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Losing Greekification of the ROC

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Re: Losing Greekification of the ROC

Postby Get Real! » Fri Jul 31, 2009 2:40 am

MrH wrote:(1) Are the Greek Cypriots losing the Greekification of their GC-Administered ROC?
(2) Is EU Mass Migration Destroying the GC-Administered ROC?
(3) Is the TRNC a Model for the future GC Hardliner (the ones who said a resounding 76% “No” to the former Annan Plan)?
(4) Why can’t the GCs be honest with themselves for once?

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Postby Nikitas » Fri Jul 31, 2009 3:40 am

You forgot Luxembourg, and Malta, they are smaller than Cyprus, where do you think they should hitch their states to survive the onslaught?

MASS crime, and MASS immigration? Look up a dictionary for the meaning of the word mass. There is neither the one nor the other.

Why fear losing "Greekification"? When did we ever have it? Does Greece have Greekification?

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Postby MrH » Fri Jul 31, 2009 12:17 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
MrH wrote:
(1) Are the Greek Cypriots losing the Greekification of their GC-Administered ROC?
(2) Is EU Mass Migration Destroying the GC-Administered ROC?
(3) Is the TRNC a Model for the future GC Hardliner (the ones who said a resounding 76% “No” to the former Annan Plan)?
(4) Why can’t the GCs be honest with themselves for once?

As can be seen by many of the reports discussing the pitfalls of the massive influx of EU nationals into Southern Cyprus, it's not surprising to also see an increase in corruption and crime levels in Limassol (as reported in Cyprus Mail yesterday for instance). What did the Greek Cypriots expect from an extremely unstable EU, particularly a tiny populated state like GC-Cyprus? Unlike Sicily which is part of Italy, Gibraltar which is part of the UK and many others strongly affiliated to a larger state, Southern Cyprus is no doubt in trouble and, judging by some of the people I've spoken to, is scared that they will also lose their "Greek Cypriot" majority populated edge one day in the future!

However, the real question is: Do we Turkish Cypriots want a piece of this crime and corruption? The answer is obviously "No". Many Turkish Cypriots are actually now quite happy to stay as we are, a part of Turkey, like Northern Ireland is to the UK, without riffraff of the EU new-comers; Like the Peasant Polish, Romanians, Bulgarians and let's not miss the GC loved Russian Corrupt mafia and their bogus industries and “Independent” bars and clubs. You can keep your so-called economic fruits any day of the week - I'd rather remain "isolated" and work with Turkey.

The idea of a small island like Cyprus joining the EU with its tiny population and easily over-run economy amazes me how its Greek Cypriot politician actually failed to realise this obvious pitfalls. An island like Cyprus truly had no place in joining the EU, typically because the EU's problems of ill migration, high unemployment and high crime are now embedded in Limassol and Larnaca - don't say we didn't tell you so - hehehehehhe.

While in the North, we may have a few Turkish citizens from Turkey but they know their limits, we speak the same language, have more or less (espeically after 35 years of conditioning from them thanks to the racist GCs) the same culture now and our republic is a Turkish one!!!!!

This leads me onto my second point of how the Greek Cypriots wish today, should have abandoned the naming convention of the "Republic of Cyprus" (for anyone who is a citizen of southern Cyprus) to one that is "Greek Cypriot". The Greek Cypriots may try their best to convince themselves that the GC-administered ROC is not a "Vulnerable" state bound by some kind of forceful change; either by mass EU migration or being forced into a federal model that will obviously end up a Turkish state when Turkey one day gets into the EU, but the truth of the matter behind all these theories is that they NOW, more than ever, wish that it was a "Greekification" of a state in order to safe guard its Greek intentions.

Isn't that what the GC-EOKA B Hardliners are really screaming and shouting about when they demand that Christofias should either resign or back out of the current UN talk’s process?

Ultimately, the Greek Cypriots now feel vulnerable, weak and they know that their "Pure" former Greek Majority GC-Administered ROC is slowly fading away into a state that will either be transformed into the Republic of Greek Cyprus (if they use their tact), or watch its people one day become a minority in front of mass EU migration.

