kurupetos wrote:YFred wrote:kurupetos wrote:AWE wrote:kurupetos wrote:AWE wrote:Nikitas wrote:The publication of the book in question was partly financed by the RoC administration.
As Sener Levent asks, when will the TCs and Turks, officially finance a book that describes their war atrocities?
Perhaps when the RoC changes it's school history books to discuss the events of '63 to '74?
No change needed. They are included already.
Yes, Ok, right you are then. I think the Church of Cyprus wants a more balanced version of Cypriot History to be taught in schools as it is threatening a book burning if the history books don't change - or is that the other way around?
I don't understand what you mean. The outline of those events is included in the current version of the history books.
Kurupetos, its not a 2-page outline that needs to be taught, its the full version of the events including the what GCs did to GCs as well as their role in creating the environment of pre 1974. Now do you understand what he meant?
If it's about length, I am not sure that a teenager will be interested to learn every single detail.
But, if it's about objectiveness of the events, this is properly maintained.
Give me a specific example that is not included in the current version.
Do they mention the meeting after few months in government of the GC section of the RoC discussing how they can entice the TCs to rebel so the 63 events can begin with the ultimate aim of destroying the RoC and enabling enosis with Greece as well as who was at that meeting.
I am sure they will be very interested in what Makarios, TPapa, Klerides, Samson and Yorgadjis and the gang got up to in those early days. I wonder how the history of Cyprus would have panned out if this info was available to all decent GCs.