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What has happened to Cyprus Women?

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Postby yialousa1971 » Sun Aug 09, 2009 1:53 am

baby-come-fly-with-me wrote:
miltiades wrote:Children should be born with a mother -not a test tube- and a father.
English women who have children with black men do so not with the preconceived notion that I'm now going to fuck a black man so I can have his child but do so as a result of an animalistic urge to ...fuck . On average these women are from lower classes although the odd Middle class woman does so too. Black men dont stay with the woman , Jamaican culture is not that strong on single parenthood , they move on and produce , or rather fuck some else and it just happens they become pregnant . This is one reason why Britain is becoming a nation of bastards. Most of them become criminals or traffic wardens and the rest "purchase " property in the occupied part of Cyprus , which ever way you look at it they are all bastards !!!

blimey thats one way of getting your point across, is the F word allowed now on the forum? :shock:

On a scale of 1 to 10 this is a 1 for Miltiades, this equates to half a bottle of wine consumed saturday night. :lol:
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Postby Sega » Sun Aug 09, 2009 2:33 am

yialousa1971 wrote:
Sega wrote:
yialousa1971 wrote:
BOF wrote:Ha Ha havnt heard that expression since School days!
Anglo- Saxon, Anglo- Irish. Not a word in everyday use in the UK (latin)
So thats what we are called these days.....Amongst other things of course.

Mind you there can be confusion :

Anglo adj.
Usage Note: In contemporary American usage, Anglo is used primarily in direct contrast to Hispanic or Latino. In this context it is not limited to persons of English or even British descent, but can be generally applied to any non-Hispanic white person. Thus in parts of the United States with large Hispanic populations, an American of Polish, Irish, or German heritage might be termed an Anglo just as readily as a person of English descent. However, in parts of the country where the Hispanic community is smaller or nonexistent, or in areas where ethnic distinctions among European groups remain strong, Anglo has little currency as a catch-all term for non-Hispanic

Meaningless nonsense again!

Dude.. Anglo is English in the Greek language.

It's either englesos or if you want to be posh Anglos.

Thats what I said, that what Greeks call English people.

yep.. I call them englesi. :)
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Postby JoJo » Sun Aug 09, 2009 2:39 pm

you forgot poushto..... at the front !!!!! I apologise for being naughty..
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Re: What has happened to Cyprus Women?

Postby dinos » Sun Aug 09, 2009 3:49 pm

Sega wrote:This has again to do with men tolerating that kind of behavior. You need to remember than people who make out to be the be-all and end-all of the universe, do so because they were spoiled, or mistreated and decided to take a stand.

Taking from your thread that you are a man. I would like to give you some good advice, one which I hope will stick to you through your life. Not everybody is the same, we all get what we deserve, and people hardly (if ever) change.

Having said this, if I was to meet a woman who was spoiled, up her self and spoke down to me, I would simply ignore her and move along. If I was to meet a woman who displayed symptoms of laziness, I would move along. I do not have time to waste with immature women.

I have to say that this is quite spot-on. When I was in dating mode, I certainly gave several Cyp girls a shot. Two problems though-

1. Back in the '90's, they cooled off when they found out I'm based in NY,
2. After a bit of moaning, it seemed they had little to say. Example - when one mentioned over dinner that she was in Medical school, I said it was a noble profession and the world needed more people that care about others enough to really want to help them. She curtly said that was what her father wanted her to do. Rightly or wrongly, I took it as a "bugger off" statement - and fair enough, nobody was forcing her give two figs about me. If I had been trying to pick her up in a club or something, I could've turned that around. I just choose to not surround myself with negativity like that, and simply moved on.

Ultimately, I married an American girl. Nobody gave me a hard time with the cross-cultural thing at all. But in my family, an uncle married an American lady, another married a British lady, etc, etc and all were welcomed with open arms. So I'm fortunate enough to among open minded (not just good) folks in a general sense.

