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citizenship for returning Cypriots?

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Postby Oracle » Wed Jul 08, 2009 12:06 am

shahmaran wrote:
Oracle wrote:
Sotos wrote:
Its what happens when the UN gives all the green lights to a fascist and racist state...

Arslanian asked about Cyprus not Turkey! Who in their right mind would want the Turkish citizenship? Even the Turks want a citizenship from an EU country.

Isn't Arslan some Turkish name? :?

See this is the kind of people you want to live with Arslanian, I am sorry to break it to you but its just a small eye-opener from a brother from the North.

Don't let them fool you with their shit disguised as "human rights abuses".

They only consider Greeks to be human enough to have rights :lol:

Seems to me, he was addressing his "racist" concerns to the occupied north then, that's all!
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Postby Sotos » Wed Jul 08, 2009 12:12 am

shahmaran wrote:
Oracle wrote:
Sotos wrote:
Its what happens when the UN gives all the green lights to a fascist and racist state...

Arslanian asked about Cyprus not Turkey! Who in their right mind would want the Turkish citizenship? Even the Turks want a citizenship from an EU country.

Isn't Arslan some Turkish name? :?

See this is the kind of people you want to live with Arslanian, I am sorry to break it to you but its just a small eye-opener from a brother from the North.

Don't let them fool you with their shit disguised as "human rights abuses".

They only consider Greeks to be human enough to have rights :lol:

Lets see if [b]Armenian[b] Cypriot and Kafenes agree with you ;) All humans should have all their human rights apart from the criminals like you because our world would be better and safer if people like you are locked behind bars!
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Postby ARMENIAN CYPRIOT » Wed Jul 08, 2009 12:20 am

Arslanian wrote:Oh and by the way, does it matter that my father was born in the now illegally occupied part of Lefkosia? The Armenian district is on that side

This states it all since I am sure his father has told him who took over the Armenian quarter of LEFKOSIA. If you wish too see which side practises apathied make sure you visit the north and make sure you tell them that you are a Spiurka Hay. You wll see everything very clearly.
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Postby miltiades » Wed Jul 08, 2009 6:41 am


""""So yes the RoC is indeed a racist and fascist state whos twisted ethics are backed by the fucking UN and EU who sees the right in themselves to tell you who you are. """
You did not mention that the entire world , apart from Turkey that is , recognizes the RoC , so not only the EU and the UN , but every single country on earth including each and every Muslim nation. Does it perhaps convey a message that you somehow are blinkered to comprehend ?
Sha , the RoC is a free and independent nation , the "trnc" is a fabrication built on sand by Turkey , which incidentally in case you haven't noticed its sell by date is fast approaching.
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Postby Tim Drayton » Wed Jul 08, 2009 8:36 am

Arslanian wrote:Yes Sotos my father is a citizen. I'm really hoping I'll be able to get it, though I'm interested to know, is shahmaran calling Cyprus a "fascist and racist state"?

I am no expert, but my understanding of the laws governing Cypriot citizenship is that if one of your parents is a Cypriot citizen then you are automatically entitled to citizenship. Why don't you make enquiries at the nearest Republic of Cyprus embassy or high commission?
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Postby miltiades » Wed Jul 08, 2009 8:45 am

Tim Drayton wrote:
Arslanian wrote:Yes Sotos my father is a citizen. I'm really hoping I'll be able to get it, though I'm interested to know, is shahmaran calling Cyprus a "fascist and racist state"?

I am no expert, but my understanding of the laws governing Cypriot citizenship is that if one of your parents is a Cypriot citizen then you are automatically entitled to citizenship. Why don't you make enquiries at the nearest Republic of Cyprus embassy or high commission?

