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Invade Iran & stop there illegal nuclear project!!

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Postby Linichka » Sun Aug 23, 2009 5:05 pm

Why should Israel alone be disarmed? Nukes are all that keep our neighbors from greater violence. In all likelihood they will never be used, but good to retain our big stick in the silos. You see, our neighbors just never learn.
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Postby Free Spirit » Sun Aug 23, 2009 6:36 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Exorcist-seeker wrote:My stance is againts Iran having a nuclear weapon, as i think they are the most superior country in the region with the potential to act on there ambitions.

If the history of military aggression is anything to go by… then if you can trust the US and Israel with nuclear weapons you can trust anyone! :lol:
Plonker! Do you think any country other than Israel would have held back from using their nuclear deterent whilst under Scud attack as Isarael did by showing great restraint when your hero Saddam was sending his missiles randomly into Israel and is now being copied by you new idols the palestinians.
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Re: Dissenting Iranian youths raped

Postby Free Spirit » Sun Aug 23, 2009 6:42 pm

Paphitis wrote: On a brighter note, I personally take comfort in knowing that the Iranian people are increasingly fed up, as we witnessed just after their last "elections". Slowly but surely, the Iranian people will take control of their country and then proceed to build a nation which will realise its full potential and become a regional powerhouse, and more democratic.
The resilience of the Iranian people is quite remarkable.

If this then has a knock on effect and the whole region becomes stable how will Get Real occupy himself?

Answers please.
My first suggestion is give him a piece of paper with 'Please turn over' written on each side. :lol:
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Postby Floda » Sun Aug 23, 2009 6:48 pm

Exorcist-seeker wrote:
'Iran's new president created a sense of outrage in the west yesterday by describing Israel as a "disgraceful blot" that should be "wiped off the face of the earth".'

Exorcist-seeker, I feel obliged to inform you that the above statement is NOT true, the matter has been discussed severally in the past and a full explanation for such an accusation given. :wink:
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Postby Exorcist-seeker » Sun Aug 23, 2009 7:00 pm

Free Spirit wrote:
Paphitis wrote: On a brighter note, I personally take comfort in knowing that the Iranian people are increasingly fed up, as we witnessed just after their last "elections". Slowly but surely, the Iranian people will take control of their country and then proceed to build a nation which will realise its full potential and become a regional powerhouse, and more democratic.
The resilience of the Iranian people is quite remarkable.

If this then has a knock on effect and the whole region becomes stable how will Get Real occupy himself?

Answers please.
My first suggestion is give him a piece of paper with 'Please turn over' written on each side. :lol:

Haahaa funniest thing i've read on here for a while.

Floda wrote:
Exorcist-seeker wrote:
'Iran's new president created a sense of outrage in the west yesterday by describing Israel as a "disgraceful blot" that should be "wiped off the face of the earth".'

Exorcist-seeker, I feel obliged to inform you that the above statement is NOT true, the matter has been discussed severally in the past and a full explanation for such an accusation given. :wink:

Well i tend to disagree, its what he said & he basically slipped up & give his personal opinion and maybe for international reasons he back tracked & changed his statement but politicians & presidents do it all the time, accidently slip up & for face value they change what they said.
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Postby Floda » Sun Aug 23, 2009 7:46 pm

Exorcist-seeker wrote:
Free Spirit wrote:
Paphitis wrote: On a brighter note, I personally take comfort in knowing that the Iranian people are increasingly fed up, as we witnessed just after their last "elections". Slowly but surely, the Iranian people will take control of their country and then proceed to build a nation which will realise its full potential and become a regional powerhouse, and more democratic.
The resilience of the Iranian people is quite remarkable.

If this then has a knock on effect and the whole region becomes stable how will Get Real occupy himself?

Answers please.
My first suggestion is give him a piece of paper with 'Please turn over' written on each side. :lol:

Haahaa funniest thing i've read on here for a while.

Floda wrote:
Exorcist-seeker wrote:
'Iran's new president created a sense of outrage in the west yesterday by describing Israel as a "disgraceful blot" that should be "wiped off the face of the earth".'

Exorcist-seeker, I feel obliged to inform you that the above statement is NOT true, the matter has been discussed severally in the past and a full explanation for such an accusation given. :wink:

Well i tend to disagree, its what he said & he basically slipped up & give his personal opinion and maybe for international reasons he back tracked & changed his statement but politicians & presidents do it all the time, accidently slip up & for face value they change what they said.

Actually Exorcist-seeker, the accepted interpretation (subsequent to the controversy which was engineered around his speech) was that he referred to a statement made by a predecessor years before which declared that :- "Zionism, like Nazi ism and Communism, will disappear from the pages of history with the passage of time".

It is therefore unfair to attribute the 'Wiping of Israel off the face of the map' nonsense to Ahmadinejad, (later accepted by ALL those politicians that were instrumental in raising the issue).

