JoJo wrote:Please enlighten me somebody. Thanks!!
I will do the honors. I completely agree with your statements, and have been saying this for sometime now. However, not all people are the same. I would personally like to thank you for putting such a thread on Cyprus Forum, as I truly see this as a major problem and since you put it so politely I will try my best to give you the best insights.
- Have cleaners for their houses even though they do not work
Traditionally Cypriot women were socially seen as lower than a man. Since women have started to earn an income via full time employment, many have decided to oversee their prior duties by hiring cleaners and servants. Most Cypriot women who have cleaners do work, the ones who do not work and have time for cleaners are likely to be in some sort of affair or pre-affair stage.
- Their mothers raise their children
They do this to be able to work and earn more money. The mother goes to work, so the grandmother can take care of the children.
- They do not cook (mum does that as well, minimum twice a day)
Some cook, however, particularly with the younger wives they certainly don't at first. I feel this is not entirely the wives fault. I think this is probably their mother who are to blame as they refuse to let go, and feel the only way they can be in their child's life is by cooking. Cypriot parents find it hard to let go. Like I previously said, not all people are the same, and this is not the same for all young wives.
- Go on regular holidays because they are always tired
I don't think they are tired, I feel it has more to do with their mentality. Have you ever heard the word "cle-ede", it means to
cry. Women and men a-like in Cyprus like to cry about things, overly moan on how bad they have it. You probably already know that people can get jealous, and this is a way to combat that jealousy, by making out that they are a victim or worse off than you actually are. It's kind of clever if you think about it.
- Visit the hairdresser twice weekly
They do this so they can sleep with their hair dresser,

.... only joking.
Appearance are as good as the soul they are holding. Anyhow, Cyprus has recently become a very materialistic country, and many have lost sight of what is truly important. Many women feel their worth is their appearance, and put this down to their soul purpose. It has a lot to do with validating them-self, ensuring they are still desirable, as well as improving their first impressions. I would like to ask you a question, "If you were the only person in the world, would you care about your appearance?" The answer is no.
- Visit a beautician twice weekly
See above.
(this one is a clssic) order fried chips from the takeaway store for the kids if they do not like grandma's cooking and she happens to not be home to cook something else.
I think it has to do with laziness, as well as their husband tolerating this kind of behavior. If one can get away with not doing something, they often will not do it.
- Have to drive a luxury car. The husband gets the shitty beat up twin cabin
Again, with wanting to be desirable, feeling special or superior to everybody else. It's silly, nobody needs a luxury car, a materialistic asset that lowers the value of your soul.
- Act like bitches all day and think they are the center of the universe.
This has again to do with men tolerating that kind of behavior. You need to remember than people who make out to be the be-all and end-all of the universe, do so because they were spoiled, or mistreated and decided to take a stand.
Taking from your thread that you are a man. I would like to give you some good advice, one which I hope will stick to you through your life. Not everybody is the same, we all get what we deserve, and people hardly (if ever) change.
Having said this, if I was to meet a woman who was spoiled, up her self and spoke down to me, I would simply ignore her and move along. If I was to meet a woman who displayed symptoms of laziness, I would move along. I do not have time to waste with immature women.
Is that why alot of men have affairs here?
On the contrary, women are bad because men are bad first. Cypriot men have affairs to ensure they are men, alpha-male, or how can I put it, not a push-tea (gay person). Again, a man is not defined by the women he slept with, but by his achievements and ability to stand up when things get tough.
Don't feel sorry for younger men, as I said, we all get what we deserve. In a country were it is socially acceptable for men go with prostitutes and have sex to ensure they penis is still masculine, you can't really expect better.
Having said this, not all men are the same, and similar to women. I believe there are good young wives about, and also good young husbands waiting to get paired up.
I would also like to add, that I can afford to do anything I desired, but I don't because of my upbringing. I do not feel people who are like this do this because of the money they have, but simply because they either can do it, or they are uneducated and feel this is the way to progress.
I hope this has given you a clear understanding of the problem, all problems have a solution. So all those problems you stated to have a solution.
Thanks again for putting such a meaningful thread up, and I hope you found my reply useful.