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account canceling!!

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account canceling!!

Postby fig head » Sat Aug 08, 2009 12:54 pm

in any site as long as you can create an account, you can also cancel or delete it!, cyprus forum needs that option! the right to have a profile on it or not!! its sort of as soon as you in you are stuck!!!
and user name! why cant we change it..
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Postby yialousa1971 » Sat Aug 08, 2009 5:16 pm

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Postby Smiler Brian » Wed Aug 19, 2009 8:45 pm

It's, IMHO, a great idea NOT to be able to change your name. A forum I frequent in England allows name changes and some people change all the time - it really disrupts the flow.
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Postby RichardB » Sat Aug 29, 2009 10:24 pm

why do you need a new user name?? If you want another just create multiple user accounts like other cyber warriors on forum do. -Why do you need to delete an account?? Just don't bother posting and people will forget you existed in minutes.- Why have the option to show a profile or not? you have the options on your profile to show only minimal info (ie email addresses) Pointless post.. don't know why I'm bothering answering :roll:
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Postby fig head » Wed Sep 09, 2009 10:20 am

i had a formur who made my life hell for couple of days! i like CF, i only wanted to change my name cause i was stupid enough to use my real name as a user name! got recognized by that formur and made shit load of trouple for me in real life..! but now i thought fuck it, i wont let a wanker like him stop me from using the forum since its the only proper cyp web site that i truely like
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Postby EPSILON » Wed Sep 09, 2009 10:48 am

emma ruby wrote:i had a formur who made my life hell for couple of days! i like CF, i only wanted to change my name cause i was stupid enough to use my real name as a user name! got recognized by that formur and made shit load of trouple for me in real life..! but now i thought fuck it, i wont let a wanker like him stop me from using the forum since its the only proper cyp web site that i truely like

And the worst will come when administration,due to financial crisis, sell the forum to a tv channel - then all will know who you are!!!You are right-option of deleting details you have posted must be always available.
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Postby Admin » Wed Sep 09, 2009 11:32 am


If there is a good reason for changing your username you can contact me with a Private Message and I will change it for you. Same goes with deleting details you have posted - if there is a good reason and if deleting those details will not "break" the topic and if what you want to be removed are only a few specific details, then I can do it for you.

However I would not remove all your posts (unless they are only a few) and I would not cancel the whole account.

Whenever you post something on a public website you should keep in mind that what you post becomes publicly available and "erasing" it might not be possible. Posts made here are syndicated with RSS feeds, could be stored in various internet archives, could be copied and posted in other websites or stored on personal computers of other people. So don't post something here or in any other public website unless you are comfortable with the idea that the whole world can read what you wrote.

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Postby EPSILON » Wed Sep 09, 2009 11:41 am

Admin wrote:Hello,

If there is a good reason for changing your username you can contact me with a Private Message and I will change it for you. Same goes with deleting details you have posted - if there is a good reason and if deleting those details will not "break" the topic and if what you want to be removed are only a few specific details, then I can do it for you.

However I would not remove all your posts (unless they are only a few) and I would not cancel the whole account.

Whenever you post something on a public website you should keep in mind that what you post becomes publicly available and "erasing" it might not be possible. Posts made here are syndicated with RSS feeds, could be stored in various internet archives, could be copied and posted in other websites or stored on personal computers of other people. So don't post something here or in any other public website unless you are comfortable with the idea that the whole world can read what you wrote.

Thank you

Is good to feel that always Admin is watching.However here we do not speak about cancelling of posts where admin is right to say that -by sending same in public is public.We are speaking about the personal details which sent for initial registration in the forum.
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Postby fig head » Wed Sep 09, 2009 1:53 pm

ADMIN.. i appreciate you reply to my post.. you are right i shouldnt have posted some of my posts but i as many others use the social network as a place to be free, to be honest and to be who i am.. the real world is stressful enough!! i dont want my account to be deleted neither any of my posts.. i know how to deal with bad people like that formur that made lots of trouples for me in such a nasty way but i wont run away from it i`ll face it and say f*** it.....

but i still think it is my right to control my account not the admin right!!
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Postby Admin » Wed Sep 09, 2009 10:35 pm

Apart from your username you can change all other account details such as password, email address etc. ... ditprofile
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