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"Peace" opearation- an eye witness account

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby bill cobbett » Tue Jul 21, 2009 11:09 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Nikitas wrote:"What I am surprised is that GCs blame Turks but they never accept any single pressure that had happened to TCs."

You obviously do not follow the GC or Greek press. There are many reports of GC perpetrated killings against TCs, as there are op-ed articles about the blame that must be apportioned to the GCs.

President Christofias, both before and after his election stated many times that the treatment, as well as the attitude of GCs towards TCs were wrong. Christofias did not use the easy way and try to lay the blame on the Greek dictators, EOKA B etc. He squrely said "we".

Apart from Mehmet Ali Birad, who is not an official, I have never heard any high ranking Turk or TC accept that there were crimes in 1974. Even when Ecevit says "if the Greeks had accepted our ultimatum of August 13 we would not have had to proceed with Attila II and kill 4500 people" there are bloody minded cynics in here who argue that all GC casualties were caused by fighting among GCs between July 15 and July 20 of 1974.

The killing was not carried out by militias. It was the work of a Nato trained army. It was part of a plan. The fact that no prosecutions followed the crimes shows that they were part of delibarate campaign. Dont look far, just think of how the situation would have panned out if there had been no military reaction to the invading army. Is anyone in his right mind suggesting that the GC population would have been allowed to remain in the north? When the Turkish FORMALLY stated demand of August 13 was the surrender of 30 per cent of the island?

The behavior of the Turks during the last 35 years proves that the goal of the invasion was never the welfare of the TCs. The aim was and is a de facto annexation and Turkification of the north. As long as the TCs do not react to this there is no point in negotiating.

Feel free to walk away when ever you wish...

Neah, we'll be around for a very long time, in fact I think we'll be here for donkey's years.

Not in your life time anyway.

Predictions, predictions. No one had the foresight to see the Collapse of the Berlin Wall and the Soviet Empire until a few minutes before it happened.

How did your "celebrations" go yesterday by the way? Nice party? Good BBQ? Dancing and Singing on the graves of thousands of CYs of both communities?
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Postby Viewpoint » Tue Jul 21, 2009 11:15 pm

bill cobbett wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Nikitas wrote:"What I am surprised is that GCs blame Turks but they never accept any single pressure that had happened to TCs."

You obviously do not follow the GC or Greek press. There are many reports of GC perpetrated killings against TCs, as there are op-ed articles about the blame that must be apportioned to the GCs.

President Christofias, both before and after his election stated many times that the treatment, as well as the attitude of GCs towards TCs were wrong. Christofias did not use the easy way and try to lay the blame on the Greek dictators, EOKA B etc. He squrely said "we".

Apart from Mehmet Ali Birad, who is not an official, I have never heard any high ranking Turk or TC accept that there were crimes in 1974. Even when Ecevit says "if the Greeks had accepted our ultimatum of August 13 we would not have had to proceed with Attila II and kill 4500 people" there are bloody minded cynics in here who argue that all GC casualties were caused by fighting among GCs between July 15 and July 20 of 1974.

The killing was not carried out by militias. It was the work of a Nato trained army. It was part of a plan. The fact that no prosecutions followed the crimes shows that they were part of delibarate campaign. Dont look far, just think of how the situation would have panned out if there had been no military reaction to the invading army. Is anyone in his right mind suggesting that the GC population would have been allowed to remain in the north? When the Turkish FORMALLY stated demand of August 13 was the surrender of 30 per cent of the island?

The behavior of the Turks during the last 35 years proves that the goal of the invasion was never the welfare of the TCs. The aim was and is a de facto annexation and Turkification of the north. As long as the TCs do not react to this there is no point in negotiating.

Feel free to walk away when ever you wish...

Neah, we'll be around for a very long time, in fact I think we'll be here for donkey's years.

Not in your life time anyway.

Predictions, predictions. No one had the foresight to see the Collapse of the Berlin Wall and the Soviet Empire until a few minutes before it happened.

How did your "celebrations" go yesterday by the way? Nice party? Good BBQ? Dancing and Singing on the graves of thousands of CYs of both communities?

Was great national holiday as you know, eating drinking and making merry all in the name of saving our lives, which is millions times better than it was when we "lived together"...the blood stains are clearly on the GCs hands who started this troubles in 1963.
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Postby bill cobbett » Tue Jul 21, 2009 11:32 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Nikitas wrote:"What I am surprised is that GCs blame Turks but they never accept any single pressure that had happened to TCs."

You obviously do not follow the GC or Greek press. There are many reports of GC perpetrated killings against TCs, as there are op-ed articles about the blame that must be apportioned to the GCs.