Feel free to criticise the above, but at least we in the "Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus" are honest about which direction we are heading towards (whether currently internationally recognised or not, that doesn’t matter anymore and the GCs know it).

We are happy that we are not flooded by uneducated EU nations/new comers spreading crime and fear in our small towns and cities. we are content with Turkey's respect of our slower pace of life, our independence and that our functioning republic state is "Turkish" and not one like the so-called all-free GC-administered ROC with its desperate 76% hardliners crying for some kind of union with the Greek world (Greece) but now having to battle the infamous EU nationals as well as us (the direct, and out spoken Turkish Cypriots).

At least we are honest about what we want. Perhaps you should be as well, instead of hiding behind a 76% hard-line, EOKA-B, or should I say EOKA-C, embedded "OXI" vote.

P.s – The text referring to Greek Cypriot fears we related to me by my Colleague Mr Andrew Savva!

Is this the 'Jokes' section? Perhaps not. I did not even laugh.

Not worth answering. Now where was I? Ah yes, the crossword.

Amazingly I cannot find one word in this post that cannot be rebutted and turned on its head for MrH to stew on. This would mean however that I would have to re-write this entire piece of crap this individual has chosen to fart onto his keyboard. I'm in no mood for that. As Deniz said, not even worth answering.

Unfortunately (for him) this MrH bloke has now fallen to a classification of posters on this forum that are considered by most to be joke posters. The result off course will mean being mostly ignored from now on.....until he returns with another nick (again).

What a typical usual. What, can't take the truth when it comes from a TC who knows, first hand!

The truth here is that Limassol is now a pool for Criminal activity. We tried to warn you guys not to get to big headed and enter the EU without an overall resumption of the Cyprus question but you chose to stream ahead as if it would push us to accepting unfavourable terms away from our original partnership rights and the 1977/79 high level agreements of seeking a federal formula - no chance matey.

Now, you are witnessing the disease of what's it's like to for a tiny populated state in dealing with a larger state, or should I say collection of states without let's say Greece to help you. Cyprus can not handle EU migrants/Migration alone. The answer is what your people are now complaining of. Sooner or later you people will be flocking to the TRNC for a quiet vacation, taking a trip short trip to NON-EU Turkey and then heading back to corrupt and crime driven Limassol again.

The Truth Hurts - take it like a man!!!!
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Postby DT. » Fri Jul 31, 2009 12:36 pm

MrH wrote:DT,
What a typical usual. What, can't take the truth when it comes from a TC who knows, first hand!

The truth here is that Limassol is now a pool for Criminal activity. We tried to warn you guys not to get to big headed and enter the EU without an overall resumption of the Cyprus question but you chose to stream ahead as if it would push us to accepting unfavourable terms away from our original partnership rights and the 1977/79 high level agreements of seeking a federal formula - no chance matey.

Now, you are witnessing the disease of what's it's like to for a tiny populated state in dealing with a larger state, or should I say collection of states without let's say Greece to help you. Cyprus can not handle EU migrants/Migration alone. The answer is what your people are now complaining of. Sooner or later you people will be flocking to the TRNC for a quiet vacation, taking a trip short trip to NON-EU Turkey and then heading back to corrupt and crime driven Limassol again.

The Truth Hurts - take it like a man!!!!

Yep he's drunk. :lol:

Answer Nikitas's post first cause I can't bother with you and then we'll talk.
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Postby Kikapu » Fri Jul 31, 2009 1:11 pm

MrH wrote:This leads me onto my second point

I'm still trying to figure out what was his FIRST point.! :lol:
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Postby EPSILON » Fri Jul 31, 2009 1:23 pm

MrH wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
MrH wrote:
(1) Are the Greek Cypriots losing the Greekification of their GC-Administered ROC?
(2) Is EU Mass Migration Destroying the GC-Administered ROC?
(3) Is the TRNC a Model for the future GC Hardliner (the ones who said a resounding 76% “No” to the former Annan Plan)?
(4) Why can’t the GCs be honest with themselves for once?

