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Morphou citizens ask UN SC to exert pressure on Turkey

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Morphou citizens ask UN SC to exert pressure on Turkey

Postby Lit » Tue Aug 18, 2009 3:43 am ... 2.asp?id=1


The Municipality and organizations of the occupied town of Morphou since Turkish invasion in 1974 handed over Monday to the Ambassadors of the five UN Security Council permanent members a resolution requesting the contribution of their countries “on the search for justice and peace in Cyprus”.

The resolution was handed over on the occasion of the 35th anniversary since Morphou was captured by the advancing Turkish troops in the August 16, 1974.

The Mayor and the Members of the Municipal Council of the occupied town visited consecutively the Embassies of USA, Russia, France and China, the UK High Commission and the EU Permanent Representation.

Speaking after the meeting with the Ambassador of the Russian Federation Vyacheslav Shumskiy, Morphou Mayor Charalambos Pittas stressed that the Resolution “condemns above all the ongoing Turkish occupation” reminding the five permanent members of the UN SC “of their responsibilities”.

“Indeed, UN have a responsibility for the ongoing violation of human rights in Cyprus,” Pittas said, noting that the Morphou representation during their meetings with the Ambassadors underlined that “the UN SC and its five permanent members are obliged to exeet more pressure on the Turkish side to cooperate for a solution of the Cyprus problem”.

He also said that the property issue was discussed during the meetings.

“We said that it is even more unacceptable now when negotiations are taking place, the other side to continue the illegal exploitation of our property and to continue the destruction of our cultural heritage”, he said.

The resolution which is also signed by cultural and sports organizations of Morphou refers to the ongoing occupation of Cyprus by Turkey for 35 years, the violent partition of the island, the violation of human rights, the Turkish settlers, the destruction of the cultural heritage and the exploitation of Greek Cypriot properties in the occupied areas.

Among others, the Municipality of Morphou, requests from the five UN SC permanent member states to contribute towards a just, viable and functional solution that will end occupation and settlement of the island, will restore the sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity and unity of the Republic of Cyprus, will abolish any rights for foreign military intervention to Cyprus and will unite the territory, the people and the institutions in the framework a bizonal bicommunal federation with a single sovereignty and one international personality, based on the UN resolutions for Cyprus and compatible with the International Law and the principles of the EU.
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Postby -mikkie2- » Tue Aug 18, 2009 11:31 am

Well, do we now really expect the Turks to give back Morphu? Its all looking very grim for the refugees at the moment if current press reports are to be believed. What kind of Cyrpus will we have next year I wonder?

The Turks just don't want to give anything back. The whats mine in mine, whats yours is mine attitude still prevails.

I just hope that the government has a decent strategy to counter this because if we are reaching the end game of the negotiations then we could see very bad things happening.
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Postby YFred » Tue Aug 18, 2009 11:40 am

-mikkie2- wrote:Well, do we now really expect the Turks to give back Morphu? Its all looking very grim for the refugees at the moment if current press reports are to be believed. What kind of Cyrpus will we have next year I wonder?

The Turks just don't want to give anything back. The whats mine in mine, whats yours is mine attitude still prevails.

I just hope that the government has a decent strategy to counter this because if we are reaching the end game of the negotiations then we could see very bad things happening.

You had your chance to get Guzelyurt and Maras back but said no.
Good luck in the next diminishing offer round.
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Postby Nikitas » Tue Aug 18, 2009 12:27 pm

Simple- nor satisfactory territory settlement no solution. Simple as that.

There are options- some radical- available.One such radical option is to recognise the TRNC and cast them loose. Not that our politicians have such imagination and lateral thinking ability, but it is one of the options.
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Postby Nikitas » Tue Aug 18, 2009 1:21 pm

Just read in Politis that the TC side in the talks rejects the return of Morpphou because without it the TC component state would not be economically viable. So let us look at the map and see what else can be done- Tylliria cannot be returned because of its symbolic significance, Lefka because it is traditionally TC, Lapithos because it has been sold to foreigners, Famagusta because it is the only port of the component state, Mesaoria becaue to do so would involve loss of the airport. And the excuses go on and on.

