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Animal Cruelty in Cyprus!!!! Part two

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Postby roseandchan » Mon Aug 10, 2009 7:59 am

yes accidents do happen, but if this guy was a council worker employed to collect the dog, then why was he not suplied with the correct equiptment?
a dog cage , the thing used for transporting animals! the dog shouldn't have just been in the back of a pick-up truck.
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Postby miltiades » Mon Aug 10, 2009 8:38 am

Cruelty to animals exists because the majority of Cypriots have yet to understand that animals DO have a right to be treated humanely and that they too have feelings. Animal welfare is a lot better now with the Brits showing the way , in Paphos for instance there are animal sanctuaries looked after by British men and women.
To accept that there is cruelty to animals and then justify this by saying that there is also cruelty in other nations is pure nonsense. The question here is not whether cruelty exists in the UK , where incidentally such cruelty is abhorred by the entire nation without the excuse that it also exists in other countries.
It seems to me that a great number of Cypriots will defend any action that is abhorent by immediately justifying such action because it also exists in other countries.
When something barbaric takes place in Cyprus we must strongly condemn it and do our best to eradicate it.

A recent example of how Brits can take it on the chin and not defend the indefensible was the scandal of British MPs expenses fiasco. Heavily criticised on this forum as indeed elsewhere , but not one single Brit justified the MPs greed by telling us that such abuses of power also exist in Cyprus , and they do exist .
As a Cypriot I face the fact that animal cruelty exists widely and I make sure that those around me are treating animals in a humane kind fashion.
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Re: Animal Cruelty in Cyprus!!!! Part two

Postby Milo » Mon Aug 10, 2009 9:01 am

Paphitis wrote:Image

I will tell you my little lowly ozzie friend to take your kangaroo court and throw it in the nearest croc invested stinking pool.

How lowly can Australians and Australia be when:
1. Australia is the richest OECD country in the world,
2. Australia supplies a substantial amount of the EU's fossil fuels and resources,
3. Australia is always called upon to fight your battles because you are all gutless shits,
4. the lowlife Aussies along with the lowlife Canadians and Poles saved Britain and Winston Churchill from being sodomised by Hitler, and the Queen being turned into Hitler's whore,
5. you can't play cricket if your life depended on it,
6. there would still be an empire if you incompetent prudes handed over the reigns to either Australia or Canada or both,
7. You all lack a sense of humour,
8. You are all as prudish and conservative as all hell, which means you are all dead from the neck down,
9. You all turn purple when you get 20 minutes of sunshine,
10. The males wear white socks and sandals,
11. your staple diet is fish and chips and warm beer, :x
12. you even lost a whole war against 300 Greek Cypriot villagers,
13. Brits are a bunch of carpetbaggers as you never hear about Aussies buying stolen GC properties,
14. just about every Brit wants to live in Australia resulting in Australia seriously needing to stop the steady influx to protect all Aussies from your bitching and whining (we would rather have terrorists!),
15. You are all a bunch of hypocrites as a few hundred Brits abandon their own pets in Cyprus because they could not afford the upkeep and then have the audacity to portray Cypriots as being cruel to animals, :shock: :roll:
16. And to top it all off, you all talk funny! :shock:


As for our crocodiles, they seem to like British tourists so at least there is one good thing about you sorry lot....

Cause it ain,t got no jurisdiction amongst normal thinking europeans from the 21st century, PILLOCK.


There is nothing normal about you Brits. You are all of Europe's outcasts and are a bunch of misfits which all other Europeans love to hate.... :lol:

Forgot to mention you all have a reputation of not washing yourselves... :lol:

Seen as we are getting personal and behind comp screens so easy to call a woman a filthy Brit for telling you that you know jack shit :shock:

You got it all wrong sweetie...I'm not getting personal from behind the computer....and I don't think you are filthy...after all, I do like you...but you are still a silly tart! :wink:

Did I also mention that Brits are so easy to wind up? :lol:

Of course, the above list does not apply to any Scots!


Listen Ozzieitis although I have just had the pleasure of a visiting Ozzie for a month :roll: :roll: and you are after all an immigrant too like moi 8)

Have to say I agree with some of the above, but Australians are after all just the prisoners of mother england are they not?

