cymart wrote:Anyway, in early 1979,we made the(mistaken as it turned out) decision to come back to Cyprus and live,naively believing,like many other people then, that solution was just around the corner and we would be going home to Famagusta.By the way, the previous summer we could have got it back without any commitments of we had accepted the so-called 'Western' proposal to re-start negotations,but as the Soviet Union was enjoying Greco-Turkish animosity weakening NATO at that time, which was during the Cold War,the last thing they needed was a Cyprus solution so AKEL obediantly told Kyprianou who was president then to reject it!!In the summer of 1979 there was the now infamous summit meeting between Denktash and Kyprianou which produced no concete results except guidelines and the Turkish side were not committed to giving back Famagusta by any fixed date either so they played for time,knowing quite rightly that it was on their side and carried on with the plan they had been implementing since 1974....Since then 30 years have gone by-I came to Cyprus in my mid-20's,expecting that we would enjoy living in our own home in the town we were happy within the very near future.Now we are both in our mid-50's and still waiting,but we realise that for Cyprus,and ourselves,time here is running out and fast.There have been moments when we seriously wanted to believe and had hopes that things were about to happen,only to have them dashed,as everyone knows...and other moments of great anger and resentment,particularly with the way things were handled in 2004.During all the time I have lived here what I have noticed more than anything is increasing arrogance,selfishness and if anything an attitude developing among many people against a solution to the Cyprus question because they think that the status-quo suits them just fine...... this is very prevalent among younger people,as my 23 year old son keeps telling me and that except for people like me and his mother and her mother,nobody cares about it any more!For a typical example,come to Paphos or drive down to Protaras at this time of year when the Nicosia 'in-crowd' are there with their flashy cars,designer clothes and obnoxious,spoilt children,while just along the coast and within view,the remains of Famagusta are dying and falling into ruin as each day passes?What kind of country is this,and more important,what kind of people have the Greek-Cypriots become??I often wish a few Turkish gun-boats would suddenly appear and land some troops on the beach while they are all sunbathing-I wonder how they would re-act???Hey how dare you-I just ordered a moquito from the bar and paid for those sunbeds!!Perhaps my wifes uncle was right when he told us as we left Larnaca Airport in 1975-the following year him and his family got permission to emigrate to Canada where one of his brothers sponsored them-that Cyprus had been a good country where many people had a happy,if not materially rich life before,until its own people,aided and abetted by outsiders ruined it!His frank advice was that things would never be like before again and the old times were gone so we should consider finding another place to live if we did not want to stay in England.We had a chance to go to New Zealand as well at the same time we decided to come here but chose Cyprus instead,thinking that we would be back home soon and also because it was not too far from our familes in England.Looking back,I am now beginning to wish we had taken the second option as we really see no reason to stay here much longer if there is no solution very soon.Unlike what so many people have become brainwashed into believing since 1974 by living in their fantasy world of consumer goods,fast cars,fast food- and probably fast brothels soon to match-Cyprus is not in a normal situation and the present status-quo cannot continue!What they need is a wake-up call-and fast!
Cheers everyone and thanks for your time!
JoJo wrote:Hello. Where do I start. I have lived in Cyprus on and off for alot of years. I am fully aware that everywhere in the world in changing at a rapid pace. However, the breed of most of the Cypriot women I come across on a daily basis need up good kick up the backside. When did these womaen become so spoilt and selfish?
Quite a few of my female relatives: (to name but a few)
- Have cleaners for their houses even though they do not work
- Their mothers raise their children
- They do not cook (mum does that as well, minimum twice a day)
- Go on regular holidays because they are always tired
- Visit the hairdresser twice weekly
- Visit a beautician twice weekly
- (this one is a clssic) order fried chips from the takeaway store for the kids if they do not like grandma's cooking and she happens to not be home to cook something else.
- Have to drive a luxury car. The husband gets the shitty beat up twin cabin
- Act like bitches all day and think they are the centre of the universe.
