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citizenship for returning Cypriots?

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Postby dzimeruk » Wed Jul 08, 2009 9:59 am

if I got the jist of what Shahmaran said, a cypriot mother and turkish father, that is...
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Postby Tim Drayton » Wed Jul 08, 2009 10:01 am

Arslanian wrote:OK let me get things straight, at no point was i saying that Cyprus is racist and fascist, and Oracle, I am ARMENIAN not TURKISH, although to me race is not such a sticking point as it is to you...but in all honesty, surely if someone's mother is cypriot they should be entitled to call themselves cypriot? that is the scenario that shahmaran painted for it really fair that i can be a citizen through my father, but he can't be a citizen through his mother? I mean, this sins-of-the-fathers stuff is a little bit backward...

Don't worry too much. Every single thread on this forum soon gets hijacked by the same old arguments.
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Postby dzimeruk » Wed Jul 08, 2009 10:02 am

I've seen the occupied areas and I am not making any defense for the Turkish state...I'm ARMENIAN for god's sake ;)
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Postby Sotos » Wed Jul 08, 2009 10:10 am

Arslanian wrote:if I got the jist of what Shahmaran said, a cypriot mother and turkish father, that is...

To be more specific, illegal Turkish Settler brought to Cyprus by Turkey after ethnically cleansing the Cypriots with the aim to change the demographics and make the north part of Cyprus Turkish! Republic of Cyprus is only trying to protect itself from the racism and the expansionism of Turkey. Bringing Settlers to Cyprus is a crime and against the Geneva Convention! This is an illegal racist situation created by the Turks!!! So blame the Turks and not RoC which is trying to protect itself from the Turkish expansionism and colonialism!!
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Postby dzimeruk » Wed Jul 08, 2009 10:25 am

I'm not blaming the RoC, my family lost its home because of these invading people...however, I'm still not clear, are we talking about a child born from an illegal Turkish settler and an actual Cypriot woman? i.e a citizen of the RoC? I'm just interested to know...I mean, I have a British mother, her country is just as guilty as Turkey...point is, a child can't be blamed for the past...however, if Shahmaran is talking about a child born to two citizens of the illegal north, then I would agree with you Sotos. I did not mean to offend anyone by asking these questions and I am certainly not defending Turkey
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Postby Tim Drayton » Wed Jul 08, 2009 10:55 am

I think if we look at this matter a bit more calmly and objectively, we will see that all that is happening is that the provisions of the law are being applied. If we look at the relevant section of the Republic of Cyprus Citizenship Law, we see that:


1. – A person born in the Republic on or after the 16th day of August, 1960, shall be a citizen of the Republic if –
(a) at the time of the person’s birth his father was a citizen of the Republic or, if not living at the time of the birth, the father would, but for his death, be entitled to become a citizen of the Republic

It would appear that if I, as a British citizen resident in Cyprus, were to marry a Cypriot citizen, then any children born from this marriage would not qualify for Cypriot citizenship under this law. One could debate whether this is fair or not, but it is clear to me that no special discrimination is being practised against children born in Cyprus to fathers who have Republic of Turkey citizenship.
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Postby Piratis » Wed Jul 08, 2009 11:41 am

Most people are innocent people. This includes most settlers and their children, regardless if one of the parents is Cypriot or not, their children (like most of the parents) are innocent people that deserve to have their human rights.

The same holds true for soldiers, especially in countries like Cyprus, Turkey and Greece where every male is obligated to serve in the army and do what he is ordered.

Unfortunately certain fascist leaderships, like the one in Turkey, take away these human rights, not only of the people they invade, but also from many of their own people.

When in 1974 a Turkish soldier was ordered to come to Cyprus and execute the orders of murder and ethnic cleansing issued by the fascist regime of Ankara, that soldier could be a nice person like the rest of us, who deserved to have a good life with his human rights respected. Still, he was a pawn of the fascist regime of Ankara and his mission included the violation of the sovereignty of Republic of Cyprus, the violation of the human rights of Cypriots, and many more illegalities and crimes against Cyprus. Republic of Cyprus had to fight against such soldiers, and try to take away from them their ultimate human right, the right for life, in order to protect Cyprus from the criminal plans of the Ankara regime. Is there anybody here who will blame the Cypriots for defending their own country and the lives of their families, and have no other option than to kill several such Turkish soldiers? Clearly the one responsible for the deaths of both Cypriots and the Turkish soldiers, is the fascist Ankara regime which started the war.

