The Cypriot wrote:Oracle wrote:The Church has its own laws and symbols and has nothing to do with the democratically representative government ... so stop chastising them as they are The GREEK Orthodox Church. Of course they would choose symbols with crosses on them instead of Mediterranean Islands ....

Are you being deliberately dense? I'm talking about the yellow flag with the
sword - that symbol of imperial empire.
Reh, now you are definitely being deliberately dense!

sword doesn't mean anything of the sort.
Lookie here for meaning: wrote:
Sword symbolism speaks of:
Most perceptible is the symbolism of protection, honor and justice embodied in the blade of the sword.
Metaphysically speaking the sword is symbolic of the penetrating power of the mind, and encourages the wielding of trained intellect to bring about the results we seek.
The making of a sword incorporates all the elements: Earth, Fire, Air, Water. This is a powerful point as it confirms the energetic pattern of the sword presents wholeness, balance, totality, and the unification of all resource to form a tightly focused beam of force (energy).
As an alchemical symbol aspects of the sword are representative of purification through the process of life and death.
Furthermore, Buddhism recognizes the sword as a metaphor in that the sword cuts through ignorance to reach to the truth in all things….“cutting through” wrong thought.
In Japan the sword is a symbol of courage and strength. Here the sword is created by smithys in religious rituals. Their swords are highly valued and serve as symbols of the warrior archetype.
As a Celtic symbol, the sword is connected to gain, wealth, honor, and establishment of hierarchy. Often swords we be consider markers of familial ties, and indicate victories won for the purpose of insuring the survival of blood lineage. Interestingly, swords were thought to be given as offerings by releasing them into the depths of the oceans. I’ve written more about this and the sword’s connection with Nuada, here.
Mayans symbolism indicates the sword as the giver of life. These people were intimate with the thin veil between physical life and spiritual life. The sword serves as a gateway (when slain in battle or sacrifice) into spiritual life as the physical body passes and the spirit lifts into celestial unfolding.
As dream symbols, the sword is considered to hold meanings of intellect, seeking power, aggression, decision and action. When we dream of swords our psyche is surfacing a message that it may be time for us to gain clarity about our position in life circumstances, take a stand and take action in a clear, discriminatory fashion.
It may also hearken to our chivalrous archetypal nature. Meaning, we may have an inclination to rescue someone (or ourselves). Swords in dreams may also confirm our internal strength, that we are not prisoners of our circumstance, but we may cut away these limiting ties that bind us.
(Anyway, I thought it was the 'blue and white' flag which was insulting your Cypriotness.)