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Postby miltiades » Sat Jun 27, 2009 8:54 pm

Many disadvantaged men women and little children , but all children as a result of their predicament ,and all Cypriots , need your help , the help of their compatriots to bring a little comfort in their lives. 10 Euros is not a fortune , anyone can afford 10 measly euros. We can help these compatriots of ours have a little treat , maybe just a trip out or a new pair of shoes .
I will match any donations so your 10 euros will be in reality 20 euros .
PM me with your pledge , Cypriot cheques accepted , cash accepted , sorry no credit cards.
Will acknowledge all donations and official receipts will be posted .
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Postby yialousa1971 » Sun Jun 28, 2009 3:23 am

miltiades wrote:
yialousa1971 wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Would you consider helping the Hellenic disadvantaged men women and children of Ayios Stephanos of Limassol ?
10 Euro would suffice , how about it mate , show a little care for your misfortunate compatriots .

PM me for details of how to be of help to these Greek Cypriots in the Home of Ayios Stephanos.

Are you talking to me?

As a matter of fact Iam ! Be a sport !

Please confirm that the above is correct, ie. the money is going the Hellenic children of this home and not to a new pair shoes as been suggested or any other persons. :shock:

Now back to the deed, how to get the money to you. Send you a cheque, but then you will know my real name. Maybe it's better I send cash as I don't want my name being posted here or you turning up at my front door. Also I still will abuse you here when you post your rubbish, so no thinking we are friends and keep everything unpersonal as possible. :lol:

So the address to send the money to is your business address the one you posted before in the Oracle/Richard B thread? I'm willing to donate £100 English money, if I send cash I won't send all at once in case you don't receive it.

I will await your answers.
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Postby yialousa1971 » Sun Jun 28, 2009 5:55 am

And I didn't say, no PM's to me. Please use this thread for all dealings with me.
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Postby Oracle » Sun Jun 28, 2009 7:12 am

yialousa1971 wrote:miltiades wrote:
yialousa1971 wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Would you consider helping the Hellenic disadvantaged men women and children of Ayios Stephanos of Limassol ?
10 Euro would suffice , how about it mate , show a little care for your misfortunate compatriots .

PM me for details of how to be of help to these Greek Cypriots in the Home of Ayios Stephanos.

Are you talking to me?

As a matter of fact Iam ! Be a sport !

Please confirm that the above is correct, ie. the money is going the Hellenic children of this home and not to a new pair shoes as been suggested or any other persons. :shock:

Now back to the deed, how to get the money to you. Send you a cheque, but then you will know my real name. Maybe it's better I send cash as I don't want my name being posted here or you turning up at my front door. Also I still will abuse you here when you post your rubbish, so no thinking we are friends and keep everything unpersonal as possible. :lol:

So the address to send the money to is your business address the one you posted before in the Oracle/Richard B thread? I'm willing to donate £100 English money, if I send cash I won't send all at once in case you don't receive it.

I will await your answers.

Yialousa ... I was joking about Miltiades buying Jimmy Choo stilettos :wink: (he prefers JC handbags ....)

You can send Miltiades cash if you don't want him to know your name and post it 'Special Delivery' which guarantees up to £500 and you do not have to put a return address on the special envelope, because it is bar-code tracked by Royal Mail. And, it only costs £4.95.

After speaking with Milty on the phone, and having had many exchanges with him over the last few years, I can vouch for his credibility as far as the donations go.

However, I do not approve of his coercive methods or this form of public display (charities should be about anonymity and altruism after all)! But there you go; it's his crude, lewd, loudmouth way ...
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Postby miltiades » Sun Jun 28, 2009 7:44 am

The Home of Ayios Stephanos is already 500 euros better off than it was last week.
Charity does not , or rather it should not be dependant on a persons political views or indeed any other views.
This " public" display has raised funds for the cancer patients of Tulip cancer , it has also deleted the reprehensible act by one Greek Cypriot who embezzled funds destined for cancer patients , by another Greek Cypriot whose decency was recognized in making good what one G/C made bad.

If a donor does not want to be known by sending a cheque , then the funds can be paid direct into my account either in the UK or in Cyprus .
Should anyone wish to do so kindly PM .
The receipt for the sum of 500 euros already donated to Ayios Stephanos will be posted on the forum just as soon as my daughter scans receipt and emails to me.
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Postby miltiades » Sun Jun 28, 2009 8:44 am

Here is a post of mine on January 28th 2008 , this shows why I care about the disadvantaged men women and children of Ayios Stephanos since way back in 1953 as a child of 7 , orphaned by an earthquake I was one of the many children of the then known PEDIGI STEGI , later on changed to Ayios Stephanos.
Then we children would rush to the orphanage's gates anxiously awaiting for the kindly English women to bring us sweets , toys etc.
It gives me immense pleasure as a Cypriot to be able to provide a minute amount of pleasure to the home of Ayios Stephanos with your help. My political views have nothing whatsoever to do with this.

"""Here is a little story , a true one , that happened many years ago way back in 1953 .
The biggest earthquake to hit Cyprus in the last century had as its epicentre my village in Paphos , Stroumbi the Great !
The British troops were soon on the scene erecting tents for the villagers and sharing out food.
I, along with my two brothers and sister , I was 7 years old at the time , were transported by a kindly middle aged English lady , well at least we thought she was middle aged , to the Limassol orphanage where we stayed , apart from my older brother , for two years . Spent three Xmas's' there and remember them very well .I particularly remember the English men and women visiting the children at the orphanage and sharing out a little comfort to us all. I had my very first real toy given to me by a kind English lady .I do not recall a bloody FILTHY RICH CYPRIOT ever contributing to the orphanage apart from ordinary Cypriots poor themselves but caring . The moral of the story , the overwhelming majority of English are kind hearted gentle men and women who support charitable events more than any other race.
I should also add that in 1958 at the ripe age of 12 I joined ANE , the young brigade of Cypriots fighting the Brits for independence , and I regret none of it .""
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Postby yialousa1971 » Sun Jun 28, 2009 4:36 pm

Ok Miltiades, no need for your life story. See PM. :oops:
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Postby miltiades » Sun Jun 28, 2009 11:16 pm

Thank you , I have responded .
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Postby miltiades » Mon Jun 29, 2009 11:00 am

Here is the oficial receipt from Ayios Stefanos
3640_001.pdf,Size: 210778 bytes. ... 7io0r50%3D
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Postby Get Real! » Mon Jun 29, 2009 11:07 am

You know the old saying Milti… once bitten twice shy

Well in my case make it twice bitten on the CF so far!

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