Sotos wrote:So why should somebody send money to Miltiades and not directly to this or any other similar institution?Those who want to give money can easily do it by themselves without bragging about how big philanthropists they are because they gave 50 or 100 Euro!!
It could be perhaps that Miltiades made the effort to help these people and not Sotos.
As a result of my " bragging " the home already has 500 euros and a further 500 or so pledged thus far.
So , the moral of the story is that I have helped to raise a little money for these misfortunate Cypriots .
I shall visit the Home on my next visit and I will put it to them and see if they feel as you do !!!
What you and others with the same mentality ought to realize is that if by " bragging " as you say I help to raise funds then be it.