brother wrote:We can barely keep up with the current posters, imagine if a thousand people start to post regularly, it would become a full time job just trying to read some of them.
demetriou_74 wrote:god forbid certain members will be too busy reading the forum that they have no time to stare at their secratary.
brother wrote:That said the other day she sat outside with me, and i said to her 'sitting on that metal bar must make your bottom cold' and she replied, 'not really, and i am wearing a G-string' i laughed and she said, 'you don't believe me do you', next thing she pulled up her mini skirt and i was left gob smacked but what a lovely pert bottom she has.
Turkey (( * wrote:brother wrote:That said the other day she sat outside with me, and i said to her 'sitting on that metal bar must make your bottom cold' and she replied, 'not really, and i am wearing a G-string' i laughed and she said, 'you don't believe me do you', next thing she pulled up her mini skirt and i was left gob smacked but what a lovely pert bottom she has.
What job do you do anyway, bro'? Are you in government or private sector??
brother wrote:That said the other day she sat outside with me, and i said to her 'sitting on that metal bar must make your bottom cold' and she replied, 'not really, and i am wearing a G-string' i laughed and she said, 'you don't believe me do you', next thing she pulled up her mini skirt and i was left gob smacked but what a lovely pert bottom she has.
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