Get Real! wrote:Me Ed wrote:Muslims make out that they are all brothers, but it is well know that muslims kill their own with such impunity, apostates do not stand a chance!
Someone should remind you of Christian “brotherhoods” like Protestants Vs Catholics through the ages…
Will some of you ever learn not to point your finger at other religions, especially in this day and age when we “Christians” are up to our necks deep in shit!

I would be the first to admit this, and in post Elightenment Europe this only occurs in one tiny corner of Europe in Northern Ireland and thank God that this has been all but irradicated, and when the next generation take over these attitudes will probably have vanished thanks to the NI peace process.
This pales into insignifcance at the scale of murder that occurs TODAY (NOW!) in the Islamic world and you should hang your head in shame rather than trying to defend it by pointing the finger else where.