If they do get into war with any of the surrounding countries which really love them :roll: Who will they call on to help? seen as they have an inferior military to many countries their size although brave men in the past I know.

As for the economy in Oz its merely a drop in the ocean compared to most, it does have only a few to support after all, and the gold was ravaged out of New South Wales very quickly :shock: at the time of its discovery.

Besides most of the worlds most deadly snakes and spiders :shock: It has an abundance of fliesImagethat make ones lives a msery, sharks and deadly sea creatures oh and Rolf Harris :lol:

Not to mention searing heat, bush fires, cockroaches, drugs and crime and australian hating mullahs who seem to get as much airtime as the ones in UK

Its also isolated from europe and practically everywhere else, leading to long ways to travel to soak up some culture. :shock:

In fact it all belongs to the wonderful Aborigines and they have rightly now renamed Ayers Rock, Ulurhu as that too belongs to the indigenious people.

Captain James Cook should have turned around and gone back, like all men though he had something to prove so claimed it as his own.

The Ozzies too have a very strange accent and so loud

The Brits who leave their animals imho are the lowest shits, as they at least should have known about animal welfare, being taught it in the UK for so long. They should be brought back to Cyprus and made to pay for their evil crimes, trouble is they won,t be made to pay here will they? Hopefully they will be tracked down and prosecuted in the UK. I know one at least that will be hearing soon, with my help :evil:

Ozzieitis I don,t think anyone in Oz is lowly just you Image

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Postby Milo » Mon Aug 10, 2009 9:12 am

miltiades wrote:Cruelty to animals exists because the majority of Cypriots have yet to understand that animals DO have a right to be treated humanely and that they too have feelings. Animal welfare is a lot better now with the Brits showing the way , in Paphos for instance there are animal sanctuaries looked after by British men and women.
To accept that there is cruelty to animals and then justify this by saying that there is also cruelty in other nations is pure nonsense. The question here is not whether cruelty exists in the UK , where incidentally such cruelty is abhorred by the entire nation without the excuse that it also exists in other countries.
It seems to me that a great number of Cypriots will defend any action that is abhorent by immediately justifying such action because it also exists in other countries.
When something barbaric takes place in Cyprus we must strongly condemn it and do our best to eradicate it.

A recent example of how Brits can take it on the chin and not defend the indefensible was the scandal of British MPs expenses fiasco. Heavily criticised on this forum as indeed elsewhere , but not one single Brit justified the MPs greed by telling us that such abuses of power also exist in Cyprus , and they do exist .
As a Cypriot I face the fact that animal cruelty exists widely and I make sure that those around me are treating animals in a humane kind fashion.

As always milti the voice of sense and reason, you know that many of us British immigrants have Cyprus at heart but don,t have to endure its problems silently. The rest just don,t get it, and frankly they need to come back to live here and see for themselves. Look back thru my posts I am a strong defender of Cyprus and its unending great lifestyle BUT I don,t have to be silent on its faults and won,t be, until they are all ironed out.
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Postby cyprusgeoff » Mon Aug 10, 2009 9:17 am

Hear hear
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Postby roseandchan » Mon Aug 10, 2009 9:25 am

i think the trouble is some brits just complain about nothing, which in turn makes all of us look like whingers.
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Postby miltiades » Mon Aug 10, 2009 9:29 am

Milo wrote:
miltiades wrote:Cruelty to animals exists because the majority of Cypriots have yet to understand that animals DO have a right to be treated humanely and that they too have feelings. Animal welfare is a lot better now with the Brits showing the way , in Paphos for instance there are animal sanctuaries looked after by British men and women.
To accept that there is cruelty to animals and then justify this by saying that there is also cruelty in other nations is pure nonsense. The question here is not whether cruelty exists in the UK , where incidentally such cruelty is abhorred by the entire nation without the excuse that it also exists in other countries.
It seems to me that a great number of Cypriots will defend any action that is abhorent by immediately justifying such action because it also exists in other countries.
When something barbaric takes place in Cyprus we must strongly condemn it and do our best to eradicate it.

