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Cyprus: Enter from North but leave from South?

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Cyprus: Enter from North but leave from South?

Postby meneither » Sat Jun 25, 2005 5:37 pm


If possible, can someone with personal experience and/or authoritative information please shed some light on this?

As an alternative to my prior posting, for my trip to Cyprus, I another plan is to fly from Istanbul to North Nicosia (Ercan Airport on the Turkish side). I'll spend a few days exploring (Turkish) northern Cyprus first before crossing the UN Green Line in Nicosia to visit the South (Greek Cyprus). I'll fly out from Larnaca. My question is: Would I have any problem with either the Turkish or Greek Cypris authorities when crossing the Green Line to the South in a case like this?

Some background information: I’m not of Greek or Turkish descent. I’ll travel on a Canadian passport. I, however, will be carrying some pieces of luggage with me when crossing the Line. Thanks for your help.
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Postby metecyp » Sat Jun 25, 2005 5:50 pm

Technically, there shouldn't be a problem for you to get into the island from the north, cross to the south and then leave from Larnaca.

However, Greek Cypriot authorities might not like the idea of you entering the island from the north and leave from the south. I don't think they can do anything legally but they might give you trouble. I never tried it so I can't tell you for sure.

I think entering from Larnaca, crossing to the north to visit and leaving from Larnaca is a better alternative. That way you're guaranteed not to have any problems since Turkish Cypriot authorities don't care if you enter Cyprus from north or south.
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Postby cannedmoose » Sat Jun 25, 2005 8:03 pm

Again, agree with mete. I'd also suggest flying into Larnaka and leaving from Larnaka also. In theory, you could be faced with problems having arrived at Ercan, particularly since you're a Canadian national and would therefore have your passport stamped if you had entered via Larnaka. If the authorities don't see an entry stamp, they might question you as to how you entered the country. For the sake of hassle alone, it'd be easier that way (and I would have thought cheaper)
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