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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Byron » Tue Jul 14, 2009 10:24 am

Viewpoint wrote:
Byron wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Byron wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:Byron dont forget we were not asked if we wanted to join the Eu we were forced in...which is another indication of how the GCs always try to steam roll over us to obtain only what they want, another indication of how a united Cyprus will be if GCs are given the free hand they desire to do as they wish.

Then why do you not all an easing of the isolation? if it is not your ace card as it is interfering with our democratic rights.

I agree that both sides must make concessions but just saying the troops should go is not enough especially when it concerns our security which mean lives, could you therefore allow direct flights as good faith next week? It wont work that way everything should be done in steps, if part of the troops go then so does yours, if Maraş is returned direct trade starts and so on, this give and take cannot be one sided.

OK let's start by you sending 50% of your troops back next week 17500 and 50% of our GREEK troops 2500 back at the same time. Fair ?

Byron personally I would agree but I feel that Maraş should be returned to the GCs for direct flights and trade.

OK but that is concession 2 , let's deal with concession 1 then next month concession 2 , easy maybe we can solve the problem directly without politicians but over a cup of coffee.

Lets say for arguements sake that was done and the soldiers on both sides had been reduced would GCs agree to direct flights and trade in exchnage for Maraş?

What is wrong with the existing two airports ?
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Postby Byron » Tue Jul 14, 2009 10:54 am


Mummy mummy there is someone at the door ! Who is it ?

" Adolf, you stupid sod, talking shit, stupid plonker, up Greece's arse, piene kopse to lemosou, na pas na gamithis poushtopedo, fucking bastard even if he is one, ai gamisou re poushti, now shut the fuck up, stupid kalmaristikes, mi mou ta arhidia zalize",

Oh it's you Militades, what's up, ran out of soap again !!!
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Postby miltiades » Tue Jul 14, 2009 11:33 am


Mummy mummy there is someone at the door ! Who is it ?

" Adolf, you stupid sod, talking shit, stupid plonker, up Greece's arse, piene kopse to lemosou, na pas na gamithis poushtopedo, fucking bastard even if he is one, ai gamisou re poushti, now shut the fuck up, stupid kalmaristikes, mi mou ta arhidia zalize",

Oh it's you Militades, what's up, ran out of soap again !!!

When you step on shit you react accordingly . Now for the last time malaka , piene gamisou.
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Postby kurupetos » Tue Jul 14, 2009 11:49 am

bill cobbett wrote:Any CYs from Hora here, to take the pledge?

:roll: .......... :D

I am a de facto Horaitis! :lol:
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Postby bill cobbett » Tue Jul 14, 2009 4:57 pm

kurupetos wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:Any CYs from Hora here, to take the pledge?

:roll: .......... :D

I am a de facto Horaitis! :lol:

Sorry, but you know the rule mate, only traditional, family, ancestral, blood villages/towns count, even if you have never been there.

Must be something in The Earth or soil or in cross-bred genes :D

Come along Real Horiates, form an orderly queue to take the CY pledge.

(If you don't, I'll have to resort to an appeal to the Paphians, and we don't want to go there :lol: )
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Postby miltiades » Tue Jul 14, 2009 5:17 pm

bill cobbett wrote:
kurupetos wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:Any CYs from Hora here, to take the pledge?

:roll: .......... :D

I am a de facto Horaitis! :lol:

Sorry, but you know the rule mate, only traditional, family, ancestral, blood villages/towns count, even if you have never been there.

Must be something in The Earth or soil or in cross-bred genes :D

Come along Real Horiates, form an orderly queue to take the CY pledge.

(If you don't, I'll have to resort to an appeal to the Paphians, and we don't want to go there :lol: )

The salt of the earth , Paphians are , in my case the Zivania of the earth !!
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Postby YFred » Tue Jul 14, 2009 5:19 pm

miltiades wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:
kurupetos wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:Any CYs from Hora here, to take the pledge?

:roll: .......... :D

I am a de facto Horaitis! :lol:

Sorry, but you know the rule mate, only traditional, family, ancestral, blood villages/towns count, even if you have never been there.

Must be something in The Earth or soil or in cross-bred genes :D

Come along Real Horiates, form an orderly queue to take the CY pledge.

(If you don't, I'll have to resort to an appeal to the Paphians, and we don't want to go there :lol: )

The salt of the earth , Paphians are , in my case the Zivania of the earth !!

No Miltiades, the salt goes on the green almonds (Chala), you drink the zivania neat! :lol: :lol:
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Postby bill cobbett » Tue Jul 14, 2009 7:22 pm

YFred wrote:
miltiades wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:
kurupetos wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:Any CYs from Hora here, to take the pledge?

:roll: .......... :D

I am a de facto Horaitis! :lol:

Sorry, but you know the rule mate, only traditional, family, ancestral, blood villages/towns count, even if you have never been there.

Must be something in The Earth or soil or in cross-bred genes :D

Come along Real Horiates, form an orderly queue to take the CY pledge.

(If you don't, I'll have to resort to an appeal to the Paphians, and we don't want to go there :lol: )

The salt of the earth , Paphians are , in my case the Zivania of the earth !!

No Miltiades, the salt goes on the green almonds (Chala), you drink the zivania neat! :lol: :lol:

Gosh. Haven't has green almonds with loads of salt for years.

Any green almond lovers out there to take the pledge?
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Postby bill cobbett » Tue Jul 14, 2009 7:25 pm

bill cobbett wrote:
YFred wrote:
miltiades wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:
kurupetos wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:Any CYs from Hora here, to take the pledge?

:roll: .......... :D

I am a de facto Horaitis! :lol:

Sorry, but you know the rule mate, only traditional, family, ancestral, blood villages/towns count, even if you have never been there.

Must be something in The Earth or soil or in cross-bred genes :D

Come along Real Horiates, form an orderly queue to take the CY pledge.

(If you don't, I'll have to resort to an appeal to the Paphians, and we don't want to go there :lol: )

The salt of the earth , Paphians are , in my case the Zivania of the earth !!

No Miltiades, the salt goes on the green almonds (Chala), you drink the zivania neat! :lol: :lol:

Gosh. Haven't had green almonds with loads of salt for years.

Any green almond lovers out there to take the pledge?
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Postby Viewpoint » Tue Jul 14, 2009 11:34 pm

Byron wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Byron wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Byron wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:Byron dont forget we were not asked if we wanted to join the Eu we were forced in...which is another indication of how the GCs always try to steam roll over us to obtain only what they want, another indication of how a united Cyprus will be if GCs are given the free hand they desire to do as they wish.

Then why do you not all an easing of the isolation? if it is not your ace card as it is interfering with our democratic rights.

I agree that both sides must make concessions but just saying the troops should go is not enough especially when it concerns our security which mean lives, could you therefore allow direct flights as good faith next week? It wont work that way everything should be done in steps, if part of the troops go then so does yours, if Maraş is returned direct trade starts and so on, this give and take cannot be one sided.

OK let's start by you sending 50% of your troops back next week 17500 and 50% of our GREEK troops 2500 back at the same time. Fair ?

Byron personally I would agree but I feel that Maraş should be returned to the GCs for direct flights and trade.

OK but that is concession 2 , let's deal with concession 1 then next month concession 2 , easy maybe we can solve the problem directly without politicians but over a cup of coffee.

Lets say for arguements sake that was done and the soldiers on both sides had been reduced would GCs agree to direct flights and trade in exchnage for Maraş?

What is wrong with the existing two airports ?

They are both in south and run by GCs, surely we have to run at least one or all 3 together, this what we are talking about you are already trying to push us out.
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