President Christofias, both before and after his election stated many times that the treatment, as well as the attitude of GCs towards TCs were wrong. Christofias did not use the easy way and try to lay the blame on the Greek dictators, EOKA B etc. He squrely said "we".

Apart from Mehmet Ali Birad, who is not an official, I have never heard any high ranking Turk or TC accept that there were crimes in 1974. Even when Ecevit says "if the Greeks had accepted our ultimatum of August 13 we would not have had to proceed with Attila II and kill 4500 people" there are bloody minded cynics in here who argue that all GC casualties were caused by fighting among GCs between July 15 and July 20 of 1974.

The killing was not carried out by militias. It was the work of a Nato trained army. It was part of a plan. The fact that no prosecutions followed the crimes shows that they were part of delibarate campaign. Dont look far, just think of how the situation would have panned out if there had been no military reaction to the invading army. Is anyone in his right mind suggesting that the GC population would have been allowed to remain in the north? When the Turkish FORMALLY stated demand of August 13 was the surrender of 30 per cent of the island?

The behavior of the Turks during the last 35 years proves that the goal of the invasion was never the welfare of the TCs. The aim was and is a de facto annexation and Turkification of the north. As long as the TCs do not react to this there is no point in negotiating.

Feel free to walk away when ever you wish...

Neah, we'll be around for a very long time, in fact I think we'll be here for donkey's years.

Not in your life time anyway.

Predictions, predictions. No one had the foresight to see the Collapse of the Berlin Wall and the Soviet Empire until a few minutes before it happened.

How did your "celebrations" go yesterday by the way? Nice party? Good BBQ? Dancing and Singing on the graves of thousands of CYs of both communities?

Was great national holiday as you know, eating drinking and making merry all in the name of saving our lives, which is millions times better than it was when we "lived together"...the blood stains are clearly on the GCs hands who started this troubles in 1963.

I hear most tissies don't share your delight in the deaths of thousands of CYs of both coms, so much so that most don't bother to attend these dodgy celebrations whch I further hear are only attended by the TA and the Profiteers of the Regime.
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Postby Viewpoint » Tue Jul 21, 2009 11:49 pm

There were big enough crowds in both Lefkoşa and Girne, its viewed as a day we were freed from the evil bloody grip of Gcs 11 years of "Gc style democracy and human rights" which we never want to return to, ever again.
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Postby Get Real! » Wed Jul 22, 2009 12:53 am

Viewpoint wrote:There were big enough crowds in both Lefkoşa and Girne, its viewed as a day we were freed from the evil bloody grip of Gcs 11 years of "Gc style democracy and human rights" which we never want to return to, ever again.

Had you ever been interested in human rights or democracy you would’ve never smuggled arms through Kokkina, formed the auxiliary force to beat the GCs, formed the TMT, caused trouble in Kofinou where even the UN were fair game, bombed TC buildings to blame others, and finally gone on a murderous rampage in July 74!

Time you took a long hard look at all your disgraceful accomplishments on Cyprus before you even utter the words “human rights” or “democracy”!
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Postby bill cobbett » Wed Jul 22, 2009 1:01 am

Viewpoint wrote:There were big enough crowds in both Lefko?a and Girne, its viewed as a day we were freed from the evil bloody grip of Gcs 11 years of "Gc style democracy and human rights" which we never want to return to, ever again.

Well, try telling that Propagandist Pollocks, designed to hang on to the Spoils of War, to the 200,000 refugees you ethnically cleansed from their homes, or to the thousands of dead from both comms whose deaths you caused, including the deaths, dislocation, impoverishment and the forced exile from their homes of thousands of tisses.

In any event I take it you want some sort of Guarantee? .......

A Guarantee for Turkey to screw up the Island at any time of its choosing in the same way it did in "74? A Guarantee that you will hang on to Stolen Land and Homes? A Guarantee that you will have Disproportionate Power and, of course, silly little me, I forgot to include, the Usual Veto.

All guaranteed to screw CY up again.

OMG. IT'S 1959 AGAIN :shock: ....... :shock: :shock:

Or is it 1958? All that's missing are the False Flag Ops of the Green Goats/TMT blowing up the Turkish Press Office to kick things off again.

Pres X mate. We're going to have trouble with Turkey again.
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Postby bill cobbett » Wed Jul 22, 2009 1:05 am

My Dear Nikitas,
Sorry to have interupted your thread. This was the last that you wrote. I take the liberty of pasting it cos they are wise words.....

Nikitas wrote..