As can be seen by many of the reports discussing the pitfalls of the massive influx of EU nationals into Southern Cyprus, it's not surprising to also see an increase in corruption and crime levels in Limassol (as reported in Cyprus Mail yesterday for instance). What did the Greek Cypriots expect from an extremely unstable EU, particularly a tiny populated state like GC-Cyprus? Unlike Sicily which is part of Italy, Gibraltar which is part of the UK and many others strongly affiliated to a larger state, Southern Cyprus is no doubt in trouble and, judging by some of the people I've spoken to, is scared that they will also lose their "Greek Cypriot" majority populated edge one day in the future!

However, the real question is: Do we Turkish Cypriots want a piece of this crime and corruption? The answer is obviously "No". Many Turkish Cypriots are actually now quite happy to stay as we are, a part of Turkey, like Northern Ireland is to the UK, without riffraff of the EU new-comers; Like the Peasant Polish, Romanians, Bulgarians and let's not miss the GC loved Russian Corrupt mafia and their bogus industries and “Independent” bars and clubs. You can keep your so-called economic fruits any day of the week - I'd rather remain "isolated" and work with Turkey.

The idea of a small island like Cyprus joining the EU with its tiny population and easily over-run economy amazes me how its Greek Cypriot politician actually failed to realise this obvious pitfalls. An island like Cyprus truly had no place in joining the EU, typically because the EU's problems of ill migration, high unemployment and high crime are now embedded in Limassol and Larnaca - don't say we didn't tell you so - hehehehehhe.

While in the North, we may have a few Turkish citizens from Turkey but they know their limits, we speak the same language, have more or less (espeically after 35 years of conditioning from them thanks to the racist GCs) the same culture now and our republic is a Turkish one!!!!!

This leads me onto my second point of how the Greek Cypriots wish today, should have abandoned the naming convention of the "Republic of Cyprus" (for anyone who is a citizen of southern Cyprus) to one that is "Greek Cypriot". The Greek Cypriots may try their best to convince themselves that the GC-administered ROC is not a "Vulnerable" state bound by some kind of forceful change; either by mass EU migration or being forced into a federal model that will obviously end up a Turkish state when Turkey one day gets into the EU, but the truth of the matter behind all these theories is that they NOW, more than ever, wish that it was a "Greekification" of a state in order to safe guard its Greek intentions.

Isn't that what the GC-EOKA B Hardliners are really screaming and shouting about when they demand that Christofias should either resign or back out of the current UN talk’s process?

Ultimately, the Greek Cypriots now feel vulnerable, weak and they know that their "Pure" former Greek Majority GC-Administered ROC is slowly fading away into a state that will either be transformed into the Republic of Greek Cyprus (if they use their tact), or watch its people one day become a minority in front of mass EU migration.

Feel free to criticise the above, but at least we in the "Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus" are honest about which direction we are heading towards (whether currently internationally recognised or not, that doesn’t matter anymore and the GCs know it).

We are happy that we are not flooded by uneducated EU nations/new comers spreading crime and fear in our small towns and cities. we are content with Turkey's respect of our slower pace of life, our independence and that our functioning republic state is "Turkish" and not one like the so-called all-free GC-administered ROC with its desperate 76% hardliners crying for some kind of union with the Greek world (Greece) but now having to battle the infamous EU nationals as well as us (the direct, and out spoken Turkish Cypriots).

At least we are honest about what we want. Perhaps you should be as well, instead of hiding behind a 76% hard-line, EOKA-B, or should I say EOKA-C, embedded "OXI" vote.

P.s – The text referring to Greek Cypriot fears we related to me by my Colleague Mr Andrew Savva!

Is this the 'Jokes' section? Perhaps not. I did not even laugh.

Not worth answering. Now where was I? Ah yes, the crossword.

Amazingly I cannot find one word in this post that cannot be rebutted and turned on its head for MrH to stew on. This would mean however that I would have to re-write this entire piece of crap this individual has chosen to fart onto his keyboard. I'm in no mood for that. As Deniz said, not even worth answering.

