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Invade Iran & stop there illegal nuclear project!!

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Re: Dissenting Iranian youths raped

Postby Free Spirit » Wed Aug 26, 2009 9:21 am

Get Real! wrote:1. The US is the ONLY country in the world to have ever used WMDs against humanity, killing 140,000 people in Hiroshima, and 80,000 in Nagasaki in one go!Now wake up!
Still playing that red herring again I see.
Let's once again put the record straight.
1) The japanese knew/were informed of the US nuclear capability and were given the opportunity to surrender before and after the first atom bomb was dropped.

2) It was the Japanese generals who wanted the war to continue.

3) The balance was 220,000 Japanese or 220,000 allied servicemen from countries who had already lost many hundreds of thousands throught manic fascists.

4) The Soviets were preparing to invade the northeren Japanese island which would have widened drasticly the earena of the 'Cold War'.

5) The only thing that you do is to take every opportunity to slag off the US/West to the point that you have now become the forums village idiot with the anti West/Israel bile that you spout.
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Postby miltiades » Wed Aug 26, 2009 10:07 am

He has the Americanico daxtilo up his rear !!
A common trait amongst disillusioned intellectual dwarfs !!
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Postby Floda » Wed Aug 26, 2009 11:06 am

"Invade Iran and stop their illegal Nuclear Project !!" is the title to this thread.

Whereas one can appreciate the fact that the prospect of Iran acquiring a nuclear weapon (or weapons) may cause much consternation to other countries or nations (Israel in particular as usual), I do wonder how the term 'Illegal' is invariably attached to Iran's ambitions to develop what they insist is a desirable source of domestic power for them.

Since there are so many other uses for 'nuclear power' (other than weaponry) why is there so much fear that Iran may catch up with Western technology?.

If the acquisition of 'nuclear power' IS illegal, then surely the same legal yardstick must apply to ALL other nations that have developed such power, or are we once again dealing with situations which allow the Western powers to force those nations opposed to their concepts of 'Democracy' to comply ?.

Whatever evils the Iranians are allegedly planning (and I personally believe there are none such) they MUST pale into insignificance when compared with those perpetrated in recent history by the very Western powers which have 'Illegalised' any actions by the Iranians to move forward technologically.

I strongly suspect that only the Israeli's would be able to throw any light on the truth of the matter. (IMHO :wink:
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Re: Dissenting Iranian youths raped

Postby Get Real! » Wed Aug 26, 2009 3:34 pm

Free Spirit wrote:
Get Real! wrote:1. The US is the ONLY country in the world to have ever used WMDs against humanity, killing 140,000 people in Hiroshima, and 80,000 in Nagasaki in one go!Now wake up!
Still playing that red herring again I see.
Let's once again put the record straight.
1) The japanese knew/were informed of the US nuclear capability and were given the opportunity to surrender before and after the first atom bomb was dropped.

2) It was the Japanese generals who wanted the war to continue.

3) The balance was 220,000 Japanese or 220,000 allied servicemen from countries who had already lost many hundreds of thousands throught manic fascists.

4) The Soviets were preparing to invade the northeren Japanese island which would have widened drasticly the earena of the 'Cold War'.

5) The only thing that you do is to take every opportunity to slag off the US/West to the point that you have now become the forums village idiot with the anti West/Israel bile that you spout.

I stated an undeniable FACT relevant to this thread but you’re just trying to undermine it by attempting to justify it! :roll:

You’re a bad advocate of war criminals! :lol:
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Re: Dissenting Iranian youths raped

Postby Get Real! » Wed Aug 26, 2009 3:42 pm

Paphitis wrote:Did you not notice how GR! manipulated my post or derived a different meaning to suit his argument. Defeats the purpose of debate really. Where did I say that Iranians were unfit for weapons grade uranium because Iranian citizens have a lower standard of living than Americans... :lol:

It is a society's morality I was referring too. And that is not to say that the Iranian people are immoral, but their despotic Government is, and for many reasons. Not to mention their strong rhetoric identifying their Strategic Position about destroying Israel. So what are the options?

So what exactly is your “logic” in determining who should have nuclear weapons if all that I've posted doesn't count? :lol:

Israel is also threatening Iran all the time (where have you been?) so what's this "logical" point you're trying to make? :roll:

And what could be more despotic than George Bush's two terms in office? :lol:

Get out of here Paphitis! :lol:
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Postby Get Real! » Wed Aug 26, 2009 4:02 pm

miltiades wrote:He has the Americanico daxtilo up his rear !!
A common trait amongst disillusioned intellectual dwarfs !!

