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Invade Iran & stop there illegal nuclear project!!

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Postby Floda » Sun Aug 23, 2009 9:28 pm

Exorcist-seeker wrote:
Floda wrote:
Exorcist-seeker wrote:
Free Spirit wrote:
Paphitis wrote: On a brighter note, I personally take comfort in knowing that the Iranian people are increasingly fed up, as we witnessed just after their last "elections". Slowly but surely, the Iranian people will take control of their country and then proceed to build a nation which will realise its full potential and become a regional powerhouse, and more democratic.
The resilience of the Iranian people is quite remarkable.

If this then has a knock on effect and the whole region becomes stable how will Get Real occupy himself?

Answers please.
My first suggestion is give him a piece of paper with 'Please turn over' written on each side. :lol:

Haahaa funniest thing i've read on here for a while.

Floda wrote:
Exorcist-seeker wrote:
'Iran's new president created a sense of outrage in the west yesterday by describing Israel as a "disgraceful blot" that should be "wiped off the face of the earth".'

Exorcist-seeker, I feel obliged to inform you that the above statement is NOT true, the matter has been discussed severally in the past and a full explanation for such an accusation given. :wink:

Well i tend to disagree, its what he said & he basically slipped up & give his personal opinion and maybe for international reasons he back tracked & changed his statement but politicians & presidents do it all the time, accidently slip up & for face value they change what they said.

Actually Exorcist-seeker, the accepted interpretation (subsequent to the controversy which was engineered around his speech) was that he referred to a statement made by a predecessor years before which declared that :- "Zionism, like Nazi ism and Communism, will disappear from the pages of history with the passage of time".

It is therefore unfair to attribute the 'Wiping of Israel off the face of the map' nonsense to Ahmadinejad, (later accepted by ALL those politicians that were instrumental in raising the issue).

Interestingly, the ONLY country that has been virtually 'Wiped off the map' in recent times is 'Palestine', strangely enough, Israel has done (and is still doing) the wiping. :wink:

Again in fairness, I do not think that my observations should be taken as a sign of support to acts of terrorism (as is oft assumed by the less well informed) BUT, I do feel that Israel is answerable to many atrocities that have (and are) occurred/occurring in the region of that which was once Palestine. :wink:

To a certain extent I agree with everything you said regarding Israel, Palestine has reduced in size considerably over the years and at times Israel do use brute force in the west bank, But as a Democracy they are doing what they have to, to defend their civilians. Missiles are shot daily into Israel from Palestine, killing/injuring many innocent Israelis. Israel’s reluctance to use their missiles must be recognised as a sign they seek peace. Also some times as a leader you must act & use force to oppose terrorism, you cannot bargain with people who have no value for life & will kill to get what they want.
Vladimir Putin showed in 2004 with the Beslan school hostage situation that you cannot bargain with terrorists, his principles did contribute to the death of 334 hostages but it sends a clear indication to terrorism that it won’t be accepted, and this hard line stance deters terrorism. As Israel’s hard line stance has gradually deterred Palestinian insurgents. If a terrorist is willing to kill then he must be willing to reap the consequences & be killed or all of their associates be killed (who are involved).
Hamas has stated it will not recognise a Jewish state. Hamas rejected a 2 state solution in may 2009. They constantly reject ceasefires. Hamas & Fatah fight between each other, the country is unstable completely. Neither side will recognise the others presidential candidate & both state the other is illegal. I don’t agree with Israel having such a nuclear arsenal but I do think they need it for middle east stability.

Not wishing to raise points which have been discussed at some length previously, I feel I should mention that 'Hamas' WAS democratically elected by the people precisely because of it's stance against Israel.

How you interpret the term 'Terrorist' is a moot point, Israel is regarded as a 'Terrorist State' by those under it's oppression, the fact that Hamas is NOT the accepted ruling government is merely the desire of Bush, Blair and Olmert, who did not wish to see such a duly elected government.

Hence, the propaganda that the electorate were under threat to vote, coupled with the fact that almost $ was stolen from them in order to ensure that they were in no position to sustain themselves, left Hamas with no other choice but to resort to what is now daily referred to as 'Terrorism'.