"What I am surprised is that GCs blame Turks but they never accept any single pressure that had happened to TCs."

You obviously do not follow the GC or Greek press. There are many reports of GC perpetrated killings against TCs, as there are op-ed articles about the blame that must be apportioned to the GCs.

President Christofias, both before and after his election stated many times that the treatment, as well as the attitude of GCs towards TCs were wrong. Christofias did not use the easy way and try to lay the blame on the Greek dictators, EOKA B etc. He squrely said "we".

Apart from Mehmet Ali Birad, who is not an official, I have never heard any high ranking Turk or TC accept that there were crimes in 1974. Even when Ecevit says "if the Greeks had accepted our ultimatum of August 13 we would not have had to proceed with Attila II and kill 4500 people" there are bloody minded cynics in here who argue that all GC casualties were caused by fighting among GCs between July 15 and July 20 of 1974.

The killing was not carried out by militias. It was the work of a Nato trained army. It was part of a plan. The fact that no prosecutions followed the crimes shows that they were part of delibarate campaign. Dont look far, just think of how the situation would have panned out if there had been no military reaction to the invading army. Is anyone in his right mind suggesting that the GC population would have been allowed to remain in the north? When the Turkish FORMALLY stated demand of August 13 was the surrender of 30 per cent of the island?

The behavior of the Turks during the last 35 years proves that the goal of the invasion was never the welfare of the TCs. The aim was and is a de facto annexation and Turkification of the north. As long as the TCs do not react to this there is no point in negotiating.
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Postby YFred » Wed Jul 22, 2009 10:15 am

bill cobbett wrote:My Dear Nikitas,
Sorry to have interupted your thread. This was the last that you wrote. I take the liberty of pasting it cos they are wise words.....

Nikitas wrote..

"What I am surprised is that GCs blame Turks but they never accept any single pressure that had happened to TCs."

You obviously do not follow the GC or Greek press. There are many reports of GC perpetrated killings against TCs, as there are op-ed articles about the blame that must be apportioned to the GCs.

President Christofias, both before and after his election stated many times that the treatment, as well as the attitude of GCs towards TCs were wrong. Christofias did not use the easy way and try to lay the blame on the Greek dictators, EOKA B etc. He squrely said "we".

Apart from Mehmet Ali Birad, who is not an official, I have never heard any high ranking Turk or TC accept that there were crimes in 1974. Even when Ecevit says "if the Greeks had accepted our ultimatum of August 13 we would not have had to proceed with Attila II and kill 4500 people" there are bloody minded cynics in here who argue that all GC casualties were caused by fighting among GCs between July 15 and July 20 of 1974.

The killing was not carried out by militias. It was the work of a Nato trained army. It was part of a plan. The fact that no prosecutions followed the crimes shows that they were part of delibarate campaign. Dont look far, just think of how the situation would have panned out if there had been no military reaction to the invading army. Is anyone in his right mind suggesting that the GC population would have been allowed to remain in the north? When the Turkish FORMALLY stated demand of August 13 was the surrender of 30 per cent of the island?

The behavior of the Turks during the last 35 years proves that the goal of the invasion was never the welfare of the TCs. The aim was and is a de facto annexation and Turkification of the north. As long as the TCs do not react to this there is no point in negotiating.

Bill, was it not just a few months ago when Kizilyurek was taking part in a discussion program on TV where he was cut off and told he cannot mention the GC atrocities?
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Postby Get Real! » Wed Jul 22, 2009 11:33 am

bill cobbett wrote:My Dear Nikitas,
Sorry to have interupted your thread.

:shock: Hey... how come I never get this kind of royalty treatment? :?
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Postby SoSolidCrew » Wed Jul 22, 2009 11:47 am

Get Real! wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:There were big enough crowds in both Lefkoşa and Girne, its viewed as a day we were freed from the evil bloody grip of Gcs 11 years of "Gc style democracy and human rights" which we never want to return to, ever again.

Had you ever been interested in human rights or democracy you would’ve never smuggled arms through Kokkina, formed the auxiliary force to beat the GCs, formed the TMT, caused trouble in Kofinou where even the UN were fair game, bombed TC buildings to blame others, and finally gone on a murderous rampage in July 74!

Time you took a long hard look at all your disgraceful accomplishments on Cyprus before you even utter the words “human rights” or “democracy”!

OMG I see no side but Turkey in your scenario.

HAHAHA and probably Turkey also did the coup in 1974 just to blame Greek and National Guards were also a part of Turkey's plans..

aaa and EOKA was acutally forned as a Turkish soccer club. Did you know that?
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