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Invade Iran & stop there illegal nuclear project!!

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Re: Invade Iran & stop there illegal nuclear project!!

Postby Exorcist-seeker » Tue Aug 18, 2009 11:00 pm

Jerry wrote:Stop reading the Sun and Daily Mail. Ask yourself how many fewer Iraqis would have been killed had we not invaded. Ask yourself why terrorist terrorise.

Please don't use the words Bush, Blair and decency in the same sentance.

I read the Independant & i find the papers to be very accurate. Saddam killed over 1 million Iraqis, his own people as they did not vote for him in the elections. He was a mad man, a tyrant, a pure evil leader. The US/UK has brought peace & stability to iraq. People lined the streets when US/UK soldiers entered Iraq & cheered with praise for us acting, only a handfull of Iraqis dont want peace & thats why there suicide bombers as they dont have the numbers to fight.. 95% of Iraqis are happy the US/UK have brought democracy to there country.
Tony Blair & G W Bush did what they did as it was the right & decent thing to do. They encountered a tyrant who was out of control & dealt with him. The UN had along with the US/UK said that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. We could be sittin here with a whole difference scenario if they did & we never acted, you would be sittin here complaining we never did anything.
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Re: Invade Iran & stop there illegal nuclear project!!

Postby Exorcist-seeker » Tue Aug 18, 2009 11:09 pm

YFred wrote:It's a little bit like the calm before a tsunami. The americans will realise the damage they have done to Iraq politically and economically sooner or later. If you can call killing over half a million people and 3 million people ethnically cleansed bringing happiness and democracy to Iraq, you seriously need some help.

It is very comfortable for you to live in a stable country and critisize what America/Uk did whilst you live in the comfort of your own home. Think what these people went against.

Saddam Hussain killed over a million Iraqis, in war and through terror, may not be far from the mark, in a country of 22 million people.
The regime was mercilessly to its own people. Iraq had a catalogue of prisons, dungeons and torture chambers — some of them acknowledged, like Abu Ghraib, and as many more disguised as hotels, sports centers and other innocent-sounding places. It had its overlapping secret-police agencies, and its culture of betrayal, with family members denouncing each other, and offices and factories becoming hives of perfidy.

"Enemies of the state" are eliminated, and their spouses, adult children and even cousins are often tortured and killed along with them.
Saddam Hussein even used Stalinist maxims, including what an Iraqi defector identified as one of the ex-dictator's favorites: "If there is a person, then there is a problem. If there is no person, then there is no problem."

You people make me laugh, you defend a man who massacred his own people with no regret, tortured innocent people & had women raped & children murderd. For each day of saddams 24 year rule 125 Iraqis died on average a day. (thats a fact from the Human rights organisation)
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Re: Invade Iran & stop there illegal nuclear project!!

Postby Jerry » Tue Aug 18, 2009 11:18 pm

Exorcist-seeker wrote:
Jerry wrote:Stop reading the Sun and Daily Mail. Ask yourself how many fewer Iraqis would have been killed had we not invaded. Ask yourself why terrorist terrorise.

Please don't use the words Bush, Blair and decency in the same sentance.

I read the Independant & i find the papers to be very accurate. Saddam killed over 1 million Iraqis, his own people as they did not vote for him in the elections. He was a mad man, a tyrant, a pure evil leader. The US/UK has brought peace & stability to iraq. People lined the streets when US/UK soldiers entered Iraq & cheered with praise for us acting, only a handfull of Iraqis dont want peace & thats why there suicide bombers as they dont have the numbers to fight.. 95% of Iraqis are happy the US/UK have brought democracy to there country.
Tony Blair & G W Bush did what they did as it was the right & decent thing to do. They encountered a tyrant who was out of control & dealt with him. The UN had along with the US/UK said that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. We could be sittin here with a whole difference scenario if they did & we never acted, you would be sittin here complaining we never did anything.

I've never heard of the Independant, is it a new British newspaper or do you mean the Independent? Can you give a link to the "fact" that 95% of Iraqis are happy the US/UK have brought democracy to their country? Can you tell me how many WMDs were found? Do you think we should invade Zimbabwe and depose Mugabe?

PS, learn to use spell check.
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Re: Invade Iran & stop there illegal nuclear project!!

Postby Exorcist-seeker » Tue Aug 18, 2009 11:31 pm

Jerry wrote:I've never heard of the Independant, is it a new British newspaper or do you mean the Independent? Can you give a link to the "fact" that 95% of Iraqis are happy the US/UK have brought democracy to their country? Can you tell me how many WMDs were found? Do you think we should invade Zimbabwe and depose Mugabe?

PS, learn to use spell check.

A simple spelling error, not a major issue is it?.

Read & reply. Im aware it was posted in 2004 but a new poll is 2008 (which i cant find at the minute) shows similar results.

"Her estimates: 95% of Iraqis are happy with the removal of Saddam and with the changes that are begining to happen in Iraq. 3-4% are afraid of the changes because they just want peace and quiet. 1%, mostly ex-Ba'athists, opposed , with perhaps 9000-13,000 or so Iraqis actively involved in the insurgency."

Im sure she has abit more knowledge than us both as she is in Iraq.

The WMD intelligence was passed to Blair & Bush. You cant sit there and say they made it up.. Bill Clinton said they had WMD aswell, John Major said they had WMD, our intelligence agencies & many european agencies agreed with this information. The US intelligence agencies also back this up. They acted on what they were told & i fully supported that decision then & i do now. Zimbabwe does need to be dealt with yes i agree, but the UN are capable of dealing with him (why else do they exist if there not doing there duty of protecting people) Zimbabwe do not seek Nuclear weapons as & when they do my stance will be the same.
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Postby Exorcist-seeker » Wed Aug 19, 2009 11:50 am

I see we all agree Iran are a threat to world peace, now i just hope Barrack Obama has the back bone to deal with them.
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Postby Jerry » Wed Aug 19, 2009 11:58 am

Exorcist-seeker wrote:I see we all agree Iran are a threat to world peace, now i just hope Barrack Obama has the back bone to deal with them.

No, we just can't be bothered with a plonker! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Exorcist-seeker » Wed Aug 19, 2009 12:06 pm

So jerry you couldnt respond to my post?? i stated clear facts as you requested but i can see no response. I have convinced you Iran are a threat so my work here is done.
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Postby Milo » Wed Aug 19, 2009 1:13 pm

Exorcist-seeker wrote:I see we all agree Iran are a threat to world peace, now i just hope Barrack Obama has the back bone to deal with them.

No we don,t all agree, the Iranian people are not a threat, the regime is even to its own. The nieghbouring countries you say are under threat is probably just Israel. If so, this is a much more likely scenario:-


Get people away from evil regimes and strangling religions and you will have a content people. In fact I would be surprised if this is the last we see of riots in Iran against the Leadership.
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Postby DUNCAN » Fri Aug 21, 2009 12:03 pm

There is only one criminal regime in that area and that is Israel who have possessed Nuclear Weapons against UN resolutions for years. Their continued agressive theft and invasion of more and more Arabic land is a disgrace and, if it were not for the US (which is run by the jews anyway) supporting every criminal act they make the world would be a safer place. Let Iran have their nuclear bombs if they want them and I hope they bomb the hell out of Israel. The Arabic Nations were friendly to the west until we all started supporting that venomous bunch of thugs who have invented a "religion" to support their crimes.
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Postby Linichka » Fri Aug 21, 2009 12:20 pm

Israel possesses nukes only to deter the Islamofascists who have never stopped plotting her elimination.
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