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Postby EPSILON » Fri Aug 07, 2009 11:52 am

Μια κυπριακή έστω...

Το βράδυ της Τετάρτης 5/8 ο ΑΠΟΕΛ έκανε όλη την Κύπρο περήφανη με την ιστορική πρόκρισή του. Γιατί, όμως, φίλοι "πορτοκαλί" δεν διαφημίζετε λιγάκι και την Κύπρο μας; Πολλές ήταν οι στιγμές που, κατά την διάρκεια του αγώνα, οι Σέρβοι, στην τηλεοπτική κάλυψη έδειξαν τους φιλάθλους του ΑΠΟΕΛ να φωνάζουν συνθήματα, σπρώχνοντας με τον τρόπο τους την ομάδα προς την πρόκριση. Το δυσάρεστο όμως ήταν που, ανάμεσα στους οπαδούς έβλεπες μόνο ελληνικές σημαίες και καμία κυπριακή. Γιατί αυτό, ρε παιδιά; Κρίμα δεν είναι, σε μια τέτοια ποδοσφαιρική-ιστορική στιγμή να μην ανεμίζει μια κυπριακή σημαία;


Κωδικός άρθρου: 888987

ΠΟΛΙΤΗΣ - 07/08/2009, Σελίδα: 12

Above in today's "POLITIS" - My reply is that most possible the Cyprus flag created and still creating so big problems to the Greeks of Cyprus and therefore they are looking to their origins to soft their souls.
For these who are ready to attack this post i clarify that the Greek flag for me is not reprersenting in Cyprus the Greek state (since Cyprus is an indepedent state) but the regret of people who are under internal and international pressure to change themselves and be something else.

Our problem in the Island is instead to focus on the accupation problem ,some of us, looking for internal basic changes (Ethnical) in order to be able to accept the occupation. (to be a simple Cypriot-like T/cs then turkish army is protecting a part of your people and therefore more easy for you to accept its presence in the Island.

Greek flag, must be found a way to not be mixed up with junta regimes and its people in Cyprus since its represent other things and these people have not the right to consider it as theirs.Its represent the existance of Greeks in Cyprus and these fighting it or these use it for other reasons are just destoying and minimizing the possibility of such existance.

If a G/c in order to feel free and solve his country's problem must change Ethnicity then he can easily travel to Peru be a Peruvian and feel the same freedom. Target and methods must change after so many years of un-succesful policies.
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Postby Oracle » Fri Aug 07, 2009 12:35 pm

The Greek flag signifies the ethnicity of the indigenous population of Cyprus; the RoC flag signifies our (multi-ethnic) Cypriot independence. There is a time and a place for either flag ... or both.
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Postby EPSILON » Fri Aug 07, 2009 12:51 pm

Oracle wrote:The Greek flag signifies the ethnicity of the indigenous population of Cyprus; the RoC flag signifies our (multi-ethnic) Cypriot independence. There is a time and a place for either flag ... or both.

Fully clear and understandable.the problem is that the mafia of CB solution arrangements (local and international) succeeded to present the Greek flag in Cyprus as the simble of facists/Fanatics and tradors. This game started as from 1 Oct 1960 and still continues with grater success after 1974.

Their theory is based on a simple thing. If an Italian kill someone or robe a bank then all Italians must change Ethnicity.
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Postby miltiades » Fri Aug 07, 2009 12:57 pm

Oracle wrote:The Greek flag signifies the ethnicity of the indigenous population of Cyprus; the RoC flag signifies our (multi-ethnic) Cypriot independence. There is a time and a place for either flag ... or both.

By indigenous I presume you are excluding the T/Cs . On the island since 1571 that's 438 years , when does one become indigenous I wonder .
The Greek flag is not a unifying emblem on the contrary rather divisive and of course so is the Turkish flag.
Since Cyprus is totally independent , apart from the occupied part , we must respect its identity and its flag.
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Aug 07, 2009 1:15 pm

Epsilon, not only is your English mostly illegible, but your archaic and perverted EOKA B ideas are an embarrassment to this country.

Only a lobotomy can save you… :lol:
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Aug 07, 2009 1:18 pm

Oracle wrote:The Greek flag signifies the ethnicity of the indigenous population of Cyprus; the RoC flag signifies our (multi-ethnic) Cypriot independence. There is a time and a place for either flag ... or both.

That may be true for half-casts like yourself... :lol:

But you’ll never know the feeling of being a full-blown Cypriot. :)
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Postby The Cypriot » Fri Aug 07, 2009 1:46 pm

When Epsilon decided to leave Cyprus and make his home in Athens he was advised that, before he could be granted citizenship, half his brain would have to be cut out.

Epsilon thought long and hard but agreed to the operation, his love for the perceived motherland being so great.

After the operation, Epsilon's doctor came to his bedside.

"I'm terribly sorry, Mr Epsilon, but there has been a terrible, terrible mistake. Instead of removing half your brain, we've cut all of it out!"

A drowsy and confused Epsilon looked up at his doctor.

"Mr Epsilon? Do you understand me? Do you even recognise me?"

Epsilon smiled and nodded...

"Se gnoriso apo tin kopsi, tou spathiou tin tromeri..."
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Postby Oracle » Fri Aug 07, 2009 1:46 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Oracle wrote:The Greek flag signifies the ethnicity of the indigenous population of Cyprus; the RoC flag signifies our (multi-ethnic) Cypriot independence. There is a time and a place for either flag ... or both.

That may be true for half-casts like yourself... :lol:

But you’ll never know the feeling of being a full-blown Cypriot. :)

That depends on your definition of a "full-blown" Cypriot ....

According to mine, being born on Cyprus of Greek/Cypriot parentage and having RoC citizenship, I need no apologies.
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Postby Oracle » Fri Aug 07, 2009 1:55 pm

miltiades wrote:
Oracle wrote:The Greek flag signifies the ethnicity of the indigenous population of Cyprus; the RoC flag signifies our (multi-ethnic) Cypriot independence. There is a time and a place for either flag ... or both.

By indigenous I presume you are excluding the T/Cs .

Now you get it!

On the island since 1571 that's 438 years , when does one become indigenous I wonder .

If they were ever on track for such an honour, they blew it in 1974.

The Greek flag is not a unifying emblem on the contrary rather divisive and of course so is the Turkish flag.

The Turkish flag is foreign and divisive ... the Greek flag represents the ethnicity of the indigenous population of Cyprus and anyone who wants to eliminate that crucial cultural identity, is an enemy of the future of Cyprus.

Since Cyprus is totally independent , apart from the occupied part , we must respect its identity and its flag.

I've already said the political flag representing the independent republic of Cyprus is the RoC flag of Cyprus.
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Postby shahmaran » Fri Aug 07, 2009 2:33 pm

Well Oracle, your mentality is what invites the Turkish flag here, both physically and ideologically.

Indigenous Cyprus population is NOT Greek.

If you feel so then you are welcome to go live in Greece ;)
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