The same holds true for the Settlers. The Turkish Settlers in occupied Cyprus today are actually more than the Turkish Cypriots. Just like the Turkish soldiers, the settlers are the pawns of the fascist regime of Ankara which has as an aim to alter the demographics of the north part of Cyprus. The aim of Turkey is that eventually Turkish Settlers and Turkish Cypriots will eventually mix creating a new breed of "Turkish Cypriots" which would be much larger in size and who would dominate the north part of Cyprus, essentially making it an extension of Turkey. These Settlers and their offspring, even though most of them as individuals are innocent people, they were brought to Cyprus and are used by Ankara as the means to finish off the crime that was started against Cyprus in 1974.

From the very begging of this illegal colonization of Cyprus by Turkey, Cyprus has done its best to stop it from happening and protect in this way Cyprus and the Cypriots (including TCs) but also protect the Settlers themselves because by being used as the pawns to commit a crime they would eventually suffer as well. Unfortunately Turkey, once again, showed no regard to international law, international conventions, and the human rights of people. All these were sacrificed in the name of their ultimate aim, the Turkification of the north part of Cyprus.

Republic of Cyprus has no other choice other than to resist the illegal criminal policies of Ankara. These Settlers and their offspring are not entitled to Cypriot citizenship and that is to ensure that legally at least Turkey will not manage to create a permanent change in the demographics of Cyprus. If those Settlers feel that their human rights are violated in some way because of this, then they should blame Turkey for using them as the pawns for such illegal actions, and be reminded that Republic of Cyprus did all it could to stop this illegality from happening.

That said, and although Turkey has the 100% responsibility for the presence of illegal Turkish Settlers in Cyprus and the problems that this creates, Republic of Cyprus has indicated that is willing to help a certain number of these people if a fair solution to Cyprus problem is found. I believe that it is certain that if a solution is found soon that the children who have at least one Cypriot parent will be given the Cyprus citizenship, and this could happen for some other categories of Settlers as well, as long as their number is not big enough to have a significant impact on the demographics of Cyprus.

What more could one expect from Republic of Cyprus? Those (e.g. Shahmaran) who see the humanitarian and many other problems created by the presence of the Settlers in Cyprus and instead of blaming the illegal policies of Ankara they choose to blame Cyprus, are obviously so brainwashed that can not see further than their own nose.
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Postby Tim Drayton » Wed Jul 08, 2009 11:45 am

The following brief summary is quite useful:,QUER ... 018,0.html
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Postby kurupetos » Wed Jul 08, 2009 11:52 am

shahmaran wrote:Basically if your mother gave birth to you from a turkish man who has come here after 74, doesnt matter even if you have never left the island and you consider yourself to be more Cypriot then the so called "Cypriots" on this island, you dont know of any other country but Cyprus, the racist and fascist RoC will deny the fact that you are a Cypriot.

Basically you are left with no country but the TRNC.

So what do you geniuses make of this? I personally know more than a few people in this status.

So yes the RoC is indeed a racist and fascist state whos twisted ethics are backed by the fucking UN and EU who sees the right in themselves to tell you who you are.

Fuck the RoC!

Oh and good luck getting that citizenship Arslanian ;)

"TRNC" & RoT DO NOT recognize the RoC.

Are you a Turk/TC?

Do you recognize the RoC?

Do you fight for the elimination of the turkish occupation in the northern part of Cyprus?

When you start doing all of the above, come to the RoC and state your demands. :roll:
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Postby Oracle » Wed Jul 08, 2009 12:23 pm

Arslanian wrote:Oh and by the way, does it matter that my father was born in the now illegally occupied part of Lefkosia? The Armenian district is on that side

This states it all since I am sure his father has told him who took over the Armenian quarter of LEFKOSIA. If you wish too see which side practises apathied make sure you visit the north and make sure you tell them that you are a Spiurka Hay. You wll see everything very clearly.

Oh but now "Arslanian" is claiming to be Armenian too ....

This thread is more about some non-stated political agenda than a genuine request for information; as Tim has pointed out, he would have had his answer with ONE phone call ....
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