We have an entire thread dedicated to that... :D
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Postby Get Real! » Wed Aug 26, 2009 4:09 pm

Further reading...

The Big Lie: ‘Iran Is a Threat’

Who Are The Fanatics? by Paul Craig Roberts

US/UK Atrocities against the children of Iraq...

Israeli war crimes in pictures... ... 48&start=0

Al-Qaeda is a complete fabrication...
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Re: Dissenting Iranian youths raped

Postby Talisker » Sun Aug 30, 2009 10:23 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Talisker wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Perhaps the Paphitis scale of Nuclear Armament fitness is a good way of making such assessments!

It is a very simple philosophy and it goes something like this:

If you yourself are willing to live within a particular society, such as the US for example, because you believe that their society is somewhat democratic and generally good, although not perfect because there is no such thing, then these societies are "fit" for nuclear armaments.

If you yourself are NOT willing to live in a particular society, such as Iran for example, because you deem it to be a gross violator of human rights, its people are oppressed, live in difficult circumstances, and because the country is run by a religious tyrant hell bent on staying in power at all costs, women are stoned to death for being raped, and has vowed to crush The Israeli State whilst its own people live in poverty etc etc...then such a country is not fit for nuclear armaments.

Of course, it is better if no nation had nuclear armaments, but this unfortunately is unrealistic and impossible for the time being... :(

All just common sense really.... 8)

Paphitis, thanks for the free tour of how your irrational mind works which is purely based on stereotypical western racist hype, because while it is true that Iranian citizens don’t have as good a lifestyle as American citizens, it’s hardly a factor in determining which country is more likely to use a WMD!!! :roll:

What you need to look at is a country’s FOREIGN POLICY and history of military aggression, because after all we are talking about the likelihood of launching nuclear missiles, not enforcing the burkha on one’s citizens! :roll:

Once again, here’s how a RATIONAL mind works…

1. The US is the ONLY country in the world to have ever used WMDs against humanity, killing 140,000 people in Hiroshima, and 80,000 in Nagasaki in one go!

2. The US is also the biggest abuser of the “Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty” which was intended to control the spread of nuclear weapons, by assisting India, Pakistan, Israel, and God knows who else to attain them!

3. No other country in the history of mankind has setup so many coups in other nations, installed so many puppet governments, erected so many military bases to enable meddling in other countries, and manipulated UN Security Council and General Assembly resolutions to their favor, conducted countless financial aid blackmails, and so much more, than the US!

4. Overall, the US is responsible for more death & destruction in the last 60 odd years than the rest of the world put together!

5. The US has the UNNECCESSARY NUCLEAR CAPABILITY to destroy the world many times over!

Now wake up!

Paphitis, what you talking about? This is one of your 'bolt-from-the-blue-complete-bollocks' posts. :lol: I find myself in agreement with GR! on this one!!!!!!! :shock:

I find this difficult to believe Talisker... :lol:

Did you not notice how GR! manipulated my post or derived a different meaning to suit his argument. Defeats the purpose of debate really. Where did I say that Iranians were unfit for weapons grade uranium because Iranian citizens have a lower standard of living than Americans... :lol:

It is a society's morality I was referring too. And that is not to say that the Iranian people are immoral, but their despotic Government is, and for many reasons. Not to mention their strong rhetoric identifying their Strategic Position about destroying Israel. So what are the options?

Well, the US will certainly try and manipulate Iran to not produce a bomb but allow them to obtain the capability of nuclear grade fuel for their own national pride, and to also produce electricity. This would probably suit the US, as they would be keen to avoid another costly war. So perhaps the US is Engineering Iranian Nuclear Policy (Interesting!).

But if the Americans believe that this is not the case, then I'm certain they would be considering a preemptive strike, because if they do not, Israel will. Not a very good picture. I'm certain there are thousands analyzing every single possible outcome, and the actions of the US (or Israel) will be dictated by this very analysis.

GR! likes to portray himself as wanting the best for Iran and its people. This is not the case, because if he did, then he would have supported the Iranian dissidents efforts to end the Tyranny in Iran after the last "election". He would have supported Iran fulfilling its true potential and become a wealthy, vibrant, and powerful nation within the region. But as you can see, GR! does not give a damn about Iran or its people. GR! just tries to push his own selfish agenda and crusade against the west... :lol:

Back to ww2. This war was basically 2 wars rolled into one. There was the war in Europe, and the war in the Pacific. In the Pacific, Japan was fighting both the US and Australia, whilst these 2 nations were fighting on 2 fronts, the Pacific and Europe.