A recent example of how Brits can take it on the chin and not defend the indefensible was the scandal of British MPs expenses fiasco. Heavily criticised on this forum as indeed elsewhere , but not one single Brit justified the MPs greed by telling us that such abuses of power also exist in Cyprus , and they do exist .
As a Cypriot I face the fact that animal cruelty exists widely and I make sure that those around me are treating animals in a humane kind fashion.

As always milti the voice of sense and reason, you know that many of us British immigrants have Cyprus at heart but don,t have to endure its problems silently. The rest just don,t get it, and frankly they need to come back to live here and see for themselves. Look back thru my posts I am a strong defender of Cyprus and its unending great lifestyle BUT I don,t have to be silent on its faults and won,t be, until they are all ironed out.

I live , as you may know , in the UK . I'm a firm supporter of this "once" great nation . I'm saddened by the greed that is so blatantly obvious in every walk of life. Angry that successive governments have religiously mislead the people of this country.
I'm right behind our troops in Afghanistan and elsewhere where defending our right to free existence is taking place.

The fact that I came here as an immigrant does not mean that I have to remain silent and non critical of many aspects of living in the UK. You too , and so does anyone else who lives in Cyprus , have a right to voice your criticism of aspects concerning Cyprus. The old adage of " if you dont like it here go back home " doesn't count any more when it comes to EU citizens living in any part of the EU.
Voice your concern when you have to , just like I do in the UK , you do so in Cyprus.
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Re: Animal Cruelty in Cyprus!!!! Part two

Postby Paphitis » Mon Aug 10, 2009 9:36 am

Listen Ozzieitis although I have just had the pleasure of a visiting Ozzie for a month :roll: :roll: and you are after all an immigrant too like moi 8)

Born and bred in Oz sweetie...Was born an Aussie and will die an Aussie and a Cypriot at heart! :wink:

Have to say I agree with some of the above, but Australians are after all just the prisoners of mother england are they not?

Absolutely not!

Who do you always rely on us to bail you out of the mess you always create?

If they do get into war with any of the surrounding countries which really love them :roll: Who will they call on to help? seen as they have an inferior military to many countries their size although brave men in the past I know.

No idea what your talking about.

Australia has one of the most advance and effective Armed Forces in the world and our defence industries are second to none.

As for the economy in Oz its merely a drop in the ocean compared to most, it does have only a few to support after all, and the gold was ravaged out of New South Wales very quickly :shock: at the time of its discovery.

I think we are a trillion dollar of the largest exporters of everything you can think off.

BTW, Australia is the only OECD country not in recession.... :lol:

Besides most of the worlds most deadly snakes and spiders :shock: It has an abundance of fliesImagethat make ones lives a msery, sharks and deadly sea creatures oh and Rolf Harris :lol:

Yes, our spiders and snakes are nasty...but if they are effective at keeping the Brits out then I think I can live with that! :lol:

Not to mention searing heat, bush fires, cockroaches, drugs and crime and australian hating mullahs who seem to get as much airtime as the ones in UK

Not quite as hot as Cyprus but yes Australia is a continent of extremes.

Hardly no crime when compared to UK, much less racism, and very cosmopolitan. And, we can afford to buy food for our pets... :lol:

BTW, we don't hate anyone, we are just security conscious, and please note how successful we are at weeding out terrorists due to our superior and effective law enforcement agencies and intelligence services.....unlike the UK! :lol: That is why you Brits and Yanks keep begging Australia for assistance as you people can't organise a shag in a brothel. :lol:

Its also isolated from Europe and practically everywhere else, leading to long ways to travel to soak up some culture. :shock:

Who needs culture when you have Aussie Rules... :lol:

In fact it all belongs to the wonderful Aborigines and they have rightly now renamed Ayers Rock, Ulurhu as that too belongs to the indigenious people.

I am Aboriginal!

Captain James Cook should have turned around and gone back, like all men though he had something to prove so claimed it as his own.

Captain Cook was another English pansy! Besides, it was the Portuguese that discovered Australia first.... :lol:

The Ozzies too have a very strange accent and so loud

Poetry in motion....forget the Shakespearean toffee nosed pretentious English crap.