Interestingly, the ONLY country that has been virtually 'Wiped off the map' in recent times is 'Palestine', strangely enough, Israel has done (and is still doing) the wiping. :wink:

Again in fairness, I do not think that my observations should be taken as a sign of support to acts of terrorism (as is oft assumed by the less well informed) BUT, I do feel that Israel is answerable to many atrocities that have (and are) occurred/occurring in the region of that which was once Palestine. :wink:
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Postby Exorcist-seeker » Sun Aug 23, 2009 8:19 pm

Floda wrote:
Exorcist-seeker wrote:
Free Spirit wrote:
Paphitis wrote: On a brighter note, I personally take comfort in knowing that the Iranian people are increasingly fed up, as we witnessed just after their last "elections". Slowly but surely, the Iranian people will take control of their country and then proceed to build a nation which will realise its full potential and become a regional powerhouse, and more democratic.
The resilience of the Iranian people is quite remarkable.

If this then has a knock on effect and the whole region becomes stable how will Get Real occupy himself?

Answers please.
My first suggestion is give him a piece of paper with 'Please turn over' written on each side. :lol:

Haahaa funniest thing i've read on here for a while.

Floda wrote:
Exorcist-seeker wrote:
'Iran's new president created a sense of outrage in the west yesterday by describing Israel as a "disgraceful blot" that should be "wiped off the face of the earth".'

Exorcist-seeker, I feel obliged to inform you that the above statement is NOT true, the matter has been discussed severally in the past and a full explanation for such an accusation given. :wink:

Well i tend to disagree, its what he said & he basically slipped up & give his personal opinion and maybe for international reasons he back tracked & changed his statement but politicians & presidents do it all the time, accidently slip up & for face value they change what they said.

Actually Exorcist-seeker, the accepted interpretation (subsequent to the controversy which was engineered around his speech) was that he referred to a statement made by a predecessor years before which declared that :- "Zionism, like Nazi ism and Communism, will disappear from the pages of history with the passage of time".

It is therefore unfair to attribute the 'Wiping of Israel off the face of the map' nonsense to Ahmadinejad, (later accepted by ALL those politicians that were instrumental in raising the issue).

Interestingly, the ONLY country that has been virtually 'Wiped off the map' in recent times is 'Palestine', strangely enough, Israel has done (and is still doing) the wiping. :wink:

Again in fairness, I do not think that my observations should be taken as a sign of support to acts of terrorism (as is oft assumed by the less well informed) BUT, I do feel that Israel is answerable to many atrocities that have (and are) occurred/occurring in the region of that which was once Palestine. :wink:

To a certain extent I agree with everything you said regarding Israel, Palestine has reduced in size considerably over the years and at times Israel do use brute force in the west bank, But as a Democracy they are doing what they have to, to defend their civilians. Missiles are shot daily into Israel from Palestine, killing/injuring many innocent Israelis. Israel’s reluctance to use their missiles must be recognised as a sign they seek peace. Also some times as a leader you must act & use force to oppose terrorism, you cannot bargain with people who have no value for life & will kill to get what they want.
Vladimir Putin showed in 2004 with the Beslan school hostage situation that you cannot bargain with terrorists, his principles did contribute to the death of 334 hostages but it sends a clear indication to terrorism that it won’t be accepted, and this hard line stance deters terrorism. As Israel’s hard line stance has gradually deterred Palestinian insurgents. If a terrorist is willing to kill then he must be willing to reap the consequences & be killed or all of their associates be killed (who are involved).
Hamas has stated it will not recognise a Jewish state. Hamas rejected a 2 state solution in may 2009. They constantly reject ceasefires. Hamas & Fatah fight between each other, the country is unstable completely. Neither side will recognise the others presidential candidate & both state the other is illegal. I don’t agree with Israel having such a nuclear arsenal but I do think they need it for middle east stability.
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Postby Linichka » Sun Aug 23, 2009 8:38 pm

"Palestine has reduced in size considerably over the years "

Of course it has. Some 72% of British Mandate Palestine is Jordan!
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Postby Free Spirit » Sun Aug 23, 2009 9:26 pm

Linichka wrote:"Palestine has reduced in size considerably over the years "

Of course it has. Some 72% of British Mandate Palestine is Jordan!

There you go let's see Get Real blame that on the evil West
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Postby Get Real! » Sun Aug 23, 2009 9:27 pm

Free Spirit wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Exorcist-seeker wrote:My stance is againts Iran having a nuclear weapon, as i think they are the most superior country in the region with the potential to act on there ambitions.

If the history of military aggression is anything to go by… then if you can trust the US and Israel with nuclear weapons you can trust anyone! :lol:
Plonker! Do you think any country other than Israel would have held back from using their nuclear deterent whilst under Scud attack as Isarael did by showing great restraint when your hero Saddam was sending his missiles randomly into Israel and is now being copied by you new idols the palestinians.

The Iraqis fired 40 scuds at Israel and managed to kill, wait for it… 1 Israeli! :roll:

You call it a "missile" and I call them expensive fireworks… hardly a call for nuclear missiles! :roll:
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