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Abbas does NOT back Greek stand on Cyp issue

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Kikapu » Sat Jul 18, 2009 11:40 pm

Why would a video be made for 7 minutes about the meeting between Abbas and Gül, and the only question asked of him was on Cyprus ( supposedly)when the Israelis killed over a thousand Palestinians few months ago, but nothing was asked on that issue and the only translation from Abbas, was also on Cyprus (supposedly). How credible is that video.??
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Postby runaway » Sat Jul 18, 2009 11:42 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:So the GCs are caught lieing.

According to Runaway, but his video is also lying, so we don't know what the truth is, but if Runaway’s proof is the video, then he is in big trouble since it is not credible.

Still defending the GCs more confirmation of your biased viewpoint.

VP onun rum oldugu belli. Bence hiç tartışmaya girme kendi kendine kudursun. Senin yokluğunda can sıkıntısından bana cevap vermeye başladı. :)
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Postby Kikapu » Sat Jul 18, 2009 11:45 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:So the GCs are caught lieing.

According to Runaway, but his video is also lying, so we don't know what the truth is, but if Runaway’s proof is the video, then he is in big trouble since it is not credible.

Still defending the GCs more confirmation of your biased viewpoint.

I'm defending the truth which you know nothing about. Besides, Runaway himself commissioned me to interpret the video for The Cypriot, which I did. He wished he had done no such thing now, but as an independent thinker that I am, I gave my honest analysis, and the conclusion was, that the video lacks credibility big time.
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Postby Kikapu » Sat Jul 18, 2009 11:54 pm

runaway wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:So the GCs are caught lieing.

According to Runaway, but his video is also lying, so we don't know what the truth is, but if Runaway’s proof is the video, then he is in big trouble since it is not credible.

Still defending the GCs more confirmation of your biased viewpoint.

VP onun rum oldugu belli. Bence hiç tartışmaya girme kendi kendine kudursun. Senin yokluğunda can sıkıntısından bana cevap vermeye başladı. :)

Don't get paranoid Runaway. Stop running to VP for help. I don't need VP to be around so not to challenge you on your post. You did after all asked me to get involved in your post to The Cypriot, and I did, and then I asked you for your comments. What’s wrong in that. If you did not want me to analyse your video, then keep me away from it, which I'm sure you will from now on.
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Postby runaway » Sun Jul 19, 2009 2:45 am

Kikapu wrote:
runaway wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:So the GCs are caught lieing.

According to Runaway, but his video is also lying, so we don't know what the truth is, but if Runaway’s proof is the video, then he is in big trouble since it is not credible.

Still defending the GCs more confirmation of your biased viewpoint.

VP onun rum oldugu belli. Bence hiç tartışmaya girme kendi kendine kudursun. Senin yokluğunda can sıkıntısından bana cevap vermeye başladı. :)

Don't get paranoid Runaway. Stop running to VP for help. I don't need VP to be around so not to challenge you on your post. You did after all asked me to get involved in your post to The Cypriot, and I did, and then I asked you for your comments. What’s wrong in that. If you did not want me to analyse your video, then keep me away from it, which I'm sure you will from now on.

ok stay away from now on south cypriot
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Postby Kikapu » Sun Jul 19, 2009 9:06 am

runaway wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
runaway wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:So the GCs are caught lieing.

According to Runaway, but his video is also lying, so we don't know what the truth is, but if Runaway’s proof is the video, then he is in big trouble since it is not credible.

Still defending the GCs more confirmation of your biased viewpoint.

VP onun rum oldugu belli. Bence hiç tartışmaya girme kendi kendine kudursun. Senin yokluğunda can sıkıntısından bana cevap vermeye başladı. :)

Don't get paranoid Runaway. Stop running to VP for help. I don't need VP to be around so not to challenge you on your post. You did after all asked me to get involved in your post to The Cypriot, and I did, and then I asked you for your comments. What’s wrong in that. If you did not want me to analyse your video, then keep me away from it, which I'm sure you will from now on.

ok stay away from now on south cypriot

OK then, as long as you have learned your lesson in dealing with doctored materials the hard way, I'm happy to leave you alone, but not before one other piece of evidence that does not support what was supposedly was said in the video about Cyprus, and that is, the article written in Turkish that came with the video (below) does not mention Cyprus at all. How come.? The English translation also below (the shaded area) does not mention Cyprus either except this added information (un shaded area) which tries to link this report with the video to give it some credibility, which in my view, failed miserably. Here is the added piece from the English translated version that was not part of the original article that was written in Turkish.

