boomerang wrote:and the double face bullshit is coming thick and plentuful...--ERDOGAN: "THIS VIOLENCE MUST BE ENDED"
Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan said Turkey will ask the U.N. Security Council to discuss ways to end the violence in Urumchi --the capital of the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region. "We will put the events happening in the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region onto the agenda of the United Nations' Security Council," Erdogan told a meeting of the Gulf Cooperation Council, or GCC, in Istanbul. Erdogan said the violence must end and the necessary measures should be taken within the scope of human rights.--ERDOGAN CALLS ON CHINA TO 'STOP VIOLENCE'
Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan said that Turkey was following the incidents in Xinjiang with concern and regret. He said, "We consider our Uighur brothers and sisters as a bridge between Turkey and China, with which we have a good cooperation. Turkey expects the incidents, which have reached a violent level, to end."--WE ARE FOLLOWING INCIDENTS IN XINJIANG WITH REGRET AND CONCERN, PM
Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan said that his government was following the incidents taking place in Xinjiang, China, with pain and concern. We expect to see an urgent end to the incidents in Xinjiang, Erdogan stressed
I have no problem with the violence ending but for turks to come out like this when they are slautering the kurds is straight out bullshit...why not end their own inhouse violence before uttering any words...
I see a similar responce to the turks as to what they got from Israel...people in glass houses should never throw stones...
All violence against people by a state should sieze think turkey is capable of understanding this?...NO
Here is some advice erdie...better stay quiet and give the impression you look stupid rather than opening it and removing all doubt...
bloody idiots...
What have you got to say about the 35,000 Turks AND Kurds killed by the PKK since the 80's? 35,000!!!
I think you need to reconsider what you actually think you know about Turkey.