miltiades wrote:Oracle wrote:Get Real! wrote:Oracle wrote:Get Real! wrote:miltiades wrote:Get Real! wrote:Re Soto, aren't you a bit too old for Rap and that?

Did you say Rap !!! The worst shit to come out of America , even the bloody Greeks are doing it , Rap is to music what maggots are to food !

We agree on something...

Wake Up GR! ... You are Morphing into Miltiades ... Your similarities have been apparent to us all, for some time now!

That would explain the sudden white socks & sandals I’ve noticed on my feet...

Quick! Remove them! Those are Miltiades' infamous winged Sandals which will carry you off to Stroumbi ...

I will tell you something girl . even at 63 I still have women throwing their knickers at me , just as they did to Elvis ! No white socks though mine are pink !!
Some women will resort to using anything as ammunition to get rid of you!
(Sorry to hear about the pink socks! ... But, you should not wash those red knickers with your white socks next time!)