Svetlana wrote:I think, Duncan, that if you were part of a race which had been persecuted for the last 2000 years and that if you now lived in a country surrounded by antagonistic nations -
How, why and where that country called “Israel” came about is the crux of the regional dispute itself, and not to mention the Israeli attitude thereafter since its formation but a simple picture speaks a thousand words…

If Germany has wronged the Jews why are the Palestinian people being made to pay for it?
...and not far from a nucleur nation, Iran, which has vowed to destroy you, then perhaps you would wish to arm yourself as well as you could.
Seeing that threats are a deciding factor for you in determining who is “good” and who is “bad”… I've literally lost count how many times Israel threatened to attack and destroy Iran, but a quick search turned up a few thousand hits including... ... =351020101, action always speaks much louder than words so you might want to research how many neighbors Iran has attacked in the last 50 odd years compared to Israel…
As for the US being run 'by the Jews', the last time I looked, neither the President nor the Vice President were of the Jewish persuasion, nor are the majority of the two Houses. There are 32 Jewish people in the House of Representatives (out of 435) and 13 in the Senate (out of 100).
Trust unkie GR when he tells you that this is the REAL United States government website..., don't let me get in the way of your racial prejudicies...... lana
Don't let me get in your way of your ignorance on the matter Lana...