Listen Ozzieitis although I have just had the pleasure of a visiting Ozzie for a month

and you are after all an immigrant too like moi
Born and bred in Oz sweetie...Was born an Aussie and will die an Aussie and a Cypriot at heart!
Have to say I agree with some of the above, but Australians are after all just the prisoners of mother england are they not?
Absolutely not!
Who do you always rely on us to bail you out of the mess you always create?
If they do get into war with any of the surrounding countries which really love them

Who will they call on to help? seen as they have an inferior military to many countries their size although brave men in the past I know.
No idea what your talking about.
Australia has one of the most advance and effective Armed Forces in the world and our defence industries are second to none.
As for the economy in Oz its merely a drop in the ocean compared to most, it does have only a few to support after all, and the gold was ravaged out of New South Wales very quickly

at the time of its discovery.
I think we are a trillion dollar of the largest exporters of everything you can think off.
BTW, Australia is the only OECD country not in recession....
Besides most of the worlds most deadly snakes and spiders

It has an abundance of flies

that make ones lives a msery, sharks and deadly sea creatures oh and Rolf Harris
Yes, our spiders and snakes are nasty...but if they are effective at keeping the Brits out then I think I can live with that!
Not to mention searing heat, bush fires, cockroaches, drugs and crime and australian hating mullahs who seem to get as much airtime as the ones in UK
Not quite as hot as Cyprus but yes Australia is a continent of extremes.
Hardly no crime when compared to UK, much less racism, and very cosmopolitan. And, we can afford to buy food for our pets...
BTW, we don't hate anyone, we are just security conscious, and please note how successful we are at weeding out terrorists due to our superior and effective law enforcement agencies and intelligence services.....unlike the UK!

That is why you Brits and Yanks keep begging Australia for assistance as you people can't organise a shag in a brothel.
Its also isolated from Europe and practically everywhere else, leading to long ways to travel to soak up some culture.
Who needs culture when you have Aussie Rules...
In fact it all belongs to the wonderful Aborigines and they have rightly now renamed Ayers Rock, Ulurhu as that too belongs to the indigenious people.
I am Aboriginal!
Captain James Cook should have turned around and gone back, like all men though he had something to prove so claimed it as his own.
Captain Cook was another English pansy! Besides, it was the Portuguese that discovered Australia first....
The Ozzies too have a very strange accent and so loud

Poetry in motion....forget the Shakespearean toffee nosed pretentious English crap.
The Brits who leave their animals imho are the lowest shits, as they at least should have known about animal welfare, being taught it in the UK for so long. They should be brought back to Cyprus and made to pay for their evil crimes, trouble is they won,t be made to pay here will they? Hopefully they will be tracked down and prosecuted in the UK. I know one at least that will be hearing soon, with my help
But I already new that the English were the lowest shits, whether they abandon their pets or not...
And yes sweetie...Cyprus does have animal cruelty laws and is probably more effective at enforcing these laws than Britain. We Cypriots are not as simple as you tend to believe.
Ozzieitis I don,t think anyone in Oz is lowly just you

From one tart to another

Oh that's just great....Now I need to have a shower...
BTW...Do you follow the Ashes?