BOF wrote:shahmaran wrote:Where is Dr J when you need him
What I don't understand is, are there animal shelters in the South, and if so what is the problem, and if not then why not?
Just look after them there and find them new owners and make regulations about who can and can't own pets, simple really.
Ironically, the British do a great job with their system over there and Cypriots should take note.
to be fair i have seen the same situation regarding stray and abandoned dogs on your side as well Shahmaran
I absolutely HATE the way they deal with animals on my side!
But then they never claim to be European in the first place, nor I believe they could possibly afford to do anything about it at the moment.
The South is filthy rich and surely they can afford to open a few pounds and surely they must have some EU regulations and laws for animals.
WE have MANY animals living on the streets and if they are lucky they will be living around nice people such as me who feeds them every day and takes them to the vet.
If they are not, then the chances are they will either survive on their own or die soon or later