic Nations were friendly to the west until we all started supporting that venomous bunch of thugs who have invented a "religion" to support their crimes.

Very good summary of what has happened in the Middle East but I think it would better if all the nukes where removed from Israel rather than Iran gain them. Then watch the Jews run faster than the speed of light!
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Re: Dissenting Iranian youths raped

Postby Talisker » Sat Aug 22, 2009 7:09 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Talisker wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Talisker wrote:Shocking article in The Times today. ... 805885.ece

It is important that these stories get out, but I fear for Reza's safety now.

I think that the revolutionary dissidents need to assist him to get out of Iran, because the authorities have threatened to execute if he made his ordeal public. The 15 year old is now suicidal, and needs some urgent help and counseling. Perhaps the US, UK, Canada or Australia could offer the boy and his family asylum. :(

Doubt he'll be allowed to leave that easily unfortunately even if asylum was offered.

What is they just take the boy to a foreign embassy?

Perhaps there are ways to smuggle him out.

I just noticed that the real identities of all persons mentioned in the article have been withheld, for obvious reasons...

The real tragedy is that Iran could be the regional powerhouse, having a fantastic cultural legacy, an abundance of natural resources and a vital strategic location. My Dad worked there for a few years, loved it, but unfortunately had to leave during the revolution. I think it is a fascinating country, and the recent history itself is very interesting. I really hope it becomes possible to believe they can have a democratically-elected government, albeit within the background of a theocracy.
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Postby Exorcist-seeker » Sat Aug 22, 2009 7:50 pm

Paphitis wrote:...and yet most Cypriots support Iran obtaining a nuclear capability! :roll:

I think the radiation from the sun might have had an effect on their brains, so imagine what a nuclear holocaust will do... :roll:

Why do Cypriots support Irans intent to have a Nuclear weapon, when Iran are close allies with Turkey.. Do you (Greek Cypriots) really think that it is a good idea?? I dont recognise the opinion of a Turkish Cypriot as there illegal intruders of Cyprus & need to be pushed back to the seas and made to swim home!!

Get Real! wrote:
CBBB wrote:I agree with everything you said, but I still would not be very happy with Iran having nukes!!! I am not happy about Israel having them either, but it is too late to do anything about that.

For whatever it’s worth, the US is the ONLY country in the world to have ever used WMDs against humanity, killing 140,000 people in Hiroshima, and 80,000 in Nagasaki in one go!

The US is also the biggest abuser of the “Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty” which was intended to control the spread of nuclear weapons, by assisting India, Pakistan, Israel, and God knows who else to attain them!

Therefore, if I take FACTS into consideration as opposed to western media hype, it becomes VERY clear which country is the world’s most dangerous.

The USA only used a Nuclear bomb as Germany, Soviet Union & the USA all had the Nuclear race to make a Nuclear bomb, Germany sought after a Nuclear bomb for over 4 years, it was Hitlers main objective & one of his main priorities to win the war. Do you think Hitler would of hesitated for 1 second to bomb allied troops if he had a Nuclear warhead?? (He would of needed a thousand Nuclear warhead to break Great Britain in 2, we saved Europe from complete domination from Nazi Germany). The numbers killed (140,000 Hiroshima, and 80,000 in Nagasaki) by the USA is only a small amount compared to the number that would of been killed if Germany/Japan had a Nuclear warhead.

Paphitis wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
CBBB wrote:I agree with everything you said, but I still would not be very happy with Iran having nukes!!! I am not happy about Israel having them either, but it is too late to do anything about that.

For whatever it’s worth, the US is the ONLY country in the world to have ever used WMDs against humanity, killing 140,000 people in Hiroshima, and 80,000 in Nagasaki in one go!

The US is also the biggest abuser of the “Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty” which was intended to control the spread of nuclear weapons, by assisting India, Pakistan, Israel, and God knows who else to attain them!

Therefore, if I take FACTS into consideration as opposed to western media hype, it becomes VERY clear which country is the world’s most dangerous.

Great stuff...however, you will pay a heavy price if you are wrong just because you allow your anti American feelings get the better of you.

Don't ever think that this is a risk we are prepared to take, because I don't no about you, but I want my child to live and not be incinerated by some crazed Islamic Nation that wants to destroy Israel, leading to a nuclear holocaust killing millions and possibly destroying the whole world. :roll:

I agree with Paphitis, Iran are a 'Crazed Islamic Nation', all Muslims want to do is rule the world & rule with terror. Look at Cyprus, Turkish Muslims illegally ocupying the land, its happening on your own door step. Any President on the planet who says 'Israel should be wiped off the face of the earth' does not deserve to be a President. His a mad man.

Talisker wrote:Shocking article in The Times today. ... 805885.ece

What a disgrace, You people support a country like this? Your anti-american stance is blinding you from the fact Iran are a disgrace. Disagree with America but do not hate them as they seek world peace. Iran torture & have 15 year old boys raped & beaten. This is what you people support?? Can i also state 1 thing.. Iran law states a 9 Year Old girl can marry a man of any age with there parents consent & have sexual activity. Well support a country of peadophiles if you must. ... 6443842931

what a disgrace!!!!
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Postby Exorcist-seeker » Sat Aug 22, 2009 7:55 pm

30 christians arrested bcus they are not Muslims. What a disgrace!!! Im expecting GET-REAL to lick some Muslim arse again & again lick he does!!
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Postby Talisker » Sat Aug 22, 2009 8:13 pm

Exorcist-seeker wrote:
Talisker wrote:Shocking article in The Times today. ... 805885.ece

What a disgrace, You people support a country like this? Your anti-american stance is blinding you from the fact Iran are a disgrace. Disagree with America but do not hate them as they seek world peace. Iran torture & have 15 year old boys raped & beaten. This is what you people support?? Can i also state 1 thing.. Iran law states a 9 Year Old girl can marry a man of any age with there parents consent & have sexual activity. Well support a country of peadophiles if you must. ... 6443842931

what a disgrace!!!!

I'll think you'll find the UK is not that popular with the Iranian authorities at present on account of our protests at the election outcome and aftermath.
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