SoSolidCrew wrote:ya bi siktir git be
and here you have it...intelligence of a peanut at its best...
SoSolidCrew wrote:And it is really hard to believe that ppl like you still exist.. Against any communication and peace.. Again, Internet is a real fortune for you, since you'd have nothing to do at home all day long, nerd.
Viewpoint wrote:Lets agree division on a 27% 73% split and end this once and forever, you people in the EU and us not.
Get Real! wrote:Viewpoint wrote:Lets agree division on a 27% 73% split and end this once and forever, you people in the EU and us not.
Not even an inch!
This is the land where our indigenous ancient ancestors roamed and toiled the land for millenniums… go find YOURS because it’s not on Cyprus!
So we will keep 37% of our island 40.000 troops in place, thousands of settlers and the status quo...dont say we never offered you anything.
Viewpoint wrote:Get Real! wrote:Viewpoint wrote:Lets agree division on a 27% 73% split and end this once and forever, you people in the EU and us not.
Not even an inch!
This is the land where our indigenous ancient ancestors roamed and toiled the land for millenniums… go find YOURS because it’s not on Cyprus!
So we will keep 37% of our island 40.000 troops in place, thousands of settlers and the status quo...dont say we never offered you anything.
yiannisP wrote:So we will keep 37% of our island 40.000 troops in place, thousands of settlers and the status quo...dont say we never offered you anything.
You could do that, but you would continue to be illegal occupiers and war criminals (not that I think this really bothers you) and evading justice for 35 years would surely be a consideration when in court, which is where I will meet those who illegally profit at the expense of refugees.
You have quite simply nothing to bargain with. One cannot enter into an agreement with property they know to be stollen. It is disgusting that you and others are suggesting that a piece of Cyprus should 'belong' to Turkey and have the audacity to emotionally blackmail people like this that it is 'their fault' for not bending over. It is like a hostage situation where the gunmen make themselves at home in a building and then issue crazier and crazier demands for the release of their hostages..... Bottom line: No one is going to legitimize the theft of a third of a nation. The world does not recognise Turkey's fake state or illegally produced title deeds. Almost every decision at the European level has been clearly in favour of Cypriots. Cyprus belongs to Cypriots and the Republic.
The Cypriot wrote:Viewpoint wrote:Get Real! wrote:Viewpoint wrote:Lets agree division on a 27% 73% split and end this once and forever, you people in the EU and us not.
Not even an inch!
This is the land where our indigenous ancient ancestors roamed and toiled the land for millenniums… go find YOURS because it’s not on Cyprus!
So we will keep 37% of our island 40.000 troops in place, thousands of settlers and the status quo...dont say we never offered you anything.
You have nothing to offer that wasn't stolen by force. You have nothing legitimate to offer. That you do so is an insult. So put your offer away because it's the sick offer of an outlaw.
No Cypriot will agree to divide their homeland in two. It's a non starter. Forget it. 'Greeks' and 'Turks' might want to agree but their allegiance is to two foreign countries that have destroyed Cyprus and as such they are entirely disqualified. They should just keep quiet because they've done enough damage already.
Anyone endorsing the carving up Cyprus is a pariah. Traitor. Filth. Scum. We'll shave their hair off and throw rotten watermelon at them for being tempted by 30 pieces of silver like a Judas. The bones of generations upon generations of deceased Cypriots will rise from the grave and haunt whoever tried to sanction such dismemberment.
And if politicians were foolish enough to even contemplate carving up Cyprus between them, that would be challenged through the courts if anything was agreed that was not in accordance with human rights.
There are two options. Reunification, in accordance with EU law, or the continuation of the status quo, but with the war of attrition intensifying, and affecting Turkey as well as the subordinate regime in the north.
Take your pick. But take your stolen goods off the table. Because no one's buying.
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