I respectfully suggest that the instability in the Middle East is the result of Israeli presence there, though I must agree that the Israeli's have transformed the lands they occupy remarkably well.

The REAL question IS however, are they entitled to steal and occupy the homelands of others ?, watch out Cyprus, the eye of the Israeli is upon you now. IMHO. :wink:
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Postby Linichka » Sun Aug 23, 2009 10:28 pm

"The Iraqis fired 40 scuds at Israel and managed to kill, wait for it… 1 Israeli! "

Yo, fuckface. Bet you would have left your laundress a serious cleanup job after that first night of SCUDs.
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Postby Free Spirit » Mon Aug 24, 2009 2:00 am

Linichka wrote:"The Iraqis fired 40 scuds at Israel and managed to kill, wait for it… 1 Israeli! "

Yo, fuckface. Bet you would have left your laundress a serious cleanup job after that first night of SCUDs.

Linichka here is your piece of paper, follow these instructions P.T.O P.T.O P.T.O P.T.O
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Postby Get Real! » Mon Aug 24, 2009 2:36 am

Linichka wrote:"The Iraqis fired 40 scuds at Israel and managed to kill, wait for it… 1 Israeli! "

Yo, fuckface. Bet you would have left your laundress a serious cleanup job after that first night of SCUDs.

What’s the matter Jewish sharmutta? Don’t you like it when others fire at you but its ok when Israeli war criminals kill Palestinian and Lebanese families by the thousands?
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Postby Linichka » Mon Aug 24, 2009 7:43 am

I never like it when we have our hands tied and don't fire back, which was the case in Gulf War I.

The so-called "thousands" of Lebanese and Palestinian casualties occurred only after continuous harassment from their sides.
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Re: Dissenting Iranian youths raped

Postby Milo » Mon Aug 24, 2009 9:10 am

Paphitis wrote:
Talisker wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Talisker wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Talisker wrote:Shocking article in The Times today. ... 805885.ece

It is important that these stories get out, but I fear for Reza's safety now.

I think that the revolutionary dissidents need to assist him to get out of Iran, because the authorities have threatened to execute if he made his ordeal public. The 15 year old is now suicidal, and needs some urgent help and counseling. Perhaps the US, UK, Canada or Australia could offer the boy and his family asylum. :(

Doubt he'll be allowed to leave that easily unfortunately even if asylum was offered.

What is they just take the boy to a foreign embassy?

Perhaps there are ways to smuggle him out.

I just noticed that the real identities of all persons mentioned in the article have been withheld, for obvious reasons...

The real tragedy is that Iran could be the regional powerhouse, having a fantastic cultural legacy, an abundance of natural resources and a vital strategic location. My Dad worked there for a few years, loved it, but unfortunately had to leave during the revolution. I think it is a fascinating country, and the recent history itself is very interesting. I really hope it becomes possible to believe they can have a democratically-elected government, albeit within the background of a theocracy.

Hi Talisker,

I have never been to Iran myself, but have been to a couple of other countries in the region.

As far as I'm concerned, the Iranian people are lovely, and their Government is just not representative of their true nature. We have a small Iranian Community in Australia, and you just can't fault their work ethic or sincerity. They, like Cypriots, have endured a lot and are such a gentle people.

It is a real shame that their Government does not have the best interests of the Iranian people at heart. The nation itself should be one of the wealthiest in the world, and instead it is one of the poorest. The country could have chosen to follow in the footsteps of the UAE, but instead has adopted a destructive theocracy, where its leaders have and are continuously violating the human rights of their own citizens.

On a brighter note, I personally take comfort in knowing that the Iranian people are increasingly fed up, as we witnessed just after their last "elections". Slowly but surely, the Iranian people will take control of their country and then proceed to build a nation which will realise its full potential and become a regional powerhouse, and more democratic.

The resilience of the Iranian people is quite remarkable.