"The Palestinian leader recently dominated the agenda in Turkey after reports circulated that he had made remarks supporting the Greek Cypriot side during a visit to the southern part of the divided island. The Turkish Foreign Ministry summoned the Palestinian envoy for further explanation. In reply to a question at the press conference, Abbas said the claims were baseless and fabricated."

Turkish report that came with the video.

Cumhurbaşkanı Abdullah Gül, ''Orta Doğu'da gerçek barış sağlanabilmesi için, iki bağımsız devletin yan yana yaşaması ve başkenti Doğu Kudüs olan Filistin Devleti'nin kurulması gerektiğini'' söyledi.

Gül, Türkiye'ye çalışma ziyareti gerçekleştiren Filistin Devlet Başkanı Mahmud Abbas ile Çankaya Köşkü'ndeki baş başa ve heyetler arası görüşmelerin ardından ortak basın toplantısı düzenledi.

Abbas'ı, geçen şubat ayındaki ziyaretinin ardından bir kez daha Türkiye'de ağırlamaktan duyduğu memnuniyeti dile getiren Gül, bölgede önemli gelişmelerin yaşandığı bir dönemde bu ziyaret vesilesiyle ikili ilişkiler ve barış süreci ile ilgili istişarede bulundukların belirtti.

Cumhurbaşkanı Gül, bu konuları detaylı biçimde ele aldıklarını ifade ederek, şöyle konuştu:

''Orta Doğu'da gerçek barış sağlanabilmesi için iki bağımsız devletin yan yana yaşaması ve başkenti Doğu Kudüs olan Filistin Devleti'nin kurulması gerekli. Bu doğrultuda Sayın Abbas ve arkadaşlarının çalışmalarını Türkiye olarak destekliyoruz. Yerleşim yerleri, arazi istimlakleri, Doğu Kudüs'ün statüsünü değiştirmeye yönelik çabalar ve tahliye uygulamaları barış sürecini zorlaştırıyor.

Gazze Şeridi'nde yaşanan insanlık dramının sona ermesi ve insani yardımların bölgeye ulaşması, yeniden inşa için ablukanın derhal kaldırılması gerekir. Ümit ederiz ki, şu anda hakim olan iyimser hava boşa gitmez, herkes barışın gerçekleşmesi için uğraşır. Türkiye de bu yolda elinden geleni yapacaktır.''


Cumhurbaşkanı Gül, AB Güvenlik ve Savunma Yüksek Temsilicisi Javier Solana'nın ''Filistin Devleti'nin BM'de tanınması çağrısı''nın hatırlatılması ve ''Türkiye'nin güvenlik konseyi üyesi olarak bu konuda ne yapabileceği''nin sorulması üzerine Türkiye'nin başkenti Doğu Kudüs olan Filistin Devleti'nin kurulmasını desteklediğini ve bunu her fırsatta tekrarladığını kaydetti.

''Biz, iki devletli çözüm olarak bunu görüyoruz'' diyen Gül, bu sonuca ulaşabilmek için takip edilecek yolda önemli aktörlerle mutabakat sağlanmasının önemini vurguladı.

Cumhurbaşkanı Gül, ''Bu önemli aktörlerle mutabakat olmadan bir şey yapmanın faydalı olmayacağı kanaatindeyiz; hatta zarar da verebilir'' dedi.

Türkiye'nin bu konudaki kararlılığı ve fikrinin gayet açık olduğunu belirten Gül, ''Bu konuda takip edilecek yol hakkında bir mutabakatın temini şartıyla Türkiye üzerine düşen her şeyi yapmaya hazırdır'' diye konuştu. ... ---ANKARA/

English translation of the above report (more or less), plus the added paragraph at the end to support the manipulated video.

Turkey urges compromise on Palestinian stateFriday, July 17, 2009
ANKARA – Hürriyet Daily News

President Abdullah Gül said Friday that any efforts to achieve the creation of a Palestinian state could fail without the consent of important actors.

“Turkey, at every occasion, supports the establishment of an independent Palestinian state whose capital is East Jerusalem, but we believe in order to reach such a result, doing something without the consent of important actors will bring no benefits,” Gül told a joint press conference with Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas in Ankara.

“This could even turn out to be harmful,” he added. “Turkey is ready to do its best on the road to be followed as long as there is a compromise on that.”

EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana said last week that a deadline should be set for resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Solana said that if the two sides fail to meet the deadline, the Security Council should proclaim a Palestinian state under a settlement backed by the international community.

Gül’s remarks came in response to a question about Solana’s remarks and what Turkey, a nonpermanent member of the U.N. Security Council, could do to address the issue.