Can someone lease exlain waht has hapened to the women here. It never used to be like this. How do men find wives these days? I feel sorry for the single men trying to find a wife Is that why alot of men have affairs here?
Please enlighten me somebody. Thanks!!
baby-come-fly-with-me wrote:cymart wrote:Anyway, in early 1979,we made the(mistaken as it turned out) decision to come back to Cyprus and live,naively believing,like many other people then, that solution was just around the corner and we would be going home to Famagusta.By the way, the previous summer we could have got it back without any commitments of we had accepted the so-called 'Western' proposal to re-start negotations,but as the Soviet Union was enjoying Greco-Turkish animosity weakening NATO at that time, which was during the Cold War,the last thing they needed was a Cyprus solution so AKEL obediantly told Kyprianou who was president then to reject it!!In the summer of 1979 there was the now infamous summit meeting between Denktash and Kyprianou which produced no concete results except guidelines and the Turkish side were not committed to giving back Famagusta by any fixed date either so they played for time,knowing quite rightly that it was on their side and carried on with the plan they had been implementing since 1974....Since then 30 years have gone by-I came to Cyprus in my mid-20's,expecting that we would enjoy living in our own home in the town we were happy within the very near future.Now we are both in our mid-50's and still waiting,but we realise that for Cyprus,and ourselves,time here is running out and fast.There have been moments when we seriously wanted to believe and had hopes that things were about to happen,only to have them dashed,as everyone knows...and other moments of great anger and resentment,particularly with the way things were handled in 2004.During all the time I have lived here what I have noticed more than anything is increasing arrogance,selfishness and if anything an attitude developing among many people against a solution to the Cyprus question because they think that the status-quo suits them just fine...... this is very prevalent among younger people,as my 23 year old son keeps telling me and that except for people like me and his mother and her mother,nobody cares about it any more!For a typical example,come to Paphos or drive down to Protaras at this time of year when the Nicosia 'in-crowd' are there with their flashy cars,designer clothes and obnoxious,spoilt children,while just along the coast and within view,the remains of Famagusta are dying and falling into ruin as each day passes?What kind of country is this,and more important,what kind of people have the Greek-Cypriots become??I often wish a few Turkish gun-boats would suddenly appear and land some troops on the beach while they are all sunbathing-I wonder how they would re-act???Hey how dare you-I just ordered a moquito from the bar and paid for those sunbeds!!Perhaps my wifes uncle was right when he told us as we left Larnaca Airport in 1975-the following year him and his family got permission to emigrate to Canada where one of his brothers sponsored them-that Cyprus had been a good country where many people had a happy,if not materially rich life before,until its own people,aided and abetted by outsiders ruined it!His frank advice was that things would never be like before again and the old times were gone so we should consider finding another place to live if we did not want to stay in England.We had a chance to go to New Zealand as well at the same time we decided to come here but chose Cyprus instead,thinking that we would be back home soon and also because it was not too far from our familes in England.Looking back,I am now beginning to wish we had taken the second option as we really see no reason to stay here much longer if there is no solution very soon.Unlike what so many people have become brainwashed into believing since 1974 by living in their fantasy world of consumer goods,fast cars,fast food- and probably fast brothels soon to match-Cyprus is not in a normal situation and the present status-quo cannot continue!What they need is a wake-up call-and fast!
Cheers everyone and thanks for your time!
flippin eck!! good job you werent using a type writer, you would of run out of ink!!!![]()
JoJo wrote:Hi All and thank you for your input. I have to agree with Sega with regards to the maids. Alot of the people we know can not really afford their maids, but they take money from their parents to show that they are part of the elite. In the mean time, the husband is sleeing with the maid and the kids are beng raised by a total stranger that has a totally different set of values. Kids need attention from their parents. How else are we to instill into our kids all that we want them to learn. To become better human beings. People have lost their way...
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