The Cypriot wrote:I recall Christofias himself, in a speech he made to UK Cypriots here in London, acknowledging the wrongdoings of sections of the community he represents during the 1960s period. I've no doubt, during discussions he's had with Talat, he has expressed sorrow and regret for what transpired. I've no doubt he's said the same to his EU partners and to UN representatives supporting the peace process.
Many, perhaps most Cypriots in the free areas - particularly the younger ones - appear also to be more willing to accept that there is more than one side to this story, and are saddened as they discover the mistakes that were made, in the pursuit of self-determination, in the 50s, 60s and 70s.
However, while Cypriots in the free areas appear collectively to be coming to terms with their troubled past and are ready to construct a better future for all the island's citizens in the EU, none of this appears to be making a blind bit of difference to Turkey's military - who seem to be pursuing the same policy on Cyprus that they've always pursued. Partition and control.
And the sad thing is that some TCs here act as their apologists, by constantly going on about the wrongs of another era, instead of condemning the wrongs that are being perpetuated by Turkey's military to this day. What's wrong with them?
Cypriot, if you truly believe that this forum is all about us TC's going on and on about the crimes of the GC's while they are "coming to terms" with their troubled past, then you must be pretty delusional as all I read is evil this barbaric that, thieves left and murderers right.
Are we even talking about the same forum?!