Abbas renewed his calls for Israel to abide by the internationally adopted 2003 “road map,” which requires Israel to halt all settlement activity, and for Palestinians to stop their attacks against Israel.

The Palestinians say they will not resume peace talks unless Israel ends its settlement activity in the occupied West Bank in line with U.S. demands, something that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has so far rejected.

The Turkish president said in order to maintain a true peace in the Middle East, two independent states must live side-by-side, and a Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital must be established.

The Palestinian leader recently dominated the agenda in Turkey after reports circulated that he had made remarks supporting the Greek Cypriot side during a visit to the southern part of the divided island. The Turkish Foreign Ministry summoned the Palestinian envoy for further explanation. In reply to a question at the press conference, Abbas said the claims were baseless and fabricated.

Before wrapping up his visit, Abbas met with President Gül to inaugurate the new Palestinian mission building in Ankara, which was financed by the Turkish government. Later Friday, Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu, who accompanied Abbas during the two days of meetings, hosted a dinner for him. ... 2009-07-17

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Postby Viewpoint » Sun Jul 19, 2009 9:47 am

Still defending the GCs until the bitter end, nothing new they lied end of story.
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Postby Kikapu » Sun Jul 19, 2009 10:06 am

Viewpoint wrote:Still defending the GCs until the bitter end, nothing new they lied end of story.

I don't know whether the GCs lied or not, is just that everything Runaway provided in making the claim that Abbas supposedly said that it was a lie by the GCs, all seems manipulated with the propaganda video without any credibility. Now, why go all the trouble in producing a manipulated video if in fact Abbas said what was claimed that he said. Why not be straight forward about it, but that was not done. This is the trouble with you Fascist NeoPartritionist, that you want to hide the truth and make things up as it fits your Fascist agendas, which is why you will not have a problem in blowing up TC kids in their schools just to get a partition by blaming the other side, in your childish and very simpleton ideas of having provisions that you want in the new constitution, that B will happen should A occurs. Guess what, I can guarantee that the A will occur just so that B becomes a reality no matter what the cost is. You Fascists cannot be trusted with such provisions. Without such provisions, there will not be any temptations to do such crimes to get what you want. Instead, I would like to get a permanent derogations from the EU, that anyone, and I mean anyone who tries to stir up racial violence with such heinous acts from either side, that public executions can be carried out, even though in principle I'm against any executions, but for the sake of all Cypriots and Cyprus, I would welcome such permanent derogations from the EU. It's the only way to keep all Fascists in check or be buried 6 feet under.!
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Postby runaway » Sun Jul 19, 2009 10:50 am

Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:Still defending the GCs until the bitter end, nothing new they lied end of story.

I don't know whether the GCs lied or not, is just that everything Runaway provided in making the claim that Abbas supposedly said that it was a lie by the GCs, all seems manipulated with the propaganda video without any credibility. Now, why go all the trouble in producing a manipulated video if in fact Abbas said what was claimed that he said. Why not be straight forward about it, but that was not done. This is the trouble with you Fascist NeoPartritionist, that you want to hide the truth and make things up as it fits your Fascist agendas, which is why you will not have a problem in blowing up TC kids in their schools just to get a partition by blaming the other side, in your childish and very simpleton ideas of having provisions that you want in the new constitution, that B will happen should A occurs. Guess what, I can guarantee that the A will occur just so that B becomes a reality no matter what the cost is. You Fascists cannot be trusted with such provisions. Without such provisions, there will not be any temptations to do such crimes to get what you want. Instead, I would like to get a permanent derogations from the EU, that anyone, and I mean anyone who tries to stir up racial violence with such heinous acts from either side, that public executions can be carried out, even though in principle I'm against any executions, but for the sake of all Cypriots and Cyprus, I would welcome such permanent derogations from the EU. It's the only way to keep all Fascists in check or be buried 6 feet under.!

Hasta mısın sen? Sorunların mı var? They asked him a question whether he really said he supported GC view and he said it was a lie and that he didn't say such a thing. Do you really expect him to say the contrary in Türkiye next to president Gül? You don't need to be a genious to guess his reply. Hatta gerizekalılar bile sorgulamaz ama sen ayrı bir vakasın tabii.

PS. Do you know the meaning of "vaka"? It might not come up in your Turkish-Greek online dictionary.
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Postby Linichka » Sun Jul 19, 2009 11:26 am

Who cares what Abbas allegedly backs? He's totally irrelevant - a weak sister who talks out of both sides of his mouth.
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