Filitsa wrote:yialousa1971 wrote:ManOwaR - Battle Hymn
Yialousa, "lovely" video. I conclude that you're either having a good laugh behind the monitor or seriously delusional. By the way, the battle hymn of the Greek Orthodox Church is "Ti Ypermacho."
emma ruby wrote:the sad cypriot singer NiNo !! i dont know the name of the song but its about a guy who dies and his girlfriend was so sad she end up killing her self then there ghosts united for ever after hah-
Filitsa wrote:Yialousa, are you a practicing Greek Orthodox Christian or a cultural Greek Orthodox?
baby-come-fly-with-me wrote:emma ruby wrote:the sad cypriot singer NiNo !! i dont know the name of the song but its about a guy who dies and his girlfriend was so sad she end up killing her self then there ghosts united for ever after hah-
And the only thing missing is a bottle of vodka and bottle of pills..oh the drama, oh the excitment listening to happy music, NOT!!!!!
yialousa1971 wrote:Filitsa wrote:Yialousa, are you a practicing Greek Orthodox Christian or a cultural Greek Orthodox?
I'm Greek Orthodox Christian, don't have to go to church every Sunday to be a Christian you know.
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