Unfortunately (for him) this MrH bloke has now fallen to a classification of posters on this forum that are considered by most to be joke posters. The result off course will mean being mostly ignored from now on.....until he returns with another nick (again).

What a typical usual. What, can't take the truth when it comes from a TC who knows, first hand!

The truth here is that Limassol is now a pool for Criminal activity. We tried to warn you guys not to get to big headed and enter the EU without an overall resumption of the Cyprus question but you chose to stream ahead as if it would push us to accepting unfavourable terms away from our original partnership rights and the 1977/79 high level agreements of seeking a federal formula - no chance matey.

Now, you are witnessing the disease of what's it's like to for a tiny populated state in dealing with a larger state, or should I say collection of states without let's say Greece to help you. Cyprus can not handle EU migrants/Migration alone. The answer is what your people are now complaining of. Sooner or later you people will be flocking to the TRNC for a quiet vacation, taking a trip short trip to NON-EU Turkey and then heading back to corrupt and crime driven Limassol again.

The Truth Hurts - take it like a man!!!!

Whatever is stated here the bigger cuccumber (Xlorakas) Turkey faced during the last 35 years is the ROC's EU membership.A bigger one is coming on its own application results.
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Postby MrH » Fri Jul 31, 2009 2:05 pm


You forgot Luxembourg, and Malta, they are smaller than Cyprus, where do you think they should hitch their states to survive the onslaught?

MASS crime, and MASS immigration? Look up a dictionary for the meaning of the word mass. There is neither the one nor the other.

Why fear losing "Greekification"? When did we ever have it? Does Greece have Greekification?

Are you drunk?

Am I drunk, you wish!

Everyone knows that Malta is actually a Component country of Spain and does not have a bloody Bi-Communal conflict history as ours, so please close the book on that one.

While with Luxembourg with its ethnic groups as follows: Luxembourger 63.1%, Portuguese 13.3%, French 4.5%, Italian 4.3%, German 2.3% - are ALL Christian and in the European Union with no disputes amongst each other, like not isolating them or HATING their MOTHER countries!!!! But, more importantly, non of the Ethnic based motherland countries of these people are in a desperate build up of military arms (like with the Greek Cypriots against us), or at any one time in its RECENT history sought to ethnically cleanse the other. The truth is, the Turks and Greeks of Cyprus need to work side by side and not under one roof due to a serious lack of confidence, that's why Talat and Christofias are sitting around a table discussing a Federal type of solution, otherwise we'd be united, right? What you're implying is as if we've had no issues with each other as two peoples and we, the minority of the island after being isolated by the GCs using Turkey's so-called occupation as a false pretext for even more inhumane acts against our right to freedoms, should unite as one nation TRUSTING the majority GCs. That's obviously not going to happen, and a joke the EU or UN will not even entertain anymore, as the Greek Cypriots are clearly not considering the amount of indirect threats within the current talks process between our "Leaders" from the EU and UN.

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Postby EPSILON » Fri Jul 31, 2009 2:12 pm

MrH wrote:Nikitas,

You forgot Luxembourg, and Malta, they are smaller than Cyprus, where do you think they should hitch their states to survive the onslaught?

MASS crime, and MASS immigration? Look up a dictionary for the meaning of the word mass. There is neither the one nor the other.

Why fear losing "Greekification"? When did we ever have it? Does Greece have Greekification?

Are you drunk?

Am I drunk, you wish!

Everyone knows that Malta is actually a Component country of Spain and does not have a bloody Bi-Communal conflict history as ours, so please close the book on that one.

