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Windows 7

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Postby shahmaran » Fri Jul 17, 2009 2:21 pm

Pambs wrote:new technology is better technology. and dont believe that thin that xp is better than vista. what sort of pc do you have, give us the specs and i will tell you

I have a quad opteron with 4gb ram and 500mb video and around 1tb of disk space, trust me I know Windows like the back of my hand and I see Vista as the equivalent of Windows ME which was a piece of crap that they used to make money with before releasing XP. Was ME better than 98? No it was not, but it was newer. I am sure Windows 7 will be much better than Vista but Vista was no way near better than XP. In fact Vista was a very shitty copy of OS X that did not work.

There is a world of difference between having to tweak your machine to the level of insanity in order to remotely have a stable system and to just whip out your Macbook from its box and voila, its working like a clock, a super fast clock as well.
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Postby paliometoxo » Fri Jul 17, 2009 2:22 pm

so u see windoiws 7 is the next xp :D

im thinking either get a upgrade cd to ultimate 7 64 bit because we all knwo 32bit systems cant use mroe then 3GB OR buy a macbook pro...
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Jul 17, 2009 2:31 pm

Three OXI from me Lana because installing Windows by clicking “next” is one thing, but configuring it properly after the installation is done is quite another.
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Postby shahmaran » Fri Jul 17, 2009 2:31 pm

paliometoxo wrote:wow ur words make the mac sound very good.. i mean i like the fact you dont have to defrag ever and as you say i can have windows AND mac osx cso for my iphone i can use them hacking tools for mac and anything i might need for windows or mac i have the option which sounds very good.. the mac batteyr life is 8 hours i think or longer on my lap top is 2 hours... u make some intresting points... although you can use a hackint0sh to install mac os x on windows but itsa a HACK not supported and is a pain to install...

what i also like about mac is the wide options of video and sound editing toolswhich are easy to find and free..

with windows the one si find are pay for and rubbish...

but ive never had mac os x so i think it would take some time to get used to also i know its a lot more stable then windows.. maybe my next lap top will be a mac.. they definatly have much more advantages minus paying lots more for less specs


I had never dreamed of getting a Mac until they moved on to Intel and started supporting everything I like on a PC :lol:

I can most definitely recommend it to anyone.

However I have to add that if you are into sound work then it is easier to find free tools for PC no doubt, unless you are rich or like me you have rich friends who are also into sound and give you Logic 8 (which does not need a dongle :lol:) amongst other plug-ins, they are a pain to get hold of for free on OS X.

My setup is, Logic for sequencing on my laptop with a few more instruments and I use my data-crunching quad opteron PC for running expensive plug-ins (which are easy to get hold of for free) for effects and dynamics.

The 2 are hooked up through optical cables of my sound cards.
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Postby paliometoxo » Fri Jul 17, 2009 2:35 pm

yes thats my main concern all my pc progs not working like nod 32 and other things.....

i use iphone and itunes and i like safari i have that on my windows machine
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Postby shahmaran » Fri Jul 17, 2009 2:41 pm

paliometoxo wrote:yes thats my main concern all my pc progs not working like nod 32 and other things.....

i use iphone and itunes and i like safari i have that on my windows machine

I use Nod 32, where does it not work?
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Postby Sega » Sat Jul 18, 2009 3:15 am

Svetlana wrote:Do I need it?

Is €85 a good price (Home Edition)?

Will even I be able to install it?


This is probably the best answer you can get.....

Windows XP is by far the best Microsoft Operating System. Windows Vista was considered to be bloat-ware. This is basically software that is so resource hungry it's not worth considering. I believe the minimum amount of RAM was 2GB. Even if you had more than 2GB of RAM you probably would not want to waste it running just an OS.

Vista was seen as a bad operating system from the start. Companies, computer manufacturers and event customers did not want to see the Operating System. Windows realized they needed to do something so they fixed Vista and released Windows 7. So in affect, Windows 7 is the correct version of Windows Vista. If anybody out there says how perfect Windows Vista is, ask them this, "Why did Microsoft decide to make another OS if Vista was so good?", the answer is ".. because Vista sucks"

XP is currently the best Microsoft Operating System. I have XP x64 and it works brilliantly. No bugs and works so smoothly. Vista is not a good Operating System, personally I would give Windows 7 at least 8 - 12 months before purchase just to see consumer reaction.

So far I have heard good things about 7, but it's all speculation. I do however have the beta version, just not installed it anywhere.

Thoughts on Macs
I have a mac. Macs are very good computers. There laptops are brilliant. However, this is the truth. When you buy a MAC what you are actually paying for it the Operating System. Apart from that one might argue that MACS are an overpriced piece of hardware. I truly believe they are. You can save yourself a lot of money by purchasing a good quality computer and simply installing Linux on it.

Operating Systems in General
Try looking at GoogleOS, the new proposed Operating System by Google. Also try Ubuntu. They are all good Operating Systems. Linux based Operating Systems are open source. For a general newbee, you can probably download Open Office, Ubuntu, Thunderbird and be on your way with the life on the internet, and guess what, they are free!

The future of computers is likely to be away from Microsoft and onto Linux, but this can't happen if people are not willing to be open minded.

I have had most OS's, starting from 3.1 to Vista. But the best so far for home usage, out of the Microsoft have been XP (x64) and Windows 2000.

My current operating system on my main computer, understanding that I have more than one computer, is Windows XP 64-bit. I am not an expert on computer's but I know more than most.