OMG I am going to agree with Paphitis here :shock: A wise judgement on a People oppressed for decades by a theocratic regime and thinking that once Ahmadinejad was going to be their saviour, well we have all made that mistake voting for someone who promises change :roll:

My OH was in Mashad in January, the Iranian people are NOT on the whole spitting hate for the West except the usual rent a mob supporting the regime, they are a quiet deep thinking and yes fed up people having been surpressed so long they have really had enough. All my IL,s dress westernised in their home and with relatives/men around and the women choose to wear loose scarves around their heads purely because they would be in trouble when going out if they did not. Many of the young girls are pushing boundaries in the way they dress, and putting themselves in danger. They are born Muslim but non of my IL,s practice the faith at all. Many are leaving and surprisely many are already in the USA. A country they are supposed to hate.

Iran as a country is full of history and stunning scenery/mountains that are jaw dropping, but actually feels quite sad I,m afraid, and many are resigned to their present lifes, there is a lack of vibrancy and even colour, but the chink has now opened and they recieved the treatment metered out by the Bahiji and others which was a catalyst, many are young in fact the biggest majority are/will be under 26 and will not put up with being stifled much longer. They were blocked from using Facebook as a communication system, Twitter and emails but they found ways around this and still do. Mobile phones became 'blocked' many found their numbers had been turned in by the mobile companies, including Nokia so they returned phones in their hundreds of thousands in protest. The media is carefully polished to tell a people that the West is the enemy and the real cause of all their present problems. I have seen this myself, its breathtakingly amazing how easy to brainwash a population of over 66 million, many of course who have little and have never been helped.

Anyway I could go on but Paphitis has got it right, The Regime in Iran and its Supreme leaders and of course the sercret police paid operatives and at the moment the army, are keeping 'captive' an increasingly disgruntled populace. Ahmadinejad will do nothing without the Ayatollahs say so, but he is a despot and increasingly hated by his own. The young Iranians are finding out that although thy have a natural infinity to their homeland that should be expected, they are a hated country and will try and tell you that its not them that should be hated its their Leadership and the followers of that regime.

Attacking Iran by the West or should I say the USA,s puppets would be much worse than Iraq, it would change opinions of the West in a heartbeat. Iran has many many things to answer for, not least its atrocities to its own and others, and they are aware that the UK and the USA will go in to change regimes at a huge cost to civilians, but the sense of change is already there its the cost of change that is the hard bit.

So do I think Iran should have nuclear arms in its present state? No of course not, but in future within a Democracy like all countries should be allowed to have a suitable deterrent.

Its always been Iran that has been accused in that region of holding the trigger to start a devasting War, imho only I believe that has always been way off the mark and apart from inane rhetoric money and interference (just like the West) has kept clear of starting wars(unlike the west) I fear that will come from another direction.
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Postby Free Spirit » Mon Aug 24, 2009 9:22 am

As with the Soviet Bloc, China and South Africa it is becoming more and more difficult to keep populations under control as in the past.
With advent of TV/Sattelite the populations of these opressed countries can now see how the other half lives and to most it seems good.
Let time run it's course these pariah regimes have nothing to offer their own people let alone the rest of the world.
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Re: Dissenting Iranian youths raped

Postby Get Real! » Mon Aug 24, 2009 2:07 pm

Milo wrote:So do I think Iran should have nuclear arms in its present state? No of course not, but in future within a Democracy like all countries should be allowed to have a suitable deterrent.

It’s most amusing when some people link the possession of nuclear weapons with “democracy”! :? :lol:
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Postby Get Real! » Mon Aug 24, 2009 2:09 pm

Free Spirit wrote:As with the Soviet Bloc, China and South Africa it is becoming more and more difficult to keep populations under control as in the past.
With advent of TV/Sattelite the populations of these opressed countries can now see how the other half lives and to most it seems good.
Let time run it's course these pariah regimes have nothing to offer their own people let alone the rest of the world.

What did George Bush have to offer his people other than bankruptcy and body bags? :lol:
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Re: Dissenting Iranian youths raped

Postby Milo » Mon Aug 24, 2009 3:01 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Milo wrote:So do I think Iran should have nuclear arms in its present state? No of course not, but in future within a Democracy like all countries should be allowed to have a suitable deterrent.

It’s most amusing when some people link the possession of nuclear weapons with “democracy”! :? :lol:

Well maybe I should have used an extra word that only 'some' democracies are allowed them. Those that think they should and those that they won,t allow.

Why would you find that statement so amusing :roll: Its not an amusing subject, but then you do seem to laugh at most peoples opinions except your own.
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