While with Luxembourg with its ethnic groups as follows: Luxembourger 63.1%, Portuguese 13.3%, French 4.5%, Italian 4.3%, German 2.3% - are ALL Christian and in the European Union with no disputes amongst each other, like not isolating them or HATING their MOTHER countries!!!! But, more importantly, non of the Ethnic based motherland countries of these people are in a desperate build up of military arms (like with the Greek Cypriots against us), or at any one time in its RECENT history sought to ethnically cleanse the other. The truth is, the Turks and Greeks of Cyprus need to work side by side and not under one roof due to a serious lack of confidence, that's why Talat and Christofias are sitting around a table discussing a Federal type of solution, otherwise we'd be united, right? What you're implying is as if we've had no issues with each other as two peoples and we, the minority of the island after being isolated by the GCs using Turkey's so-called occupation as a false pretext for even more inhumane acts against our right to freedoms, should unite as one nation TRUSTING the majority GCs. That's obviously not going to happen, and a joke the EU or UN will not even entertain anymore, as the Greek Cypriots are clearly not considering the amount of indirect threats within the current talks process between our "Leaders" from the EU and UN.


Lets say that you are right and the partition is the only solution.Then give us a reason G/cs to sign such an agreement and not leave the situation as it is today?At least for the time "TRNC" is a costly game for the invator.!!!
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Postby DT. » Fri Jul 31, 2009 3:03 pm

MrH wrote:Nikitas,

You forgot Luxembourg, and Malta, they are smaller than Cyprus, where do you think they should hitch their states to survive the onslaught?

MASS crime, and MASS immigration? Look up a dictionary for the meaning of the word mass. There is neither the one nor the other.

Why fear losing "Greekification"? When did we ever have it? Does Greece have Greekification?

Are you drunk?

Am I drunk, you wish!

Everyone knows that Malta is actually a Component country of Spain and does not have a bloody Bi-Communal conflict history as ours, so please close the book on that one.

While with Luxembourg with its ethnic groups as follows: Luxembourger 63.1%, Portuguese 13.3%, French 4.5%, Italian 4.3%, German 2.3% - are ALL Christian and in the European Union with no disputes amongst each other, like not isolating them or HATING their MOTHER countries!!!! But, more importantly, non of the Ethnic based motherland countries of these people are in a desperate build up of military arms (like with the Greek Cypriots against us), or at any one time in its RECENT history sought to ethnically cleanse the other. The truth is, the Turks and Greeks of Cyprus need to work side by side and not under one roof due to a serious lack of confidence, that's why Talat and Christofias are sitting around a table discussing a Federal type of solution, otherwise we'd be united, right? What you're implying is as if we've had no issues with each other as two peoples and we, the minority of the island after being isolated by the GCs using Turkey's so-called occupation as a false pretext for even more inhumane acts against our right to freedoms, should unite as one nation TRUSTING the majority GCs. That's obviously not going to happen, and a joke the EU or UN will not even entertain anymore, as the Greek Cypriots are clearly not considering the amount of indirect threats within the current talks process between our "Leaders" from the EU and UN.


Just before you claimed that ti was a mistake for Cyprus to join due to its small population

The idea of a small island like Cyprus joining the EU with its tiny population and easily over-run economy amazes me how its Greek Cypriot politician actually failed to realise this obvious pitfalls. An island like Cyprus truly had no place in joining the EU, typically because the EU's problems of ill migration, high unemployment and high crime are now embedded in Limassol and Larnaca - don't say we didn't tell you so - hehehehehhe.

And now in response to Nikitas you claim that Luxembourg and Malta do not have intercommunal problems therefore do not face the problems of this "imaginary mass crime scene" you call Limassol and Larnaca!!!

While with Luxembourg with its ethnic groups as follows: Luxembourger 63.1%, Portuguese 13.3%, French 4.5%, Italian 4.3%, German 2.3% - are ALL Christian and in the European Union with no disputes amongst each other, like not isolating them or HATING their MOTHER countries!!!! But, more importantly, non of the Ethnic based motherland countries of these people are in a desperate build up of military arms (like with the Greek Cypriots against us), or at any one time in its RECENT history sought to ethnically cleanse the other.

You're what we call in the business a flip-flopper :lol:
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Re: Losing Greekification of the ROC

Postby paliometoxo » Fri Jul 31, 2009 3:48 pm

MrH wrote:(1) Are the Greek Cypriots losing the Greekification of their GC-Administered ROC?
(2) Is EU Mass Migration Destroying the GC-Administered ROC?
(3) Is the TRNC a Model for the future GC Hardliner (the ones who said a resounding 76% “No” to the former Annan Plan)?
(4) Why can’t the GCs be honest with themselves for once?