The end game is for the TC component state to retain all the territory it now occupies, along with the coastline and "return" the area of the green line which was never in its jurisdiction anyhow.

The question is whether this attitude is that of a partner who will be the equal founder of the federation. What is the incentive for GCs to continue with the talks and aspire to a solution when the only thing that is being offered is the legalisation of the invasion along with a hefty tax bill for its cost.
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Postby YFred » Tue Aug 18, 2009 1:34 pm

Nikitas wrote:Just read in Politis that the TC side in the talks rejects the return of Morpphou because without it the TC component state would not be economically viable. So let us look at the map and see what else can be done- Tylliria cannot be returned because of its symbolic significance, Lefka because it is traditionally TC, Lapithos because it has been sold to foreigners, Famagusta because it is the only port of the component state, Mesaoria becaue to do so would involve loss of the airport. And the excuses go on and on.

The end game is for the TC component state to retain all the territory it now occupies, along with the coastline and "return" the area of the green line which was never in its jurisdiction anyhow.

The question is whether this attitude is that of a partner who will be the equal founder of the federation. What is the incentive for GCs to continue with the talks and aspire to a solution when the only thing that is being offered is the legalisation of the invasion along with a hefty tax bill for its cost.

No Nikitas, if you guys are nice, they will give you the south side of the dual carriage way between Lefkosa and Magusa from Ercan Airport and Lurucina onwards but not included. But only if you are nice and promise not to attack us again without crossing a finger or a hook.
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Postby -mikkie2- » Tue Aug 18, 2009 3:37 pm

"No Nikitas, if you guys are nice, they will give you the south side of the dual carriage way between Lefkosa and Magusa from Ercan Airport and Lurucina onwards but not included. But only if you are nice and promise not to attack us again without crossing a finger or a hook."

How very 'generous' of you!

The point about reaching a settlement is to be able to satisfy as much as possible each sides requirements. For the GC's, the return of as many as possible refugees under GC control is imperative. This means the return of Famagusta and Morphu as well as other areas. If the TC's insist on keeping such areas then there can be no solution.

The GC's have so far accomodated most of what the TC's wanted regarding governance with the view that we would in return get something back from other negotiating areas, mainly the return of land and the guarantees. Now, if the TC's insist on wanting all they want at the expense of the GC's then quite frankly, there will be no solution.

Cyprus will then enter a dangerous new phase whose outcome will be unpredictable. It will be bad for you and bad for us. Turkish EU accession will stall indefinitely, NATO-EU relations will be hampered and essentially, the region will be destabilised. Lose-lose situation for all.

If there is no mutual understanding an all issues, then we are doomed. It is not a question of just the GC's 'understanding' the needs of the TC community and Turkey. It is also the TC's doing the same with the GC's.
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Negotiating tactics?

Postby cymart » Tue Aug 18, 2009 3:38 pm

Nobody with any sense states their limit until the process gets to the crucial stages...what is publicly said and what actually happens are often two different things!This applies especially to Cyprus!Remember there are hardliners on both sides who would love these negotiations to fail for one reason or another so there is a fine balancing act in operation with public statements!
If this side insists on Karpasia,Talat will say he insists on keeping Morphou etc etc until they compromise and we let him keep K!
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Postby Nikitas » Tue Aug 18, 2009 3:38 pm

And this is the attitude that fosters trust and partnership YFred? Well, in that case you shove it.
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Postby Nikitas » Tue Aug 18, 2009 3:45 pm

"It is also the TC's doing the same with the GC's."

And with each passing day and every new public statement from Talat we see that this is not the case.

The only positive thing to come out of this process will be that the most accomodating GC politician, Christofias, will have been thwarted by the cynical tactics of the TC side. If Christofias fails then there will be the realisation that talking is not the way to do it. Which is what we should have realised from the start.

There are ways, without resorting to war, to force the other side to wake up.
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