Viewpoint wrote:boomerang wrote:Viewpoint wrote:boomerang wrote:Someone better tell this monkey, if he needs permission for a shit, not everyone does...
The RoC is an independant nation belonging to an elite group of nations that turkey only dreams of belonging on the never never...
Romania elite? Poland elite? Estonia elite? you are joking right?
yeap...light years ahead of your motherland...
they have a secret's called d e m o c r a c y ...something unheard off in your part of the woods...
these countries became fully blown d e m o c r a c i e s in a short time while your part of the woods, turkey, is stil trying to find the meaning of the word not alone practice it...
Dream on have you been to Romania? Christian club nothing more, it will explode in 20 years time.
Romania is a fully blown democracy...and when democracy is mentioned we don't mean turkish style...
one thing is for the eu the generals salute the elected government and not the other way around...
now you are switching to the "eu will not exist in 20 years" mind putting some links that share your point of view?....
I have an idea vp...why not enlighten the turkish government with your views saving them the trouble and ridicule in wanting to become a member...