As can be seen by many of the reports discussing the pitfalls of the massive influx of EU nationals into Southern Cyprus, it's not surprising to also see an increase in corruption and crime levels in Limassol (as reported in Cyprus Mail yesterday for instance). What did the Greek Cypriots expect from an extremely unstable EU, particularly a tiny populated state like GC-Cyprus? Unlike Sicily which is part of Italy, Gibraltar which is part of the UK and many others strongly affiliated to a larger state, Southern Cyprus is no doubt in trouble and, judging by some of the people I've spoken to, is scared that they will also lose their "Greek Cypriot" majority populated edge one day in the future!

However, the real question is: Do we Turkish Cypriots want a piece of this crime and corruption? The answer is obviously "No". Many Turkish Cypriots are actually now quite happy to stay as we are, a part of Turkey, like Northern Ireland is to the UK, without riffraff of the EU new-comers; Like the Peasant Polish, Romanians, Bulgarians and let's not miss the GC loved Russian Corrupt mafia and their bogus industries and “Independent” bars and clubs. You can keep your so-called economic fruits any day of the week - I'd rather remain "isolated" and work with Turkey.

The idea of a small island like Cyprus joining the EU with its tiny population and easily over-run economy amazes me how its Greek Cypriot politician actually failed to realise this obvious pitfalls. An island like Cyprus truly had no place in joining the EU, typically because the EU's problems of ill migration, high unemployment and high crime are now embedded in Limassol and Larnaca - don't say we didn't tell you so - hehehehehhe.

While in the North, we may have a few Turkish citizens from Turkey but they know their limits, we speak the same language, have more or less (espeically after 35 years of conditioning from them thanks to the racist GCs) the same culture now and our republic is a Turkish one!!!!!

This leads me onto my second point of how the Greek Cypriots wish today, should have abandoned the naming convention of the "Republic of Cyprus" (for anyone who is a citizen of southern Cyprus) to one that is "Greek Cypriot". The Greek Cypriots may try their best to convince themselves that the GC-administered ROC is not a "Vulnerable" state bound by some kind of forceful change; either by mass EU migration or being forced into a federal model that will obviously end up a Turkish state when Turkey one day gets into the EU, but the truth of the matter behind all these theories is that they NOW, more than ever, wish that it was a "Greekification" of a state in order to safe guard its Greek intentions.

Isn't that what the GC-EOKA B Hardliners are really screaming and shouting about when they demand that Christofias should either resign or back out of the current UN talk’s process?

Ultimately, the Greek Cypriots now feel vulnerable, weak and they know that their "Pure" former Greek Majority GC-Administered ROC is slowly fading away into a state that will either be transformed into the Republic of Greek Cyprus (if they use their tact), or watch its people one day become a minority in front of mass EU migration.

Feel free to criticise the above, but at least we in the "Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus" are honest about which direction we are heading towards (whether currently internationally recognised or not, that doesn’t matter anymore and the GCs know it).

We are happy that we are not flooded by uneducated EU nations/new comers spreading crime and fear in our small towns and cities. we are content with Turkey's respect of our slower pace of life, our independence and that our functioning republic state is "Turkish" and not one like the so-called all-free GC-administered ROC with its desperate 76% hardliners crying for some kind of union with the Greek world (Greece) but now having to battle the infamous EU nationals as well as us (the direct, and out spoken Turkish Cypriots).

At least we are honest about what we want. Perhaps you should be as well, instead of hiding behind a 76% hard-line, EOKA-B, or should I say EOKA-C, embedded "OXI" vote.

P.s – The text referring to Greek Cypriot fears we related to me by my Colleague Mr Andrew Savva!

what a load of crap cyprus is cyprus not greece or turkey any partitionist who believes this is greece or turkey should go home to greece since they love it so much or turkey and leave us CYPRIOTS alone
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