The allies were very fortunate in the fact that the Germans and Japanese did not really collaborate and formulate a combined strategy in WW2. The Japanese waged their own war for their own self interest. For example, when France fell, the Japanese took advantage of this and invaded Vietnam. When Holland fell, they invaded the Dutch colonies.

If the Japanese did develop a combined strategy with their Nazi ally, then the Japanese would have moved west from China towards the Russian front, thus surrounding the Russians. If this happened, then it would have been all over for Europe and no doubt Hitler would have won the war.

That is one thing, but in 1945, as the war in Europe was ending, there was no sign of an unconditional Japanese surrender. This left us with the ghastly option of invading Japan itself, killing a huge number of allied troops and civilians. The cost was deemed far too high, especially after D Day, and allied forces were already tired. An invasion of Japan could have gone on for years, possibly even a decade. The Japanese do not believe in surrender. So the option was a nuclear strike on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I don't like the fact that nuclear weapons were used, but what was the alternative?

Europe must accept its share of the responsibility in all this. Because the Pacific nations sent vital assets to Europe to fight the Nazis, which even left Australia exposed to Japanese invasion at one point. Our forces were already depleted. So when America dropped this bomb on Hiroshima, they did it on behalf of all allies, including Australia. It ended the war! And thankfully, these nuclear weapons have never been used since then by any nation.

So what is the difference between that and the Allied blitz and invasion of Nazi Germany? How many Germans were killed as a result of this blitz. And how many allied troops were KIA?

Obviously, it was no different. It is just that the Hiroshima, and Nagasaki Hydrogen Bombs were a much more efficient way of killing people and ending the war, without jeopardizing our troops in a costly invasion which would have went on for years. Both America and Australia just did not have the nerve.

And whilst the Americans and Australians were running from the Japanese gauntlet. where were our European allies? Both countries assisted Europe as much as possible, and Europe was not willing to offer anything in return, even after the war in Europe had ended. :roll:

So when our European "allies" thank us for our contributions in ww2, don't expect this to be reciprocated from either the US or Australia. :evil:

All I can say is thank heavens for Pearl Harbor! What a stupid blunder... :shock:

Good rebuttal, Paphitis. :lol:

So, you've made clear your reasons why Iran should not be allowed nuclear weapons. And given your comments in another thread about the State of Israel, and above about society's morality (or the government within that society which purports to represent the people) as an indicator of fitness to be allowed nuclear capability - should Israel have the bomb? Moot point as there is no choice in the matter, but it does mean it's neighbours will want nuclear capability as well.
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Re: Dissenting Iranian youths raped

Postby Paphitis » Mon Aug 31, 2009 6:27 am

Talisker wrote:
Good rebuttal, Paphitis. :lol:

So, you've made clear your reasons why Iran should not be allowed nuclear weapons. And given your comments in another thread about the State of Israel, and above about society's morality (or the government within that society which purports to represent the people) as an indicator of fitness to be allowed nuclear capability - should Israel have the bomb? Moot point as there is no choice in the matter, but it does mean it's neighbours will want nuclear capability as well.

It was not a rebuttal.

It is just my opinion and stance on whether Iran should or should not be allowed to develop Nuclear Weapons. In the end, I remain unconvinced that this is Iran's intention.

Ideally, Israel should not have been allowed to have the bomb either. And yes, I find Israel's actions against Palestine very barbaric, so for me at least, the morality of the Israeli Government is just as suspect as Iran's Government.

But what Israel has proven, if it indeed has these weapons, is that it is unwilling to use them. Just because Israel might have these weapons is no justification for Iran also developing the same capability, because if that were the case, then other countries would want to develop the same capability in the future. So where will it all end? In the end the world would just became a little less safe, and it would probably be a matter of time before someone decides to push the button, leading to destruction on a unprecedented scale.

Furthermore, I also understand that should Iran acquire this capability, then preemptive missile strikes would become a certainty, and possibly even a large scale invasion. I really don't want to see this happen at all. Iran should tone down the rhetoric and concentrate on removing the sanctions imposed on its people. This is what Mahmoud Ahmadinejad should be concentrating on, and as the "President" of Iran, he has an obligation to serve what is in the interest of the Iranian people. I don't believe developing a nuclear arsenal falls within that category. I have no issue with Iran developing a nuclear power industry.

So what about yourself? Do you think Iran is developing weapons grade uranium? Should they be allowed to develop weapons grade uranium? Are you not worried about the prospect of Iran developing this capability and what this means about the security, and stability of the whole region?
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Postby Get Real! » Thu Sep 03, 2009 3:31 pm

UN nuclear watchdog says Iran threat 'hyped' ... t-hyped-4/
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