The Brits who leave their animals imho are the lowest shits, as they at least should have known about animal welfare, being taught it in the UK for so long. They should be brought back to Cyprus and made to pay for their evil crimes, trouble is they won,t be made to pay here will they? Hopefully they will be tracked down and prosecuted in the UK. I know one at least that will be hearing soon, with my help :evil:

But I already new that the English were the lowest shits, whether they abandon their pets or not... :lol:

And yes sweetie...Cyprus does have animal cruelty laws and is probably more effective at enforcing these laws than Britain. We Cypriots are not as simple as you tend to believe.

Ozzieitis I don,t think anyone in Oz is lowly just you Image

Thanks! 8)

From one tart to anotherImage

Oh that's just great....Now I need to have a shower... :lol:

BTW...Do you follow the Ashes? :wink:
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Postby Paphitis » Mon Aug 10, 2009 9:42 am

Milo wrote:
miltiades wrote:Cruelty to animals exists because the majority of Cypriots have yet to understand that animals DO have a right to be treated humanely and that they too have feelings. Animal welfare is a lot better now with the Brits showing the way , in Paphos for instance there are animal sanctuaries looked after by British men and women.
To accept that there is cruelty to animals and then justify this by saying that there is also cruelty in other nations is pure nonsense. The question here is not whether cruelty exists in the UK , where incidentally such cruelty is abhorred by the entire nation without the excuse that it also exists in other countries.
It seems to me that a great number of Cypriots will defend any action that is abhorent by immediately justifying such action because it also exists in other countries.
When something barbaric takes place in Cyprus we must strongly condemn it and do our best to eradicate it.

A recent example of how Brits can take it on the chin and not defend the indefensible was the scandal of British MPs expenses fiasco. Heavily criticised on this forum as indeed elsewhere , but not one single Brit justified the MPs greed by telling us that such abuses of power also exist in Cyprus , and they do exist .
As a Cypriot I face the fact that animal cruelty exists widely and I make sure that those around me are treating animals in a humane kind fashion.

As always milti the voice of sense and reason, you know that many of us British immigrants have Cyprus at heart but don,t have to endure its problems silently. The rest just don,t get it, and frankly they need to come back to live here and see for themselves. Look back thru my posts I am a strong defender of Cyprus and its unending great lifestyle BUT I don,t have to be silent on its faults and won,t be, until they are all ironed out.

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Postby miltiades » Mon Aug 10, 2009 10:03 am

Paphitis wrote:
Milo wrote:
miltiades wrote:Cruelty to animals exists because the majority of Cypriots have yet to understand that animals DO have a right to be treated humanely and that they too have feelings. Animal welfare is a lot better now with the Brits showing the way , in Paphos for instance there are animal sanctuaries looked after by British men and women.
To accept that there is cruelty to animals and then justify this by saying that there is also cruelty in other nations is pure nonsense. The question here is not whether cruelty exists in the UK , where incidentally such cruelty is abhorred by the entire nation without the excuse that it also exists in other countries.
It seems to me that a great number of Cypriots will defend any action that is abhorent by immediately justifying such action because it also exists in other countries.
When something barbaric takes place in Cyprus we must strongly condemn it and do our best to eradicate it.

A recent example of how Brits can take it on the chin and not defend the indefensible was the scandal of British MPs expenses fiasco. Heavily criticised on this forum as indeed elsewhere , but not one single Brit justified the MPs greed by telling us that such abuses of power also exist in Cyprus , and they do exist .
As a Cypriot I face the fact that animal cruelty exists widely and I make sure that those around me are treating animals in a humane kind fashion.

As always milti the voice of sense and reason, you know that many of us British immigrants have Cyprus at heart but don,t have to endure its problems silently. The rest just don,t get it, and frankly they need to come back to live here and see for themselves. Look back thru my posts I am a strong defender of Cyprus and its unending great lifestyle BUT I don,t have to be silent on its faults and won,t be, until they are all ironed out.


Obviously Paphitis finds the fact that I disagree with shooting down civilian aircraft over northern Cyprus hilarious. He also finds it amusing that I do not consider war as an option for solving the Cyprus problem !
Neither do I consider cruelty to animals in Cyprus as excusable which no doubt further amused our Paphitis.
Hope you had an enjoyable holiday in Cyprus .
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