A young monk is looking around the new monastery which will be his home from now on.
He enters this large room where several monks are hunched over 2 books. He nears one of them and asks, "Brother, what task are you all doing?" His fellow monk responds, "We are copying text from the Good Book whose rules we abide by so it can be passed onto following generations."
He finds this interesting and asks, "But Brother, if a mistake was made early on, wouldn't this error be carried forth throughout generations?"
The Brother looks up at him and responds, "That is a very good question and perhaps it's time I check the original."
The Brother goes into the cellar where the original has been kept for centuries. Hours pass and the young monk starts to worry that something may have happened so he goes to check on his friend.
He finds him banging his head on the stone wall uttering, "We missed the R!..we missed the R!...we missed the R!"
Stopping him from further pain he asks, "What is this R that you missed, Brother?"
The brother looks at him all bloodied, "The word was celebrate!!"