Microsoft has done a huge mistake. They released and sold an OS which was not considered of good standing. The people who purchased Vista not only had to learn a new OS, but learn something which will serve little use to them. The bottom line is, do you trust learning another OS which might just disappear in 2 years or so? or are you looking for something stable?

MAC OS interface has been the same as long as I remember it, and I remember it for a long time. So if you get a MAC then the way your operating system looks will remain the same quite possibly for ever. This means you will not have to learn a new OS.

Okay Windows 7, if you are on Vista than I would probably put Windows 7 just to remove Vista. But if you have XP just stick with it for at least 12 months.

If on the other hand you are looking for new possibilities you can always get a MAC, or a Linux.

Well let me just say that I have been a PC nerd since I was 10, my desktop is still a quad Opteron with XP 64 and I love it.

Me and you have a lot in common. The best investment I made was my computer. I am now looking to put 2TB hard disc. I have a 15,000 rpm HD, but buying a hard disc of this speed is an expensive move. I think I will just settle for 10,000 rpm.

Just so you know, MAC are known to run the XP OS better than PCs, for some weird reason.
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Postby shahmaran » Sat Jul 18, 2009 10:07 am

Yup so true Sega.

I can also add that yes the Macbook is an expensive toy but if you are going via the mainstream OS's as opposed to Linux than it is not that different to any other top of the line laptop you find out there. Other than the powerful gaming laptops nothing really compares to the Macbook and they are even more expensive.

Also OS X on its own does not cost that much its 130 dollars, maybe you can install it on cheaper gear that runs on Intel, but I am not sure how well that would work.

I have tried using OpenSuse for some time as I was really keen to learn Linux, after a long research OpenSuse and Ubuntu were the 2 main options so I went with OpenSuse, but if it was not for the helpful chaps in the OpenSuse IRC channel I would have not got very far, even for the install, and since I am not familiar with the commands and cant always rely on an IRC channel I realised it was not going to be very feasible so I gave up. Also the design of the OS was not "perfect" aesthetically, looked almost unfinished.

Maybe I should open another small partition on my Macbook and install Ubuntu, what I was amazed to see with Linux is that it takes up SOOOO little space, it is SOOOO fast, and you NEVER have to reboot! Amazing!

I have 3 10K RPM disks, Raptors, I am happy with them but the trouble is they only come so big and the real big ones are VERY expensive, I mean if I am going to spend that much then I might as well go for SCSI.

Also if you are a Mac user you should know that Snow Leopard is coming in September, BIG update :D
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Postby Sega » Sat Jul 18, 2009 6:18 pm

shahmaran wrote:Also OS X on its own does not cost that much its 130 dollars, maybe you can install it on cheaper gear that runs on Intel, but I am not sure how well that would work.

The problem is not the cost, the problem is that they have locked the OS X to Apple computers. In fact Apple have been doing much of these anti-competitive runs, which can be seen in the iPhone and Apple Macintosh in general.

Apple are brilliant at marketing their product, but their products, sometimes use old technology and go for design rather than usability and cutting edge. Take the iPods, nothing new there, they just remarketing an old product. The first spinning hard disc mp3 player was the Archos player. The sound quality for the iPod is not the best, the best is the iRiver. Let's not go into the practicality of the Apple AirBook, or how iPhone and the AirBook lock their batteries in the device.

So where does Apple fit into all this. They know how to market their product.

With your comment about gaming laptops being able to compare to a MacBook, you have to understand the true nature of the Operating system, and how it plays a giant role on the performance of a computer/laptop. If you were to get a mid-scale laptop, install Linux, then it would work just as well as a MacBook in performance. How is it the software products like Adobe and Macromedia run better on Apples, is it because Apple have superior hardware, nope, as they now use Intel similar to PC's, but it's down to their OS, and a Linux has just the same, if not better stability than a OS X. So buy a decent laptop, I prefer either going for Toshiba or Sony, which is fairly lightweight and install a Linux on it.

Understanding that all an Apple is is a well marketing laptop, alongside with a computer locked Operating system, you might be inclined to do as mentioned above. A top end laptop does not cost more than an Apple. My Apple cost me around 1,600 GBP, because I am in England. I went to a main computer store last week and sore a similar spec but Toshiba for 600 GBP. I must stress, laptops have to be good build quality, and Apple have certainly hit this on the mark.

PS: I was not familiar with the Snow update, thanks for telling me.
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Postby Get Real! » Sat Jul 18, 2009 6:46 pm

Sega wrote:Apple are brilliant at marketing their product,...


Apple have been struggling ever since I can remember and there’s a very good reason why…

In fact I recall at least one occasion when Microsoft had to prop them up with funds so they wouldn’t go under so as Windows doesn’t appear to be a monopoly!

Today, we have all these youngsters telling us that Apple is this and Apple is that, clueless of Apples sheer greed which began life with a closed architecture suing anyone and everyone who ever attempted to manufacture a 3rd party product (software or hardware) for it because Apple thought they were hot shit!

IBM however, were smart and friendly enough to welcome other people making a profit from their invention and assisted the popularity of the personal computer with their open architecture. They would always release their opcode instruction sets of every one of their processors into public domain so that 3rd party programmers and hardware manufacturers could make IBM computers do wonderful things.

The global computer industry is where it is today because of the efforts of IBM and Microsoft and certainly NOT because of a bunch of greedy arseholes that were running Apple… they’re lucky to even have a job!

LEST WE, the older generation of IT professionals FORGET!
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