miltiades wrote:purdey wrote:No it ain't the weather Milti. It's the chance of a job and the chance to make a better life for themselves.
By the way the sun has been shining here all day and hardly a tourist in sight.
They , the tourists, are hibernating !!
As for the reasons why so many hundreds of thousand of immigrants come to the UK I can confidently say that our generous hand outs are a major factor . There are training schools operating world wide that specialize in teaching immigrants how to milk the system . It exists , only the blind can not see it, we have become a very soft touch and are known for it. A family arrives here with 3 children , their weekly allowances ?
Many hundreds of pounds . Free housing , health care , free ... durex and any other benefit under the sun. The word has travelled that the UK is paradise and all are jostling to get here .
purdey wrote:It's called giving back Milti. The British have raped the vast majority of these countries where immigrants come from, so helping out even at this late stage is not so bad.
cyprusgeoff wrote:I had a simply lovely day, did a very small amount of shopping early before the usual crowds made it too busy, went for a swim. Finished downloading a film and messed about for a while on the computer 'til it got too hot and went for another swim.
It carried on like that for the rest of the day, basically chilling out and enjoying lazing around.
As the sun went down we enjoyed a nice meal out on the patio with some nice red wine and now I fell satisfied, full and lovely.
Do I miss England? not one bit.
All I can say is.............come back soon.
dzimeruk wrote:purdey wrote:It's called giving back Milti. The British have raped the vast majority of these countries where immigrants come from, so helping out even at this late stage is not so bad.
This argument always tickles me...I suppose Italy ought to start "helping out" everyone whose ancestors were Roman once
But Britain has nothing on Cyprus, you should come back
miltiades wrote:Raining right now , looks like more rain for all of next week , often wonder what is it about the UK that attracts people from all parts of the globe , Pakistanis , Bangladeshis , Afghanistanis , Eastern Europeans , Chinese , practically from every corner of the world . Just figured it out and it ain't the bloody weather !
Flo wrote:dzimeruk wrote:purdey wrote:It's called giving back Milti. The British have raped the vast majority of these countries where immigrants come from, so helping out even at this late stage is not so bad.
This argument always tickles me...I suppose Italy ought to start "helping out" everyone whose ancestors were Roman once
But Britain has nothing on Cyprus, you should come back
I think every individual British person is personally responsible for many bad things in the whole world!!! Naughty people.
kurupetos wrote:Flo wrote:dzimeruk wrote:purdey wrote:It's called giving back Milti. The British have raped the vast majority of these countries where immigrants come from, so helping out even at this late stage is not so bad.
This argument always tickles me...I suppose Italy ought to start "helping out" everyone whose ancestors were Roman once
But Britain has nothing on Cyprus, you should come back
I think every individual British person is personally responsible for many bad things in the whole world!!! Naughty people.
Every Greek person also!!
miltiades wrote:The third world is taking the piss , the British politicians are too fucking busy fiddling their expenses , they are constantly peddling misinformation and the Brits accept it , I some times thing that I , a Cypriot , cares more for the state of the nation than the money mad greedy bloody politicians who have reduced this nation to a third world state.
The schools have had to make major changes so that some third world peasants can be accommodated.
You can not express your opinions any more because you are immediately branded a racist .
We have become a nation of bloody traffic wardens , parking ticket enforcement specialists , coronation and Easterners addicts with a dose of pure stupidity and sophisticated shit like big fucking brother !!
Off to Brighton tomorrow for a plate of fish and chips!!
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