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Postby QAMERSLAND » Wed Aug 19, 2009 4:27 pm

emma ruby wrote:see., the thing is that every one over here wanna prove he is right and his religion is the right one to follow, in the end of the day in the real world religions have done nothing to the world but creating arguements and war!! .

religions related wars have killed more people on this earth more than any weapon did!!! so why not just believe in your self and if there is a god he will know if you good or bad!! he made us didnt he ( if he truely there )

I am not here to prove myself right because our creator knows who is right and who is wrong?

I am not here to argue but to invite people to come to the common terms between us.

I have not abuse anyone or their religion but you can see how tolerant others are who said that Islam does not teach Tolerant. I have been tolerant even by listening absurd comments about religions and Prophets and God Almighty.

I did not even wish some to go to hell fire if they do not believe what I believe?

I used references from their Holy Book to find the truth otherwise for me Quran is last testament and I do not need Bible to prove that Islam is true but just for them.

I do not consider them my enemies but brothers and sister in humanity.

Why don’t we just show tolerant and listen what others have to say and if you agree take it? if you disagree present your prove that you are true instead of attacking others faith by giving example of here Afghanistan etc. If I will start to attack Christianity I will post the verses from the Bible that you will be ashamed to read in front of your mother, sister and daughter. But I do not intend to do it because I am not here to fight but to come to the common terms.

May God show us all the right path
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Postby miltiades » Wed Aug 19, 2009 4:39 pm


I do not consider them my enemies but brothers and sister in humanity.

Why don’t we just show tolerant and listen what others have to say .

What a shame that you consider apostates as your enemies and you agree that they should be put to death !!

What a shame that your tolerance does not extend to apostates or even to those that do not share your beliefs. !!
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Postby EPSILON » Wed Aug 19, 2009 5:37 pm

emma ruby wrote:see., the thing is that every one over here wanna prove he is right and his religion is the right one to follow, in the end of the day in the real world religions have done nothing to the world but creating arguements and war!! .

religions related wars have killed more people on this earth more than any weapon did!!! so why not just believe in your self and if there is a god he will know if you good or bad!! he made us didnt he ( if he truely there )

I am not here to prove myself right because our creator knows who is right and who is wrong?

I am not here to argue but to invite people to come to the common terms between us.

I have not abuse anyone or their religion but you can see how tolerant others are who said that Islam does not teach Tolerant. I have been tolerant even by listening absurd comments about religions and Prophets and God Almighty.

I did not even wish some to go to hell fire if they do not believe what I believe?

I used references from their Holy Book to find the truth otherwise for me Quran is last testament and I do not need Bible to prove that Islam is true but just for them.

I do not consider them my enemies but brothers and sister in humanity.

Why don’t we just show tolerant and listen what others have to say and if you agree take it? if you disagree present your prove that you are true instead of attacking others faith by giving example of here Afghanistan etc. If I will start to attack Christianity I will post the verses from the Bible that you will be ashamed to read in front of your mother, sister and daughter. But I do not intend to do it because I am not here to fight but to come to the common terms.

May God show us all the right path

I am your Greator!!and you have to lisen to me. Let me control your religion, your country, your culture , your familiy, your property and then lets be brothers, humanists, GREENPEACE OR WHAT EVER YOU WANT. But let me first....
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Postby CBBB » Wed Aug 19, 2009 7:14 pm

Another action of faithful muslims?

Perhaps they were targeting apostates!
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Postby miltiades » Wed Aug 19, 2009 9:20 pm

CBBB wrote:Another action of faithful muslims?

Perhaps they were targeting apostates!

Muslim killing Muslims .
I wonder what those who fail to condemn such savagery will say.
Something along the usual crap posted by GR no doubt who can not see that these savages are driven by hatred against the human race , not only against the "infidels" it seems but against anyone .
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Postby cyprico » Wed Aug 19, 2009 9:24 pm

Oh please here we go again, what on earth has this got to do with APOSTATES OR ISLAM? Looks like your just WINDING UP THE THREAD!!!!!!
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Postby cyprico » Wed Aug 19, 2009 9:33 pm

Miltiades, Who said they are muslims? didnt you know Iraq also comprises of christains and jews? Do you really believe this is an act of an ordinary citizen, who just decided he wants to blow up his own community? Or is it possible that perhaps its just political over power and money, as I am sure you will agree power and money is the root of all evil.
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Postby miltiades » Wed Aug 19, 2009 10:09 pm

cyprico wrote:Miltiades, Who said they are muslims? didnt you know Iraq also comprises of christains and jews? Do you really believe this is an act of an ordinary citizen, who just decided he wants to blow up his own community? Or is it possible that perhaps its just political over power and money, as I am sure you will agree power and money is the root of all evil.

You think the killers are not Muslims !!!
How well do you know extreme Islamists !
On this forum alone one such agreed that apostates should be killed !!

I do not believe this was an act of an ordinary Iraqi citizen.I believe it was an act perpetrated by savages who are totaly brainwashed in believing that when they blow themselves up the other life starts . They believe this without one tiny iota of a doubt. THEY CANT WAIT TO HET TO HEAVENS , YOU KNOW THAT WHY DO YOU ASSERT THAT PERHAPS THE KILLERS WERE JEWS OR CHRISTIANS !!
Get a life mate and see the light .
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Postby cyprico » Wed Aug 19, 2009 10:51 pm

Noway did I say the killers were JEWS OR CHRISTIANS assumptios again mate, whoever did it were human lets not judge what religious denomination they are from, its bad enough human killing human. Miltiades, I saw the light 27 years ago when I converted to Islam.
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Postby CBBB » Wed Aug 19, 2009 11:19 pm

cyprico wrote:Noway did I say the killers were JEWS OR CHRISTIANS assumptios again mate, whoever did it were human lets not judge what religious denomination they are from, its bad enough human killing human. Miltiades, I saw the light 27 years ago when I converted to Islam.

More fool you!
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