Oracle wrote:Paphitis wrote:miltiades wrote:Oracle wrote:miltiades wrote:Oracle wrote:The Greek flag signifies the ethnicity of the indigenous population of Cyprus; the RoC flag signifies our (multi-ethnic) Cypriot independence. There is a time and a place for either flag ... or both.
By indigenous I presume you are excluding the T/Cs .
Now you get it!
On the island since 1571 that's 438 years , when does one become indigenous I wonder .
If they were ever on track for such an honour, they blew it in 1974.The Greek flag is not a unifying emblem on the contrary rather divisive and of course so is the Turkish flag.
The Turkish flag is foreign and divisive ... the Greek flag represents the ethnicity of the indigenous population of Cyprus and anyone who wants to eliminate that crucial cultural identity, is an enemy of the future of Cyprus.Since Cyprus is totally independent , apart from the occupied part , we must respect its identity and its flag.
I've already said the political flag representing the independent republic of Cyprus is the RoC flag of Cyprus.
So what are you proposing then . The T/Cs are here to stay , they are not going anywhere on the other hand the Turkish Army is also here but it can go somewhere , back to Turkey . What is your method for getting the Turkish Army out of Cyprus , I know fly hundreds of Greek flags while singing the GNA and at the same time screaming out to the world that we are independent nation and all Cypriots are citizens of the ROC . !!
I was in Cyprus in 1974 , I did witness the " heroic" bullshitters carrying Greek flags , firing into the air and screaming out that Makarios is dead .
The only thing that died was thousands of innocent mostly civilian Cypriots and a third of our island.
The Greek flag is a foreign flag just as the Turkish one .
Even if Cyprus completely banned the use of the Greek Flag (not possible in a democratic country) and abolished its national anthem, the Turkish Army will NOT leave. Most of the TCs are too comfortable with the current impasse, and are just a pathetic minority now. Most of them will not demand that the Turkish Army be removed, no matter what. Melbourne, London, and Germany have a larger TC community than all of Cyprus put together, so for them, Cyprus is a lost cause and they have well and truly given up.
Their long term plans are to dehellenise the whole island, just like they have done to the occupied part of Cyprus, with destructive force.
A very level headed forecast, Paphitis.
The "TRNC" is the model for what they want to do to the whole of Cyprus.
After all, there are no "right-wing EOKA B' lunatics" in the "TRNC" to threaten Turkey. So, why didn't they leave the few traces of a Greek identity intact? Why did they pursue complete removal of a Hellenic cultural identity? It is because Turkification of the whole island is their objective; as they did in 'Turkey'. How some GCs can initiate this for them in the free areas, is beyond comprehension ...
Anyway, a long overdue welcome back Paphitis.
Paphitis wrote:
I can't even look at that cross which represents Christianity and does not represent the majority of Cyprus.....Instead of promoting christian mythology, we could instead promote our very own indigenous Goddess (Aphrodite)....![]()
The Parthenon is out of place as well...it could be replaced with Salamina....which is actually in Cyprus and currently occupied.
But there is absolutely no replacement for the current Cyprus flag. It is not gay like the flag depicted above.
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