My Beloved Fellow Stylish iPhone Carrying Strugglers in the National ...,
Some of you chaps and chapesses may think me a little old and generally past my prime, and you might well be right, but let me tell you that Billc C. can keep up with the younger members when it comes to things Nerdish cos I can tell you my brothers and sisters that I am the ultimate Nerd. I have collected stamps, for instance, in days long past when stamps were real stamps. You boys and girls want to see a model railway? There's one in our attic here. I could go on but the hour is late and I know the younger members will want to be abed.
So anyway, here is how to to DOWNLOAD AND SAVE YOUTUBE VIDEOS for jailbroken iPhones. Mine is 3G system 3.0, but I think this new app I have discovered works for others as well. It'll cost you 2 USD.
No need to use a PC to do this now, this app YOURtube will knit seamlessly in to the existing youtube app.
1. On a jailbroken iPhone you should have a new store called CYDIA, it appears in the icons amongst all those silly games apps. This Cydia Store is the freed up counterpart to Apple's App Store. Launch it and find the app called YourTube. (YOURtube! got it?)
2. Purchase and install the app YourPhone for 2 USD with your existing amazon, google, paypal account.
3. Go to youtube app in the normal way on the phone and pick and watch a vid.
4. When the vid finishes, you'll see a new button has appeared in top right which says ....DOWNLOAD ... click it and the vid is downloaded and saved to phone memory. It's that easy. It's that piss simple.
4. Now go to the More section of your youtube app and you'll find a new download section has appeared. All the vids you select to download appear here. Click the vid you've saved and it starts playing from saved phone memory.
Best 2 USD I have ever spent. ... er ...not that I have ever spent dollars before.