The bottom line, and what anybody should take away from your post that I quoted, is that everybody (men and women) need to be confident in what they want and are doing. Lack of confidence will affect people professionally as well as personally. Not everybody will agree with everything we do. People need to understand that that's perfectly OK. If you're unhappy, it doesn't really matter how happy everybody else is.
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Postby janet298 » Sun Aug 09, 2009 7:13 pm

I second the bad shop assistant attitude comment, we spend money so they can keep their jobs and they think they are doing us a favour by just looking at boooored....
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Postby Sega » Mon Aug 10, 2009 1:51 pm

JoJo wrote:you forgot poushto..... at the front !!!!! I apologise for being naughty..

lol.. I was going to say.. or kitchinokolos :-p sorry for being naughty too :-p
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Re: What has happened to Cyprus Women?

Postby Sega » Mon Aug 10, 2009 2:05 pm

dinos wrote:
Sega wrote:This has again to do with men tolerating that kind of behavior. You need to remember than people who make out to be the be-all and end-all of the universe, do so because they were spoiled, or mistreated and decided to take a stand.

Taking from your thread that you are a man. I would like to give you some good advice, one which I hope will stick to you through your life. Not everybody is the same, we all get what we deserve, and people hardly (if ever) change.

Having said this, if I was to meet a woman who was spoiled, up her self and spoke down to me, I would simply ignore her and move along. If I was to meet a woman who displayed symptoms of laziness, I would move along. I do not have time to waste with immature women.

I have to say that this is quite spot-on. When I was in dating mode, I certainly gave several Cyp girls a shot. Two problems though-

1. Back in the '90's, they cooled off when they found out I'm based in NY,
2. After a bit of moaning, it seemed they had little to say. Example - when one mentioned over dinner that she was in Medical school, I said it was a noble profession and the world needed more people that care about others enough to really want to help them. She curtly said that was what her father wanted her to do. Rightly or wrongly, I took it as a "bugger off" statement - and fair enough, nobody was forcing her give two figs about me. If I had been trying to pick her up in a club or something, I could've turned that around. I just choose to not surround myself with negativity like that, and simply moved on.

Ultimately, I married an American girl. Nobody gave me a hard time with the cross-cultural thing at all. But in my family, an uncle married an American lady, another married a British lady, etc, etc and all were welcomed with open arms. So I'm fortunate enough to among open minded (not just good) folks in a general sense.

The bottom line, and what anybody should take away from your post that I quoted, is that everybody (men and women) need to be confident in what they want and are doing. Lack of confidence will affect people professionally as well as personally. Not everybody will agree with everything we do. People need to understand that that's perfectly OK. If you're unhappy, it doesn't really matter how happy everybody else is.

I try to be.

I was speaking to this one girl, everybody told me how clever she was and how she was going to be a dentist. I decided to speak to her about educated matters, I spoke to her on the environment, the I proceed with hybrid vehicles and how wooden houses are better insulated. Believe me, I did not get a single response. My brother, the less educated candidate, spoke about nightclubs, hardly an educated topic. In no time she was fully involved in that conversation as if they improved humanity.

I was told that another girl was a really good person. Anyway, I saw her at midnight, she was not but 17, and was in an ally with a man who was on a motorbikes. I remember saying to myself, "well if all good girls are like this I rather not bother".

Another girl, proclaimed virgin her parents, secretly screwing around like a rabbit with random people in order to give herself some sense of importance.

One last girl, she basically fooled everybody that she was certified pure, however, simply from the way she stood, spoke and walked I could vouch that she is no better than the women in the above examples.

We all have to judge for ourselves as Cypriots are highly unreliable source of truth.

Everybody is different and a non-Greek girl might be better than a Greek, it all depends on the person. There are good and bad families in all countries. Having said this I still prefer a Greek Cypriot girl.
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Postby JoJo » Mon Aug 10, 2009 2:39 pm

Good luck Sega. You are searching for a needle in the haystack!
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Postby Sega » Mon Aug 10, 2009 2:43 pm

JoJo wrote:Good luck Sega. You are searching for a needle in the haystack!

I know it, don't you think. I have known for some time now, I guess the penny dropped when I found out all my female relatives born after 1985 had sex under the age of 16, and all my male relatives went or go to brothels. All hidden in secrecy based with ideological ideas, one can hardly blame me for thinking like this. I feel that there are still good people around, real people with real values who are not part of islands subculture, I will find my needle!
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Postby JoJo » Mon Aug 10, 2009 2:48 pm

You attract into your life what you think about most! I am sure you will find that needle.
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