You are correct Tim. My daughter who now lives in Cyprus gained automatic Cypriot citizenship on producing evidence that I was born in Cyprus. My daughter was born in the UK , her mother is English who also has Cypriot citizenship as well as my son who lives in the UK.
To conclude , if either of parents or grandparents were born in Cyprus automatic citizenship is granted to their offsprings subject to evidence presented , mainly and primarily a birth certificate , passport etc.
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Postby Tim Drayton » Wed Jul 08, 2009 9:04 am

You may find the following quote useful, from

The Republic of Cyprus Citizenship Law. No. 43 of 1967 ... 201967.pdf


(2) A person born on or after the 16th day of August, 1960, in any foreign country shall be a citizen of the Republic if –

(a) at the time of the person’s birth his father was a citizen of the Republic or, if not living at the time of the person’s birth, would, but for his death, be entitled to become a citizen of the Republic either under Annex D or under this Law or, the person being an illegitimate child, his mother was at the time of the person’s birth a citizen of the Republic […]

Quite honestly, nobody on this forum is qualified to give you legal advice. I would make inquiries somewhere, like the embassy or high commission, where you can receive an authoritative reply.
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Postby miltiades » Wed Jul 08, 2009 9:32 am

Tim Drayton wrote:You may find the following quote useful, from

The Republic of Cyprus Citizenship Law. No. 43 of 1967 ... 201967.pdf


(2) A person born on or after the 16th day of August, 1960, in any foreign country shall be a citizen of the Republic if –

(a) at the time of the person’s birth his father was a citizen of the Republic or, if not living at the time of the person’s birth, would, but for his death, be entitled to become a citizen of the Republic either under Annex D or under this Law or, the person being an illegitimate child, his mother was at the time of the person’s birth a citizen of the Republic […]

Quite honestly, nobody on this forum is qualified to give you legal advice. I would make inquiries somewhere, like the embassy or high commission, where you can receive an authoritative reply.

I think the law is pretty clear , no legal advice would be necessary if the main condition required is met , ie that either of the parents was a citizen of the Republic. I mentioned my two children and their automatic entitlement to Cypriot citizenship on the grounds that I was born in Cyprus . No legal recourse was required , it is very clear. What I'm not certain as to its significance , is the date of the birth of the RoC , August 16th 1960 . Does it mean that any one born of Cypriot parents before August 16th 1960 , overseas , might not be entitled to citizenship ??
Will have to check this one out.
Just to clarify the situation concerning children born abroad with either parent of Cypriot descent , granting of Cypriot citizenship is automatic subject to providing evidence of either parents birth place.
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Postby Tim Drayton » Wed Jul 08, 2009 9:54 am

miltiades wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:You may find the following quote useful, from

The Republic of Cyprus Citizenship Law. No. 43 of 1967 ... 201967.pdf


(2) A person born on or after the 16th day of August, 1960, in any foreign country shall be a citizen of the Republic if –

(a) at the time of the person’s birth his father was a citizen of the Republic or, if not living at the time of the person’s birth, would, but for his death, be entitled to become a citizen of the Republic either under Annex D or under this Law or, the person being an illegitimate child, his mother was at the time of the person’s birth a citizen of the Republic […]

Quite honestly, nobody on this forum is qualified to give you legal advice. I would make inquiries somewhere, like the embassy or high commission, where you can receive an authoritative reply.

I think the law is pretty clear , no legal advice would be necessary if the main condition required is met , ie that either of the parents was a citizen of the Republic. I mentioned my two children and their automatic entitlement to Cypriot citizenship on the grounds that I was born in Cyprus . No legal recourse was required , it is very clear. What I'm not certain as to its significance , is the date of the birth of the RoC , August 16th 1960 . Does it mean that any one born of Cypriot parents before August 16th 1960 , overseas , might not be entitled to citizenship ?? Will have to check this one out.
Just to clarify the situation concerning children born abroad with either parent of Cypriot descent , granting of Cypriot citizenship is automatic subject to providing evidence of either parents birth place.

I think all these points are set out in detail in Annex D. However the person making the inquiry here says that he or she is 19, so they were obviously born after 1960.
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Postby dzimeruk » Wed Jul 08, 2009 9:56 am

OK let me get things straight, at no point was i saying that Cyprus is racist and fascist, and Oracle, I am ARMENIAN not TURKISH, although to me race is not such a sticking point as it is to you...but in all honesty, surely if someone's mother is cypriot they should be entitled to call themselves cypriot? that is the scenario that shahmaran painted for it really fair that i can be a citizen through my father, but he can't be a citizen through his mother? I mean, this sins-of-the-fathers stuff is a little bit backward...
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