denizaksulu wrote:Filitsa wrote:SSBubbles wrote:Filitsa wrote:Dear Emma,
Get to know his family. Observe closely the mother-father relationship. These are his role models. Observe closely the mother-son relationship. This will give you a hint as to what he will expect of your relationship when "the honeymoon is over," and at some point - sooner rather than later - it will be over. Alas, all is not lost, but this is a topic for another day.
Yours truly,
Auntie Agony
Anti(a)goni; Is that you?
It depends on how you undersand the meaning of Antigone, Bubbles my friend. Does is it mean a) unbending, b) in place of a mother, or c) against the mother? I must warn you that your answer will reflect a certain mentality.
Mental alright....Judgmental.
Hark at my mentor!