Z4 wrote:Gib should not be Englands fullstop
My, what a fierce intellectual pace you set!

Raymanoff wrote:Leave it to the Native Monkeys?
Perfect example of old colonial mentality... so offensive.
Maybe you also should leave Dekhelia and Akrotiri to "native monkeys"?
shahmaran wrote:Oracle wrote:purdey wrote:What do the people of Gibraltar want ? I only know 5 and they would like it to remain British.
The problem is purdey ... those liable to vote in a referendum are not natives but colonising, settler Brits ... So, they are bound to swing towards shared sovereignty with Britain.
Can we be grown up enough, rather more worldly-wise than the average European, and see the injustice of such an eventuality?
Oh lovely!
You are so considerate Oracle!
Why don't you try and hold the same view regarding the Kosovo deal?
That would be ever so beyond-the-average-European.
Or are you just going to mumble some hypocritical nonsense and sweep this one under the carpet?
Don't worry I wont tell no one, if you do
CBBB wrote:Do our donkeys (I mean the four-legged ones) get to vote in our referendum?
vaughanwilliams wrote:Gibraltar is a British overseas territory and is so as a result of history.
As Britain and Spain are both in the EU, does it really matter which country nominally "owns" it, or is this just Spain trying to regain "face"?
Put another way, what's to be gained by all parties concerned?
Simon wrote:What happens to Gibraltar should be the choice of the Gibraltarians. They recently had their say. A referendum on the rock resulted in 99% wanting to remain British, and rejected any notion of even joint sovereignty. The turnout was well over 50%. You can't really get more conclusive than that. Gibraltar has been British since 1704, and the Spanish ceded it to Britain in 1713. Therefore, British it should remain.
Oracle wrote:shahmaran wrote:Oracle wrote:purdey wrote:What do the people of Gibraltar want ? I only know 5 and they would like it to remain British.
The problem is purdey ... those liable to vote in a referendum are not natives but colonising, settler Brits ... So, they are bound to swing towards shared sovereignty with Britain.
Can we be grown up enough, rather more worldly-wise than the average European, and see the injustice of such an eventuality?
Oh lovely!
You are so considerate Oracle!
Why don't you try and hold the same view regarding the Kosovo deal?
That would be ever so beyond-the-average-European.
Or are you just going to mumble some hypocritical nonsense and sweep this one under the carpet?
Don't worry I wont tell no one, if you do
Nope you are 100% correct ... Kosovo should be considered similarly because the natives are the Serbs and not the recent colonising "Mongol Remnants Phase II".
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